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MSD Project 10236 Configurable Control Platform for Unmanned Vehicles Detailed Design Review Joe Pinzone Alex Mykyta Roberto Stolfa Robert Ghilduta Jason.

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Presentation on theme: "MSD Project 10236 Configurable Control Platform for Unmanned Vehicles Detailed Design Review Joe Pinzone Alex Mykyta Roberto Stolfa Robert Ghilduta Jason."— Presentation transcript:

1 MSD Project 10236 Configurable Control Platform for Unmanned Vehicles Detailed Design Review Joe Pinzone Alex Mykyta Roberto Stolfa Robert Ghilduta Jason Stanislawski

2 System Overview

3 Control Code Processor (CCP) Gumstix: TEXAS INSTRUMENTS OMAP3530 ARM Cortex-A8 GP CPU C64x DSP Store/execute Simulink control code 256MB flash (OS / Control Code) 256MB RAM Power management IC High-speed serial bus to I/O Controller

4 System Overview Input/Output Controller (IOC) XILINX SPARTAN 3E FPGA w/ PLASMA uC CORE Arbitrates sensor and actuator input/output Provides sensor data to CCP in common format through shared, dual-port memory Provides analog and digital I/O interface connectors, broken out on I/O Breakout Board

5 System Overview I/O Breakout Board (IOB) The only vehicle-specific hardware Breaks out IOC header to individual sensors and actuators Physically separate package from Controller Platform Generally no processing done here

6 System Overview Power, Control Code Processor, I/O Controller are physically: – separable – stacked – enclosed

7 System Overview Power, IOC, CCP = Vehicle Controller Platform, separate from IOB

8 Power *All values are worst case

9 Power RailCurrent RequiredPower Required 1.2 V0.088 A0.106 W 2.5 V0.045 A0.113 W 3.3 V0.322 A1.060 W 4 V0.400 A1.600 W 5 V0.129 A0.643 W *All values are worst case

10 Power TPS43000-Based SW-MODE PSU OUTPUT 5V/1.5A TPS43000-Based SW-MODE PSU OUTPUT 5V/1.5A 5V/0.25A 4V/0.5A 3.3V/0.5A 2.5V/0.1A 1.2V/0.1A IOB, ADC, DAC CCP IOC Battery Pack

11 Power FRONT END CONDITIONING TEXAS INSTRUMENTS TPS43000 SEPIC (buck/boost) configuration 1.8 – 9V Input 6A output with proper FET switches Synchronous Rectification (+eff)


13 Power SECONDARY STAGE LINEAR REGULATORS LM317 ADJ. LDO Low-drop-out Vout 1.25 –> 5+ volts Use for 5V, 4V Up to 1.5A output TLV70012 for 1.2V/200mA TLV70025 for 2.5V/200mA TPS73733 for 3.3V/0.50A

14 Power Summary MaxNomUnits Total Useful Pwr3.5242.890Watts Total Current0.9840.792Amps Power to LDOs4.9183.958Watts Efficiency of SM0.900 Total Reqd. Pwr5.4644.398Watts Supply Voltage4.800 Volts Supply Current1.1380.916Amps Battery Capacity2.7002.700+A-h Est. Time2.3722.947Hours Est Efficiency0.6450.657

15 Nomenclature Firmware: – Program code that runs on the embedded processors. This does not include the Control Code, which will always be referred to specifically. Rigidware: – The HDL containing the “image” of the FPGA gate configuration. This may contain RAM/ROM initialization images and basic boot loader to initialize and load the stored firmware. This term generally pertains only to the IOC, since it is the only programmable-logic device in the system. Software: – Any program that runs on the user PC for the purpose of programming, configuring, compiling, or monitoring the embedded system.

16 IO Controller Module Arbitrates IO from the CCP Physically separable from CCP – Can be used as independent data logger or used in future projects. Implemented using a Xilinx Spartan 3E FPGA (XCS500E-PQ208)

17 FPGA Selection FPGA chosen for highest gate & largest pin count BGA is not desirable due to board routing complexity Package DeviceVQ100CP132TQ144PQ208FT256FG320FG400FG484 XC3S100E XXX XC3S250E XXXXX XC3S500E XX XXX XC3S1200E XXX XC3S1600E XXX

18 IOC Rigidware

19 Main RAM XC3S500E has 45KB of Block Memory Approximately 40 KB will be used for Plasma CPU RAM preloaded with boot loader

20 SPI FLASH & MMC Application code is stored on SPI Flash – Boot loader loads application into RAM Same SPI bus is used for an SD card for logging – All typical SD cards support standard MMC protocol

21 System Clock Counter Provides timing information Sourced from 50 MHz clock which allows for integer division to decade increments of time.

22 Dedicated UART Hardwired to USB-UART transceiver Load new application code Debug system during operation

23 CCP Communication Dual port ram allows for independent operation High speed serial interface used to access shared RAM Interrupt signals provided to and from CCP

24 Analog Controller Finite state machine responsible for acquiring analog data from ADC – Data available for direct access from CPU address space Configures reference voltage DAC

25 PWM Controller FSM that arbitrates servo PWM generation and reading Generator is configurable to provide servo format or full range duty cycles

26 Configurable IO Ports Each pin can be configured as input, output, or special function Special functions include configurable SPI, I2C and UART modules IP provided by OpenCores

27 Configurable IO Ports MAV peripheral set only requires 1 port Preliminary logic estimates show that 5 ports should be possible

28 IOC Hardware

29 Programming Interface USB  UART converter does most of the work for us PM FLASH is programmed from UART Second UART is provided for CCP configuration

30 FLASH & SD Card SST’s 4MB FLASH stores application program Shares SPI Bus with SD Card for data logging and removable storage

31 CCP Interface High speed serial interface to CCP along with interrupt requests Pins on FPGA and header are reserved specifically for implementing GPMC in the future

32 FPGA Configuration On power-up, FPGA is automatically configured by the XCF02S which stores rigidware. Rigidware can be changed via JTAG interface

33 Analog to Digital Converter Simultaneous samples of 8 channels Supports differential inputs Adjustable sampling range – Range is digitally controlled by adjacent DAC

34 Digital IO PWM signals connected directly to IOB (3.3v levels) Configurable IO Ports have adjustable logic levels. – User supplies voltage reference – TXB0108 detects direction of communication without the need for direction control

35 Logic Cost Analysis LUTs Plasma Core3306 CCP Interface300 PWM IO Controller300 Analog Controller230 Configurable IO Port710 Number of IO Ports:5 Total LUTs Used:7686 Available LUTs9312 Remaining LUTs1626 Design with 5 IO ports uses approximately 80% of available logic – 20% for uncertainty in estimates and potential overhead for PAR of large designs.

36 Throughput Estimation Dummy DAQ program written for MAV set of peripherals – Single sample can be executed in ~420 clock cycles @ 25 MHz – Assuming SPI communication to IMU is done without interrupts, CPU must stall for duration of transfer (~200 cycles @ 2 MHz) – Results in theoretical sample rate of 30 kHz

37 I/O Breakout Board

38 DEVICE LIST FOR UAV IOB Analog Devices IMU Tyco Electronics GPS Airspeed Differential Pressure Sensor Altimeter Absolute Pressure Sensor Thermistor

39 I/O Breakout Board Diff V_IN max. ( V+) - ( V-)+/- 3.1 V V_IN max.V+ or V-5.1 V V_IN min.V+ or V-- 0.1V TI ADS1178 SensorVout MaxVout MinV-Vref Airspeed4.70.22.452.25 Altitude4. Temperature4.9860.2292.4932.38 V- Calculation Airspeed Sensor: (4.7V +.2V)/2 = 2.45V Altitude Sensor: ( 4.5V +.5V)/2 = 2.5V Temperature Sensor: (4.986V +.229V) / 2 = 2.493V Vref Calculation Airspeed Sensor: (4.7V -.2V)/2 = 2.25V Altitude Sensor: ( 4.5V -.5V)/2 = 2.0V Temperature Sensor: (4.986V -.229V) / 2 = 2.38V

40 I/O Breakout Board Digital Peripherals: Tyco Electronics GPS – UART (NMEA) Analog Devices IMU – SPI Telemetry (P10231) – I2C, SPI, UART

41 I/O Breakout Board MUX IC Manual Override: 2 – Quad 2 to 1 multiplexers

42 I/O Breakout Board Molex 24 position connector Standard DSUB Connectors Pitot-Static Probe (Airspeed) Ram Air Pressure Stagnation (Static)

43 Control Code Processor

44 CCP Overview OMAP – ARM Linux – Fixed point TI DSP DSP/BIOS – running RT workshop Control System Sensor data is memory mapped with DMA from the IO controller over a dedicated link

45 Incremental Design Gumstix (target for MSD 2) – Ready-to-run system on a module – Self-sustained (low to no dependency count) – Readily available, non-existent lead time Topedo SOM – Smaller + lower power consumption than Gumstix – Higher throughput achievable Custom Board – Cheapest, fastest, most efficient yet most complicated solution An implementation meeting every need marked “HIGH” has to be met before proceeding

46 Gumstix Board requires nothing power 2 expansion slots breakout McBSP and GPMC Board lacks DMA support for GPMC Implementation will use DMA with McBSP – DMA will be configured to routinely read data from McBSP and copy to a location in memory without interrupts – Slower than GPMC, uses less pins Interface is well known Target development time: 4 weeks

47 Torpedo Second revision – Motivations: smaller board, GPMC with DMA becomes possible Uses OMAP3530 (just as the Gumstix) Product comes with verified schematics and layouts Release date - late December Expected price - $150 Target development time: 4 weeks

48 Custom board Reasons to improve on Torpedo – OMAP3525 is cheaper than the 3530 – TPS65920 consumes less power, requires less layout area (fewer discrete components are required) Development time – Software and interface overlaps with Torpedo – Schematics and layout can mostly be reused

49 McBSP with DMA

50 McBSP cont’d Multi-channel Buffered Serial Port – (High speed serial) – Asynchronous Synchronous supported DMA would be used to limit the use of the ARM processor Maximum clock speed (bit speed) can use L4 clock (96MHz) – FPGA may not be able to reach this Bit speed may need to be halved and channel count double


52 GPMC cont’d General Purpose Memory Controller (Interface) – Typical SRAM interface Asynchronous/Synchronous supported Allows external memory devices to be mapped into OMAP’s memory address space Burst speeds (where Row address is latched) of 400MB/s supported – in reality speed is limited by FPGA’s IO buffers Gumstix cannot use this interface because DMA pins that would be used to notify L2 Memory of outdated data are not accessible

53 Control Code Processor - Software

54 Matlab Integration End User Workflow Software Required: Matlab/Simulink Real-time Workshop TI C6x DSP Toolchain Code Sourcery ARM Toolchain

55 Vehicle Profiler

56 Control Code Uploader

57 Control Code Processor OS Linux OpenEmbedded Framework TI DSP-Bridge

58 Control Code Loader Daemon

59 Control Code Wrapper

60 Budget ITEM PRODUCT COST ESTOUR COST EST Power Controller $4.50 $0.00 Linear Regulators $2.80 $0.00 Switching Components $7.00 Spartan 3E FPGA $24.90 FPGA Config IC $4.25 FLASH Boot Memory $2.56 $0.00 Oscillator $2.63 Oscillator $2.63 USB to dual RS232 $6.99 EEPROM for FT2232 $0.37 8ch 16-bit ADC $25.42 $0.00 Bidirectional Voltage Translator $2.00 $0.00 8-bit DAC $2.48 $0.00 Gumstix$170.00 Gumstix Dev Board$0.00$50.00 Board to Board Conex$25.00 Misc Passives$30.00 External Connectors$50.00 Enclosures$20.00 PCB FAB$116.00$248.00 Control Platform Total$499.53$641.77 Controller Platform

61 Budget 24 pin, 0.1" Header Pins 6.84$6.84 Dual Flip-Flop 1.00 Quad 2 to 1 Multiplexer 0.40 10k POT 6.68$6.68 Airspeed Sensor 11.70$0.00 Altitude Sensor 5.80$0.00 Temperature Sensor 34.00$0.00 Analog Devices IMU $527.44$0.00 GPS 61.50$0.00 Pitot Static Probe 160.00$0.00 Mounting Chuck 35.00$0.00 UAV IOB Total$527.44$13.52 UAV I/O Breakout

62 Budget Final ProductThis Project Total$1,026.97$655.29

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