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Katherine Liu Olivia Nordquist

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1 Katherine Liu Olivia Nordquist
Body Area Networks Katherine Liu Olivia Nordquist

2 Agenda Description Motivation Challenges Applications

3 What are they? BAN, WBAN, BSN, BAWSN
A network of sensors and actuators residing within the limits of the body Measure physiological data on the body Movement, position, levels Dispense medication, electric shocks, etc.

4 Motivation The state of human health Heart and cardiovascular disease
Diabetes Several cancers and chronic diseases Allow for continuous monitoring of body General sports and fitness monitoring

5 Interaction with the Body
Invasive vs. non-invasive Most research is geared towards invasive types If invasive, nodes must be at least 60cm apart in body Based on government-regulated Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Too much exposure to electromagnetic fields can harm the human body Maximum power density of 1.6 W/kg in U.S.

6 High-level overview of an invasive BAN

7 Network Follows IEEE 802.15 standard
specifies wireless personal area network (WPAN) standards New task group as of December specifically for BAN Focusing on low-power, short-range transfers in and around the body Data transfer rates vary roughly from 10 Kbps to 10 Mbps

8 Data rates vs. Power Energy and transfer rate comparisons amongst groups

9 Challenges Energy Noise Embedded software
Noise: depending on the communication between nodes, multipath through the entire body vs cluster of nodes collecting the same data, the statistically model varies from Weibull/poisson process to uniform—creates wider variance for noise

10 Sources of Energy Still a huge research topic
Harvesting and storing energy Issue with regular batteries? Large, needs replacing Fuel cells possible alternative? More expensive, but only needs refueling

11 Comparing Energy Sources
Energy Storage Source Min Max Batteries 0.14 mW 150 mW Fuel Cells 2.2 microW 430 microW Energy Harvesting Source Min Max Kinetic Sources 40 microW 80 microW Thermoelectric Sources 1 microW 30 microW

12 Problem with Noise The nodes send A LOT of data, much more than can be interpreted by the off-body infrastructure. The data does not take up all the broadband width so there do exist methods for dealing with the data but when a collision occurs, in BAN, the collision could mean life or death whereas Ethernet just means slower response times. Csma-cd wiki, re-word, auction theory

13 High-level overview of an invasive BAN
Memory footprints, point out mucho data and the interpreting devices High-level overview of an invasive BAN

14 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD)
Media Access Control Method of arbitration Draw picture here of beacon, reserve spaces v collisions, combination of the two styles proposed in paper

15 A Simple Schematic Go back a slide and draw the picture…..

16 Why was that interesting
Method used for Ethernet, radio stations Recent BAN research as of 2012 Life and death Ethernet refers to obsolete variants but there must exist backwards capabilities

17 Embedded Software Energy Robust Utilization of data inputs
Memory footprints of interpreting device Interpretation of biometrics Cost: NP-Hard Kat discussed hardware energy components—software also needs to be efficient, auction theory: NP-hard, no pt m that can determine optimization

18 Healthcare Applications

19 Additional Applications
Military Athletics Seamless inter-BAN communication Intuitively bizarre Research new uses

20 Questions???

21 Sources 2011 Tenth International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS), 519-24, 2011 2012 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), p 89-93, 2012

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