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Radiologic Procedures

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1 Radiologic Procedures
Chapter 48 Radiologic Procedures

2 X-rays High energy electromagnetic radiation produced by the collision of a beam of electrons with a metal target in an X-ray tube Also called Roentgen rays Aids in diagnosis of tumors, fractures, and other disorders and diseases

3 X-rays Safety Radiation exposure risk for employees
Wear dosimeter and lead shielding Risk for patients Ask female patients for possibility of pregnancy

4 Preparing the Patient Provide patient support and reassurance
Explain expectations and procedure Use clear instructions and ensure understanding Take special considerations with children

5 Radiological Procedures
Cholecystogram X-ray study of the gallbladder Contrast media is used to make gallbladder is visible

6 Radiological Procedures
Upper GI series, barium swallow Patient drinks contrast medium during exam Radiologist observes flow of substance with a fluoroscope at different positions View esophagus, stomach, duodenum, and small intestine Diagnosis of hiatal hernias, peptic ulcers, and tumors

7 Radiological Procedures
Lower GI series, barium enema Barium sulfate contrast medium is introduced into the colon through an enema tube Radiologist observes flow of barium into lower bowel Patients should drink plenty of fluids for days following the procedure Diagnose lesions, tumors, and other colon diseases

8 Radiological Procedures
Intravenous pyelogram (IVP) Study of genitourinary system IV injection of iodine to help define urinary structures Requires patient to prepare with laxatives, enemas, and fasting

9 Radiological Procedures
Retrograde pyelogram Study of the urinary tract Insertion of a sterile catheter into urinary meatus through bladder into ureters Radiopaque contrast medium flows upwards into kidneys May be done in conjunction with cystoscopy or voiding cystogram

10 Radiological Procedures
KUB (kidneys, ureters, bladder) X-ray of patient’s abdomen Requires no patient preparation Diagnose urinary system diseases and disorders, determine position of IUD, locate foreign bodies in the digestive tract

11 Radiological Procedures
Mammography X-ray of the breast tissue to detect tumors Early detection is critical ACS recommends baseline mammography at age 40 and every 1-2 years after

12 Radiological Procedures
Body scans Rapid scanning of single-tissue planes performed by a process that generates images of the tissues in slices about 1 cm thick CT scan CTAT scan Diagnose diseases and disorders of breasts or internal organs

13 Radiological Procedures
Nuclear medicine Uses radionuclides in the diagnosis and treatment of disease Almost any organ can be viewed and recorded Patient ingests, or is injected with, radioactive material Patient returns in 24 hours to measure amount of radioactivity in a particular organ

14 Radiological Procedures
Sonographic studies Internal structures are made visible by recording reflections of ultrasonic sound waves directed into tissues Abdominopelvic cavity ultrasonography Obstetric and gynecological ultrasonography

15 Radiological Procedures
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Technique to view structures inside human body Noninvasive, no radiation exposure Radio signals are sent from scanner that is influenced by strong magnetic fields to which the body responds

16 Radiological Procedures
MRI, continued Patient lies on padded table and is placed into a tunnel-like or open structure for 30 to 60 minutes Contraindications for patient use Pacemakers Metallic implants First trimester of pregnancy Severe claustrophobia Obesity

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