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The apostrophe and its two jobs.

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Presentation on theme: "The apostrophe and its two jobs."— Presentation transcript:

1 The apostrophe and its two jobs

2 An apostrophe is a little mark that looks like a high up comma
, It has two different jobs

3 Contraction Job 1 Sometimes when we are talking we do
not say every single sound in every single word. We squash words together and miss bits out so that we can say them more quickly. This is called: Contraction

4 Imagine the letters getting
When we write a contracted word, apostrophes show us where the missed out letters were. Imagine the letters getting crumpled up and turned into an apostrophe

5 , do n o t

6 , can no t

7 , he wi ll

8 This is an apostrophe of Possession
Job 2 When we want to say that something belongs to something or someone we can add , s This is an apostrophe of Possession

9 The food belonged to the pig.
It was the pig’s food.

10 The crocodile had scary teeth.
The crocodile’s teeth were scary.

11 BE CAREFUL! The car The cars The car’s tyres The cars’ tyres

12 Think – Does something belong to somebody?
DON’T Just use an apostrophe every time a word ends with s. Think – Does something belong to somebody?

13 TRICKY ONE It’s its its or it’s a lovely day. Does the cat know name?
Only use an apostrophe when it’s is short for it is. Try these. It’s a lovely day. its Does the cat know name?

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