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Making Decisions…The Right Way

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Presentation on theme: "Making Decisions…The Right Way"— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Decisions…The Right Way
Dr. Cory J. Steiner, Data Steward David Zwingel, PowerSchool Specialist Carrington/Fessenden-Bowdon Public Schools SEED Project Training Day #2

2 A Little Inspiration… A pep talk for teachers and students from the Kid President

3 Meeting Norms for Carrington/Fessenden-Bowdon Public Schools
Establishing Norms Meeting Norms for Carrington/Fessenden-Bowdon Public Schools 1. Work together to climb out of the well 2. Positive attitude (solution-based) 3. Ideas are opportunities for growth 4. Collaborate and share the work

4 Objectives By the end of Day #2 training, participants will:
Identify key themes from previous training and how they relate to current/future training. Begin development of 100 hour plan. Explain ‘guiding principles’ in language related to your school/district. Increase proficiency in navigating the SLDS. Identify key practices for formative assessment. Utilize continuous improvement model to gather, interpret, and analyze data. Collaborate with peers on current and best practices for utilizing data. Begin development of 100 day plan (for school year).

5 The Important Things Time of Training 8:30-3:00 Lunch 11:45-12:15

6 Agenda Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Norms Key Themes
Assignment & Conversation Updates Part II Survey Review Part III SLDS Navigation Part IV Now What—Strategy #1 Part V Formative v Summative Assessment

7 Agenda Part VI Part VII Part VIII Continuous Improvement Model
Now What—Strategy #2 Part VII Data Walls Part VIII Conclusion

8 Part I

9 Primer Activity: Implementation Rubric—Data-Driven Instruction & Assessment
Complete the ‘assessment’ rubric individually Share and discuss results with group What are the areas of strength? What are the potential areas for growth? What results were surprising? Think in terms of… Start doing Stop doing Continue doing

10 Reviewing Key Themes Culture Collaboration Leadership
Four frames Collaboration Key Collaboration Skills Leadership Data Team Roles & Responsibilities Guiding Principles

11 Collaboration Review the handout
For each bulleted item, how do you encourage/promote each within your organization and/or school? Be prepared to report out to the group

12 Culture Four frames of reference in decision-making:
Human resources (people within organization) Symbolic (culture) Structural (procedures & policies) Political (public) What is the one ‘thing’ you do which you are most proud of in your school (related to students)? Review the handout For each bulleted item, what does each ‘look like’ in your organization and/or school? Be prepared to report out to the group Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership (Bolman & Deal, 2003)

13 Data Team Video
Take notes on key themes Be prepared to discuss in terms of: Review the following and ‘set in concrete’ Data Team Roles and Responsibilities Data Team Goals and Objectives Review ND SEED Website

14 Carrington Data Team Goals/Objectives
Launching a Data Team What will the data team do? Carrington Data Team Goals/Objectives 1. Establish process for K-12 data use 2. Use data to drive decisions and make change 3. Synthesize data to make user-friendly 4. Provide teaches with strategies to use data 5. Making useful and understandable for students and parents; how to effectively communicate (i.e.—media method)

15 Fessenden-Bowdon Data Team Goals/Objectives
Launching a Data Team What will the data team do? Fessenden-Bowdon Data Team Goals/Objectives 1. Why and what data we will use 2. Analyze data 3. Plan how to utilize the data (strategies) 4. How to share out the data (sharing the data plan) 5. Use data to improve instruction

16 Carrington Data Team Roles & Responsibilities
Launching a Data Team What roles must the data team utilize to accomplish goals? Carrington Data Team Roles & Responsibilities 1. Team leaders (chair); coordinator (task manager); communicator (scribe), and assessment facilitator (SLDS) 2. HS. Steward 3. Elementary Steward 4. Strategies (keep up with current trends/strategies) 5. P.R./Communications

17 Fessenden-Bowdon Data Team Roles & Responsibilities
Launching a Data Team What roles must the data team utilize to accomplish goals? Fessenden-Bowdon Data Team Roles & Responsibilities 1. Data collector 2. Team leaders 3. Setting up meeting times 4. Group to analyze data 5. Researcher

18 Status Report What have you been doing so far? In other words…
Sharing the Data Plan Tell a Story Document Common Language Document Vision Document Assessment Calendar In other words… What has changed since the first training? Be prepared to ‘Show & Tell’

19 Part II

20 Types of Data 1. Outcome (student achievement)
2. Demographic (sub-group) 3. Program (participation) 4. Perception (ASSIST & AdvancED)

21 SLDS Sections District School Teacher Student Postsecondary Feedback

22 Tips and Tricks Use Internet Explorer or Firefox; avoid Chrome
DON’T click on main ‘browser’ arrows Click small blue arrows ‘within’ page (takes back one page) If parameters don’t show up, click on arrow to close section and then reopen To get back to main page, double click on PK-12 To export a file, click on ‘actions’ (left side of screen) Help videos are available (student directory—click on student—click academic dashboard—click on video camera)

23 Let’s Roll
Enter log and password (right side of screen) as K-12 user DISREGARD ‘user’ settings message (in red) Double click on PK-12 STOP and wait for further directions!!

24 Key Reports (refer to handout)
Assessment Inventory (AdvancED) School Snapshot (AdvancED) School Profile (AdvancED) NDSA Assessment Trend (AdvancED) ACT Summary (AdvancED) What does each report ‘show’? What errors did you find? How could you utilize this report with the entire staff? Be prepared to report out to group

25 Ten Key Reports (refer to handout)
School Teacher Roster NWEA Teacher Report District/School Assessment Summary (AdvancED) NDUS Developmental Courses Student Directory (AdvancED) What does each report ‘show’? What errors did you find? How could you utilize this report with the entire staff? Be prepared to report out to group

26 Part III

27 Formative v Summative Assessment

28 Formative v Summative Formative Summative Interim Planned practice
Occurs when content is being taught Inform teachers what students do and do not know GET TWO (How is this being used?) Inform teachers about what student are ready to learn next Allow for teachers to inform instruction Summative Measure grade level and/or proficiency End of course (EOC) exams Interim Different intervals throughout the year Measure growth Inform instruction Inform decision-making

29 5 Strategies for Formative Assessment
1. Clarifying, sharing, and understanding learning intentions and criteria for success (great objectives, starters, and closers) Getting the students to really understand what their classroom experience will be and how their success will be measured. 2. Engineering effective classroom discussions, activities, and learning tasks that elicit evidence of learning (lesson design) Developing effective classroom instructional strategies that allow for the measurement of success. 3. Providing feedback that moves learning forward Working with students to provide them the information they need to better understand problems and solutions. 4. Activating learners as instructional resources for one another Getting students involved with each other in discussions and working groups can help improve student learning. 5. Activating learners as owners of their own learning Embedded Formative Assessment (William, 2011)

30 Formative Assessment Feedback
Comment Only Marking Reduces level of concern Makes ‘work’ about learning Plus, Minus, Equals Allows students to ‘compare’ Focuses on growth Note: Formative assessment has nothing to do with students grading one another’s work.

31 Formative Assessment Techniques
Popsicle Sticks Exit Tickets White Board Corners Think-Pair Share

32 Formative Assessment Techniques
Two Stars and a Wish Carousel Brainstorming ABCD Cards Basketball Discussions

33 Part IV

34 Continuous Improvement Model—Big Goals
Analyze Predict, Explore, Explain, and Prepare Plan Do Monitor The continuous improvement cycle is the process for using data. Data from viewpoint and other sources are part of the analyze process which is step 1 The promise should align and support the goal

35 Resources Prediction Worksheet Data Collection Assignment Worksheet
Analyzing ‘Big’ Results Analyzing Skill Results Summary of Major Patterns Observed Causal Analysis Form

36 Key Questions (AdvancED)
Which area(s) are above/below expected levels of performance? Describe the area(s) that show a positive/negative trend in performance. Which area(s) indicate the overall highest/lowest performance? Which subgroup(s) show a trend toward increasing/decreasing performance? Between which subgroups is the achievement gap closing/widening? Which of the above reported findings are consistent with findings from other data sources?

37 Root Cause Analysis & The Whys
Simple problem-solving and identification Ask the question ‘why’ three to five times Answer ‘because’ three to five times Leads to a verifiable action Activity: Select one instance or problem identified in your organization’s data Ask why and write response on ‘sticky notes’ Repeat process 3 times Focus should be on writing good questions and refining them

38 Engaging in the Process
Divide into groups of two You were just given $50,000 from the school as a bonus Utilize the continuous improvement model Analyze (predict, explore, explain, and prepare) Plan Do Monitor You must purchase/rent a home in a foreign country

39 Practicing with Student Data
Review the spreadsheet (handout) Utilize the continuous improvement model Be prepared to report out on the process and outcome

40 Part V

41 The SEED Project: Day #3 January 22nd
Reviewing assignments and key conversations Reviewing end of year data Triangulating data Developing SMART goals ‘Finalizing’ 100 Day Plan (start of the school year) Identifying data process ‘Write it down’ Finalizing portfolio

42 The SEED Project: To Do Review ND SEED Website
Reviewing assignments and key conversations; continue work on: Tell a Story Document Common Language Document Vision Document Assessment Calendar ‘Writing’ the 100 Day Plan (start of the school year) Review survey data—MUST DO!!

43 Survey Data Review survey data What are the areas of strength?
What are the potential areas for growth? What results were surprising? Think in terms of… Start doing Stop doing Continue doing How will you share this data with your staff?

44 Final Thoughts Have a genuine appreciation for the effort and commitment that everyone makes because together, we shall succeed. Casey Bradley, Jacksonville Jaguars Head Coach

45 Exit Slip What worked well? What would you change?
What do you need now to move forward?

46 Questions?? E-mail: Twitter: @nddatasteward
Dr. Cory J Steiner Blog: Phone:

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