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Kansas Learning Network: A Progress Report Presented to Kansas State Board of Education October 11, 2011 Brad Neuenswander, Deputy Commissioner Colleen.

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Presentation on theme: "Kansas Learning Network: A Progress Report Presented to Kansas State Board of Education October 11, 2011 Brad Neuenswander, Deputy Commissioner Colleen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kansas Learning Network: A Progress Report Presented to Kansas State Board of Education October 11, 2011 Brad Neuenswander, Deputy Commissioner Colleen Riley, Director 1

2 Kansas State Department of Education Kansas Learning Network 2011-2012  Kansas Learning Network (KLN) Needs Appraisals  KLN Sustainability  Fellows  Project Management Organization  KLN Technical Assistance  District Facilitators  Leadership Institute  Communities of Practice  KLN Implementation Coaches  KLN Future 2

3 Kansas State Department of Education KLN Needs Appraisals:  Twelve new districts “on improvement”  Each district will host a two-day Needs Appraisal visit  Data, document, and survey review  Focus groups and interviews  Classroom observations  Final report with recommendations for improvement  Visiting teams include Cross & Joftus (C & J) consultants, district staff, KSDE staff, and KLN Fellows  Completed Needs Appraisals: Shawnee Heights and Derby  Upcoming Needs Appraisals: Emporia, Bluestem, Lansing, McLouth, Stanton, Salina, Ft. Larned, Colby, Atchison and Satanta 3

4 Kansas State Department of Education SUSTAINABILITY 4

5 Kansas State Department of Education KLN Fellows:  Request For Applications (RFA) distributed to service centers, universities, and support organizations  Fellow applications reviewed by committee, fourteen Fellows selected  Fellows trained in Needs Appraisal/classroom walkthrough processes by C&J Staff  Fellows now participating in Needs Appraisal visits in focus groups and classroom observations 5

6 Kansas State Department of Education KLN Project Management Organization:  RFA for Project Management Organization (PMO) to plan/manage all KLN activities distributed to service centers, universities, and support organizations  Partnership of Greenbush Service Center and Southwest Plains Service Center selected  Greenbush: Bart Swartz, Michael Koonce, and Denise Richard  SW Plains: Kelly Gillespie, Mike Ronen, and Belinda Miller  Scheduling/managing Needs Appraisal visits  Supporting work on Communities of Practice (CoP) and Leadership Institute  Taking lead role in communications within KLN 6

7 Kansas State Department of Education TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 7

8 Kansas State Department of Education KLN District Facilitators:  Each new district has been assigned a District Facilitator (DF)  Will help prioritize recommendations outlined in the final Needs Appraisal report to districts  Will assist district staff in writing district improvement plan  Cohort 1 districts will work with a DF as needed, or they will participate in other Leadership initiatives supporting their CoP  Cohort 2-4 districts will work with the same DF as previous years  All DFs will help districts choose one or two CoPs 8

9 Kansas State Department of Education KLN Leadership Institute:  Only for Cohort 1 Districts (Garden City, KCK, Topeka, and Wichita)  Effort being led by C & J Consultant, Ray Daniels  First meeting (conference call) has been held to discuss for Leadership Institute work within the Cohort 1  All Cohort 1 Districts are moving forward to sustain leadership efforts  C&J working with the Cohort 1 Districts to focus and support each districts identified leadership efforts 9

10 Kansas State Department of Education KLN Communities of Practice:  Three CoPs will be offered  Curriculum (C&J Lead: Connie Wehmeyer)  Instructional Improvement (C&J Lead: Gus Jacob)  Tiered Interventions (C&J Lead: Jim Karleskint)  A webinar was held to review details with districts  Each CoP will have 3 "stages" from which districts can choose depending on their readiness and implementation  Survey will be sent to districts this week asking them to choose one or two CoPs in which to participate  DFs will help districts choose the CoP(s) 10

11 Kansas State Department of Education KLN Implementation Coaches:  New Implementation Coaches (IC) were chosen from applications submitted and reviewed this summer  New and veteran ICs have been trained and placed with schools on improvement  Districts have been asked to sign contract and commit to paying for IC work over the coming year  ICs are submitting school visit logs  Logs are automatically emailed to contacts at the school, district, and KSDE 11

12 Kansas State Department of Education KLN Future:  C&J is updating last year’s evaluation of KLN with data gathered in the 2010-11 school year  Use data gathered to determine future efforts and report results in schools and districts within KLN 12

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