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The Super Villain of the Integumentary System By Max, Peter and Paul.

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1 The Super Villain of the Integumentary System By Max, Peter and Paul

2 Active Super Powers  A nearly undefeatable Energy field, off which sharp and blunt objects bounce off of.  An ability to shoot acidic Sebum, which dissolves objects just like it does microorganisms on the skin.  Possesses the ability to grow huge claws from hands out of hardened keratin.

3 Passive Super Powers  Has superbly thick skin which can withstand heat and/or cold to the extreme limit.  Generates an unlimited supply of body oil which is sucked up with his suit and used to power his Jetpack.  His hair can be formed into any object.  Will bestow Leprosy onto anyone who is in his influence for too long.

4 Citation The Integumenary System. M.J. Farabee, n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2013.. Paul Klosterman, Lorrie. The Amazing Human Body. Tarrytown: Marshall Cavendish, 2009. Print. Max and Peter. Light, Douglas B. Cells, Tissues, and Skin. New York: Chelsea, 2009. Print. Peter, Max and Paul Parker, Steve. The Human Body Book. New York: DK, 2007. Print. Paul and Peter

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