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Marriage in the Lord WHY WERE MAN AND WOMAN CREATED? Animals, fish and birds created from water and earth. Gen.1v20-25 Man was created from the dust of.

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Presentation on theme: "Marriage in the Lord WHY WERE MAN AND WOMAN CREATED? Animals, fish and birds created from water and earth. Gen.1v20-25 Man was created from the dust of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marriage in the Lord WHY WERE MAN AND WOMAN CREATED? Animals, fish and birds created from water and earth. Gen.1v20-25 Man was created from the dust of the ground. Gen.2v7 Woman was a special creation – created from the man. Gen.2v21-23 Marriage was the first principle created by God. Gen.2v24-25. The Lord Jesus Christ confirms this in Mark 10v6-9 She was created specifically for him, and deliberately after him. 1 Tim.2v13, 1 Cor.11v8-9 Man was created in the “image and likeness of God” Gen.1v26. Why was woman created?

2 Marriage in the Lord Why was woman created? No other creation in the “image and likeness of God” When other creation brought before Adam “no help found for him” Gen.2v18-20 Woman created to be a companion for the man able to draw out of him “the image and likeness of God” Gen.1v26 Think about her creation. Gen.2v21-23. Created from the man himself. She would be very sympathetic to his needs, as they would be her own. They were to have “dominion” over creation. Gen.1v26 They were to “replenish” the earth and “subdue it” Gen.1v28

3 Marriage in the Lord The principle behind Gen.2v18-24 (1) No companion found in creation that reflected his intelligence, or who could minister to his wants, or rejoice with him in creation, or reflect the glory of his nature. None of the animals could do this. v19-20. It was necessary to form a companion – God created man in his own “image and likeness” – now had to sub-divide him into two – a negative & positive – an active and passive part – male and female yet one flesh In the formation of a companion, she was created upon a different principle. She was to be a dependant creature, & a sympathy was to be established between Them by which they would be attached inseparably. If she was created from dust, she would have the same attachment as the animals.

4 Marriage in the Lord The principle behind Gen.2v18-24 (2) The woman’s companionship designed to be morally and intellectually sympathetic with the “image and likeness” of God. Woman was created to reflect the glory of the man as he reflected the glory of God. The necessity of this is found in the law of the flesh. If you cut your finger, all of you suffers. “Bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” v23 Delicate operation – rib taken out of his side, with the flesh and all the nerve ends from the spinal cord when he was in a “deep sleep” v21. This quivering rib, with its nerves & vessels increased In size and formed a human figure capable of reflecting the glory of the man. Eph.5v22-31

5 Marriage in the Lord Practicalities of seeking a husband or wife. Marriage begins before the wedding day. Not in a physical sense, but in building a new relationship. Take your time about marriage. To know you are cementing a wrong relationship is asking for trouble. Who would you rather marry? One from Gal.5v19-21 or someone from Gal.5v22-25? Marry in the Lord! 1 Cor.7v39, 11v11-12, 2 Cor.6v14-18. Why should this be? Mal.2v14-15 What shall we do if we can’t find someone in the Truth? James 5v20 Examples of marrying out of the Truth. Gen.6v1-2, v5 1 Kings 11v1-8 The reason this happens 1 Cor.7v32-35

6 Marriage in the Lord Marriage and the Ecclesia The attitude of the Ecclesia should be reflected in the Home. There is no option Eph.5v20-33. It is vital that the Ecclesia is seen in the family and the family in the Ecclesia. Family is not an isolated unit, it has an impact on the Ecclesia. The reason we are baptised is to come into the house of God – Brethren & Sisters of Christ with God as our Father. 1 Tim.3v15 Ecclesia is house of God Matt.12v46-50 we are the family of God. Eph.3v15 Family life impacts on the Ecclesia. Family life reflects Ecclesia life – one cannot do without the other. We owe it to each other 1Tim.3v4-5 Individual responsibility & obligation Heb.10v22-25 Ecclesia's in a house Acts 16v15, 32-33, 1 Cor.1v9-10 The one body 1 Cor.12v12-27 The head Christ Eph.4v15-16

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