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Research Diligent inquiry or examination in seeking facts or principles; laborious or continued search after truth; as, researches of human wisdom.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Diligent inquiry or examination in seeking facts or principles; laborious or continued search after truth; as, researches of human wisdom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Diligent inquiry or examination in seeking facts or principles; laborious or continued search after truth; as, researches of human wisdom.

2 The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. Aristotle

3 Research is creating new knowledge. Neil Armstrong

4 Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing. Wernher von Braun

5 If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it? Albert Einstein

6 How to Write results COMM 303- Research Methods

7 Final Paper Headings Title Page Abstract Literature review Methodology Results and Conclusions Bibliography

8 1 st write frequencies Thirty four males and fifty seven females responded to the Survey. Thirteen freshman, twenty nine sophomores….

9 2 nd – Write Significance for independent variables Sex – T-Test Class – ANOVA Relationship Type – ANOVA Other variables?

10 2 nd – Write Significance for independent variables Males reported higher use of the internet when communicating with professors (m=4.75, p=.05, df=120). In addition, females reported more reluctance to communicate face-to-face when dealing with a difficult topic (m=3.65, p=.023, df=119).

11 Report 3 things ALWAYS Means (m=4.75) Significance (p=.05) Degrees of Freedom (df=120) Represented by ( N-1) the number of values minus one. “df” is closely linked to sample size and the number of groups being represented.

12 2 nd – Write Significance for independent variables Males reported higher use of the internet when communicating with professors (m=4.75, p=.05, df=120). In addition, females reported more reluctance to communicate face-to-face when dealing with a difficult topic (m=3.65, p=.023, df=119).

13 Independent variable SEX MeansSigDegrees Of Freedom Q2M=3.05 F= 4.17 p=.02398 Q4M=3.05 F= 4.17 p=.01998 Q7 M=3.05 F= 4.17 p=.00097 Table I

14 Final Presentation Sign –up Sheets 5-7 minutes Must include powerpoint 3 slides –Title/research question –Chart –Conclusion / limitations / future research

15 Title / Question Example “ Students’ use of e-mail to communicate to professors” “Can you hear me?: When do students use e-mail to contact professors?” “If you send an e-mail to a professor and there is no response, does it make noise”?

16 Independent variable SEX MeansSigDegrees Of Freedom Q2M=3.05 F= 4.17 p=.02398 Q4M=3.05 F= 4.17 p=.01998 Q7 M=3.05 F= 4.17 p=.00097

17 Conclusions / Limitations / Future Research Females more likely to e-mail profs Juniors more likely to e-mail


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