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Julie Eklund University TACRAO Meeting July 17, 2012.

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1 Julie Eklund University TACRAO Meeting July 17, 2012


3  Spring Meetings held for Accountability Peer Groups in March  University Updates for 2013  Career School Accountability Goes Online in August 2012  Statewide Data Section approved for development

4  New details added to fall headcount - FTIC students; first-time transfers from two and four- year institutions; others  Multi-racial one of which is African American will be grouped with African American  Developmental education hours will be excluded from SCH taken at two-year colleges  New layout for developmental ed measures  Median class size added to “Class Size” measure  Endowment input screen added for institutions to upload most recent quarterly endowment

5  Almanac available online at Communications and Policy/Higher Education Almanac ◦ 2012 Institutional Comparison Sheets Spreadsheet available ◦ Critical that data be submitted in timely manner to meet Almanac deadlines for 2013 version  Regional Plan is currently being prepared and the Regional Data Portal will be updated in early fall, 2012

6  New Performance Measures released by LBB ◦ Efforts were made to more closely align measures to CB measures ◦ Report Developmental Education-related measures using 2008 cohort data available online at ed/ ed/  Progress is being made by Reporting Requirements Committee (SB 5 and HB1781)

7 Three Reports of Interest:  Top 10% Report ◦ Data for 2009-2011 entering HS graduates ◦ Available on the Texas Higher Education Data Website under Participation: Applications/Acceptance/ Enrollment  Agency Strategic Plan ◦ Available online through THECB Reports Center  2012 Closing the Gaps Progress Report ◦ Posting anticipated in late July

8 CBM00S: Student Schedule Report CBM002: Texas Success Initiative Report

9  Preliminary Reviews of Dual Credit and First College-Level Course Data  Data anomalies include: ◦ Students reported by universities enrolled in high school and taking upper-level or graduate level courses (item #18 high school credit status incorrectly reported) ◦ Misreporting of first college-level courses  First CL reading and writing reported as chemistry, physics, etc.  First CL math reported as history, English, etc.

10  First College-Level course on the CBM00S must align with First College-Level Course Item on the CBM002 (Item #30/50/70)  Several institutions did not match on this item. Note that Item #30/50/70 changed in summer 2011 report ◦ Example of error: Student reported as completing first CL math course on the CBM00S, but reported as ‘0’ ‘No, not satisfied” on item #30 on the CBM002.

11  Instructions for reporting NSL/NCBOs are provided in the introductions of these CBM reports: CBM001 (Student Report) CBM002 (TSI Report) CBM004 (Course Report) CBM00S (Student Schedule Report)

12  HB1244 allows institutions to waive tuition for NSL developmental education interventions  Institutions DO NOT have to waive tuition unless they choose to do so  Institutions may choose to charge a fee for NSL developmental education, but do not have to charge a fee  INSTITUTIONS SHOULD CAREFULLY CONSIDER THE PROS and CONS of CHARGING TUITION and/or FEES FOR NSL DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION INTERVENTIONS

13  Semester credit hours must be reported in whole numbers: 4 - 8 contact hours = 0 SCH 9 - 24 contact hours = 1 SCH 25 - 40 contact hours = 2 SCH 41 - 56 contact hours = 3 SCH

14  Aggregate hours first and then translate to SCHs OR  Determine SCHs and then Report (See 7.16.12 memo to reporting officials)

15  Interventions DO NOT have to be reported for funding  Interventions that are NOT reported for funding should be reported on the CBM002 but NOT on the CBM004/CBM00S/CBM001/CBM0E1  Institutions do NOT have to offer interventions if they do not offer Developmental Education

16  Item #23/#43/#63 Participation in Alternative/Non-course-based Method for Developmental Education Math/Reading/Writing this Reporting Period. Report only interventions included in the reporting institution's Developmental Education Program Survey (DEPS). ◦ 0 Not applicable (did not participate) ◦ 1 Yes, participated and satisfied TSI obligation for math/reading/writing [through this method] in the semester being reported ◦ 2 Yes, participated but did not satisfy TSI obligation in math/reading/writing [through this method] in the semester being reported

17  At universities, Student Success Interventions may be reported for formula funding for students who have NOT met TSI or an institution’s readiness standard.  Be sure to update your course inventory to include Student Success Courses with a CIP and funding code of 32.0101.01.21 if you plan to offer Student Success Interventions.

18 To determine appropriate SCH for reporting on the CBM00S/CBM004, divide the student contact hours by 16 or round the hours to the nearest quarter SCH. Institutions may choose only one of these two methods. Examples are provided below:  A 5 contact hour intervention: 0031 (5/16) or 0025 (rounded to nearest ¼ SCH)  An 8 hour SCH intervention: 0050 (8/16) or 0050 (no need to round)  A 19 SCH intervention: 0119 (19/16) or 0125 (rounded to nearest ¼ SCH)

19 Item #19 (Univ.) #22 (CTCs) Developmental Education Course/Intervention Level. Enter the code indicating the type of developmental course/intervention completed by the student. (See page S.3 for a description of these levels.) Report all developmental student success courses as ‘1’ and all approved developmental student success interventions as ‘4.’ Interventions include non- semester-length and non-course-based activities but do NOT include traditional courses offered in a compressed time frame.

20  0 Not a developmental course/intervention  1 Highest level developmental course  2 Medium level developmental course  3 Lowest level developmental course  4 Highest level developmental intervention  5 Medium level developmental intervention  6 Lowest level developmental intervention

21  The CBM004 allows for reporting in fractions of semester credit hours (item #7):  Option 1: 4 contact hours =.25 SCH (reported as 0025) 8 contact hours =.50 SCH (reported as 0050) 12 contact hours =.75 SCH (reported as 0075) 16 contact hours = 1.00 SCH (reported as 0100) 20 contact hours = 1.25 SCH (reported as 0125)  Option 2 (Contact Hours/16 = SCH)

22 REMEMBER:  The crosswalks provided for non-semester length developmental education do NOT apply to reporting traditional DE courses.

23  Definition added for Non-Course-Based Intervention  18/27 Hour Rule applies to NCBOs  Conversion of Contact Hours to SCHs is allowable

24  Beginning fall 2013, institutions must use the newly developed test for TSI purposes and may NOT set a higher standard than the state standard for enrollment in college-level courses in academic subjects

25  The introduction of new TSI and EOC assessments and standards means that: ◦ The CBM002 will be revised for the fall 2013 reporting period. THECB will make every effort to minimize the reporting changes ◦ The dual credit permission standards will be adjusted to reflect the changes to the TSI Standards and high school EOC testing requirements ◦ Institutions will need to update catalogue and website information about testing standards for TSI and dual credit ◦ Institutions will need to update internal TSI and dual credit testing and reporting practices

26 For more information, contact: Julie Eklund, PhD Director of Planning Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

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