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Zhang Gaizhen No. 9 Middle school. I. 能使学生听懂、会读、会说和会写如下 9 个单词及短语: normal, wallet,run away from, solve, keep doing sth, understanding, unless, keep…to.

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Presentation on theme: "Zhang Gaizhen No. 9 Middle school. I. 能使学生听懂、会读、会说和会写如下 9 个单词及短语: normal, wallet,run away from, solve, keep doing sth, understanding, unless, keep…to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zhang Gaizhen No. 9 Middle school

2 I. 能使学生听懂、会读、会说和会写如下 9 个单词及短语: normal, wallet,run away from, solve, keep doing sth, understanding, unless, keep…to oneself, cut…in half, II. 能帮 Laura 想一些处理问题的方法并积累自己处理问题的方法。 III. 能使学生提高听读的能力并通过听读搜索文章信息的能力。 IV. 能使学生养成倾诉,责任和担当意识。 Studying aims:

3 If you argued ( 争吵) with your best friends, I should call her/him. I should buy her/him a gift. What should you do I should say sorry to her/him. I should write a letter to her/him. Round1: Import and present

4 Having problems is __________in life. When we have problems, we shouldn’t ___________ our problems,we should try to _________ them. normal solve 正常的 解决 run away from 逃避

5 Laura Now Laura lost her ____________,she is very sad. wallet ['w ɒ l ɪ t] How did she solve this problem?

6 After losing her wallet Laura Laura’s parents She was1._______ and afraid. She kept 3.___________ She2._________three miles to school. In the end, she 4._________to her parents. Her parents are really 5._________________, because they sometimes make careless mistakes. They got a new wallet and ask her to be more careful. worried walked thinking talked understanding Long live understanding 理解万岁 keep doing sth 一直做某事 善解人意的,体谅人的 Round2: Self-study.

7 1 、 Pay attention to punctuation and meaning group pause. ( 注意在有标点符号与意群 “ / ” 提 示的 停顿点上换气 ) Reading skills :

8 Students these days often have a lot of worries. Sometimes / they have problems with their schoolwork, and sometimes with their friends. What can they do about this? Some people believe the worst thing / is to do nothing. Laura Mills, a teenager from London, agrees. “Problems and worries are normal in life,” says Laura. “But I think / talking to someone helps a lot. Unless we talk to someone, we’ll certainly feel worse.”

9 2 、 Experience word stress and show the different rhythm. ( 体验单词重音 “ ‵ ” 、 展现不同节奏 )

10 Laura once lost her ‵ wallet, and ‵ worried for ‵ days. She was afraid to tell her ‵ parents about ‵ it. She even walked three ‵ miles to school each ‵ day because she didn’t have any ‵ money. She just kept ‵ thinking, “if I tell my ‵ parents, they’ll be ‵ angry!” In the ‵ end, she ‵ talked to her parents and they were really ‵ understanding. Her dad said he sometimes made careless ‵ mistakes himself. They ‵ got her a new ‵ wallet and asked her to be more ‵ careful. “I will always remember to share my ‵ problems in the ‵ future!” Laura says.

11 3 、 Read in normal speed just like the native speaker. ( 尽可能向录音语速靠近,挑 战自我朗读极限。争取将一 个 “——” 上的所有文字一口 气读完 )

12 Robot Hunt advises students about common problems. He feels the same ways as Laura. “It is best not to run away from our problems. We should always try to solve them.” He thinks the first step is to find someone you trust to talk to. This person doesn’t need to be an expert like himself. Students often forget that their parents have more experience than them, and are always there to them. In English, we say that sharing a problem is like cutting it in half. So you’re halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it!

13 Reading strategy: 1.Looking for key information to know about the main meaning of the passage. 2.Read more to master the main meaning of the passage.

14 Round3: Cooperate and act : If you have the same problem, what can you do

15 I can tell my sister, my brother or my friend. I can find someone I trust to talk. I can talk to my English teacher. I can ask parents for some money and buy another one. I do nothing. I can tell lies. I can write “Lost and found” I can save some money to buy another one. I can borrow some money from my parents. I can sell some waste bottles to buy another. I can make a wallet by myself,then tell my parents the truth. I can ask my parents how they will do if they lose the wallet. I can keep it to myself. Learn to confide Learn to undertake Don’t be selfish. You are halfway to solving a problem.

16 Round4: Harvest and participate Having problems normal When having problems shouldn’t run away from keep them to ourselves do nothing the worst thing should feel worse try to solve them tell sb. you trust think some methods Sharing a problem is like cutting it in half. Undertaking a problem will bring you success.

17 Design the blackboard: Confiding consciousness 倾诉意识 Undertaking consciousness Responsibility consciousness Remember : Sharing a problem is like cutting it in half. Undertaking a problem will bring you success. As teenagers in the 21st century

18 1. Read the passage again after class. 2. Collect some methods.

19 Thanks for listening! See you!

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