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China Chapter 28, Section 1. China Early History Early China was not influenced by other countries due to the geography and long distances Dynasty- a.

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Presentation on theme: "China Chapter 28, Section 1. China Early History Early China was not influenced by other countries due to the geography and long distances Dynasty- a."— Presentation transcript:

1 China Chapter 28, Section 1

2 China Early History Early China was not influenced by other countries due to the geography and long distances Dynasty- a series of rulers from the same family 1 st Chinese dynasty was Shang which arose in 1700 b.c.- ruled for over 600 years

3 China Early History Qin Dynasty, pronounced Chihn, gave its name to China 1 st Qin emperor, Shi Huangdi, began the building of the Great Wall in 220 b.c. This dynasty ruled for over 2000 years. Han Dynasty Manchurians invaded and established the Qing Dynasty 1911- Revolutionary war ended the rule of dynasty’s

4 China Early History Boxer Rebellion- Chinese militants attacked Europeans and Chinese Christians trying to break free from the influence on the Europeans that were trying to take advantage of the Chinese military and government weakness 1949- Communist fought for control over China and won…Mao Zedong became the new ruler

5 China Early History Due to the involvement of government in the economy, China is now one of the fastest growing economies in the world. 60% of population work on farms Known for its rice, maize, wheat, and sweet potatoes

6 Major Religions of China Confucianism- based on teaching of Confucianism, stresses importance of education in a well-run society Taoism- based on teaching of Lao-tzu, importance of preserving and restoring harmony in the individual as well as the universe- also believed gov’t should have little to do with the people Buddhism- believe in rebirth and is highly influenced by Confucianism and Taoism

7 Population China estimated population in 2000 was 1.3 billion. 30-40 cities have a population over 1 million China’s government has pursued a strategy in order to provide healthcare to its entire population

8 Mongolia and Taiwan Chapter 28, Section 2

9 The Mongolian Empire Mongols were nomadic herders for thousands of years

10 The Mongolian Empire Genghis Khan –Conquered all of Central Asia –Began conquest of China –Died in 1227

11 The Mongolian Empire Ogadai –Succeeded Genghis Khan –Continued conquest and expansion


13 The Mongolian Empire Broke up in 1300s China gained control of Mongolia in 17 th century Mongolia achieved independence in 1911

14 Mongolia Became the Mongolian People’s Republic in 1924 Communists ruled until 1989 Moved toward political democracy and free enterprise economy

15 Mongolia Culture –Has ruled and been ruled by China –Adopted many aspects of Chinese culture

16 Mongolia Economy –Herding and managing livestock –Developing other industries –Shift from command to free economy

17 Mongolia Economy –Large deposits of coal and petroleum Used in manufacturing and construction

18 Taiwan’s Link to China Many migrations from southern China, southeast Asia, Malay and Polynesia Manchu Dynasty conquered Taiwan in 1683


20 Taiwan’s Link to China Japanese seized Taiwan after winning a war with China in 1895 Chinese Nationalists took control as part of their fight with the Communists after WWII

21 Taiwan’s Link to China Nationalists lost to Communists in 1949 –Moved their gvt to Taiwan –Est. Republic of China –People’s Republic of China never recognized Taiwan as a separate country

22 Taiwan Culture –Chinese –90% practice mix of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism


24 Taiwan Economy –One of world’s most successful economies –Strong manufacturing industries –Good trade

25 Taiwan Economy –Known as an economic tiger, a nation that has rapid economic growth due to cheap labor, high technology, and aggressive exports

26 Taiwan Economy –Part of the Pacific Rim, which includes East Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Chile and west coast of the U.S.

27 THE KOREA’S Chapter 28, Section 3

28 History of Korea Korea is a peninsula 2000 b.c. first state called Chosen arose in Korea 100 b.c. China and Japan begin their history of invasions due to its location between the two countries

29 History of Korea 300’s- Three Kingdoms were established, Koguryo, Paekche, and Silla. Sills eventually took over the other two kingdoms in 660. 1392- Yi Songgye and dynasty ruled Korea but ended in 1910 when Japan took over Japan controlled peninsula until 1945 and the end of WWII

30 History of Korea After WWII, Korea was split in two, North controlled by the Soviet Union and the South controlled by the United States 1950- North invaded South to spread communism and started the Korean War 1953- War ended and treaty was created to split the North into a Communist State and the South into a Democratic State

31 Korean Culture/Unity Chinese influence- Confucianism, Buddhism, Communism Unity- North and South are trying to unify Both built huge armies, bordered by 2 million troops Unified by one flag representing both countries

32 Resources Seoul- largest city in South Korea Pyongyang- largest city in North Korea When countries unite, they will be a economic powerhouse North provide raw materials for South industry

33 Japan Chapter 28, Section 4

34 Samurai/Shogun Samurai-Professional soldiers serve as bodyguards for landowners and clan chiefs Shogun-General of emperors army with powers of military dictator All officials are under authority of Shogun

35 History/Economy December 7, 1941- Japan bombs Pearl Harbor August 9, 1945- Nagasaki and Hiroshima- U.S. dropped bombs After WWII, Japan became one of the worlds most powerful economy 126 million people in Japan 75% live in cities

36 Economy Most of population on east coast, industry and manufacturing Cars, Trucks, and Electronic equipment Strong alliance between business and government People of Japan are educated and disciplined which enabled Japan to achieve prosperity

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