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ANSWERING IT RIGHT! Miss Debbie See Miss Angela Koh Mr Eugene Sim

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1 ANSWERING IT RIGHT! Miss Debbie See Miss Angela Koh Mr Eugene Sim
Mdm Fauziah

2 This workshop provides participants with strategies in tackling Science Open-ended questions.
Participants will learn how to apply prior knowledge and concepts within the context of a question.

3 KUMAA Knowledge Understanding Misconceptions Applications
How much do I know about the topic? Do I read and find out more about the topic? Understanding Am I able to explain the scientific concept clearly to others? Am I able to come up with a comprehensive concept map for the topic? Misconceptions Do I have any misconceptions? Applications Am I able to apply the concepts to a new situation or experimental set-up? Answering techniques Do I phrase my answers using scientific words / concepts? Do I use my thinking/process skills to answer the question? Encourage pupils to have a bigger picture of their learning.

4 How do we answer Science questions?
Read the question. Study the picture or diagram if there is any. Link the question to the topic that was taught. Recall key words / phrases / concepts in the topic.

5 Answering Techniques Read the question :
Read the given information carefully. Highlight / Underline any key words or phrases (eg: aim of experiment) “The aim of the experiment is to find out the effect of salt on the floatibility of an egg.”

6 Answering Techniques Study the picture or diagram if any :
Study any given diagrams, tables, charts or graphs carefully. How does these relate to the information given in the question?

7 Answering Techniques Link the question to the topic that was taught :
While formulating the answer, ask yourself…… Which topic is being tested? Does the highlighted or underlined word(s) provide clues? Which part of the topic is being tested?

8 Answering Techniques Recall key words/phrases and concepts in the topic: While formulating the answer, ask yourself…… What concept is being tested? What key words/phrases must be in my answer?

9 Answering Techniques After answering the question, ask yourself again…
Do I have all the necessary key word(s) for that scientific concept in my answer? Have I applied the scientific concept to the question? Have I phrased my answers appropriately? Did I use the right choice of words for my answer? Can my answer be improved? Will the marker ask ‘So what’ to my answer? If so… then my answer is not clear.

10 Let’s take a look at some examples!

11 Molly set up the experiment as shown below.
She heated the seawater to boiling point. Highlight/underline any key words in the question? Study the diagram Which topic is this question linked to? Water and changes of states Which part of the topic is being tested? Condensation , evaporation… process involving water and how it changes from one state to another

12 Molly set up the experiment as shown below.
She heated the seawater to boiling point. (a) What was Liquid X? Fresh water/ Pure water - √ (Tiny droplets of water ?) Tiny droplets of water account for the droplets falling off from the base of the aluminium tray. What the question wants is the water in test tube which is labelled as X. Thus answer must be explicit. If answer is explicit, it shows clarity.

13 (b) Explain clearly how Liquid X was formed in the test-tube.
Think through thoroughly. What is the main concept you learnt in this topic? If you can’t recall, then think about key words…. Not melting and boiling! It’s condensation and evaporation.

14 (b) Explain clearly how Liquid X was formed in the test-tube.
The ice cubes were being heated over a beaker over a bunsen burner, which causes it to gain heat and melt into water . Do I have any key word(s) that is associated with evaporation and condensation in my answer? Is this answer acceptable? Is it about boiling or melting? What is the main focus in this topic? Evaporation & condensation

15 Explain clearly how Liquid X was formed in the test tube.
The water in the beaker gains heat and it evaporates to become water vapour. The water vapour touches a cooler surface, loses heat and condenses to form water droplets. acceptable?

16 Let’s examine what is wrong with this answer.
The water in the beaker gains heat and it evaporates to become water vapour. The water vapour touches a cooler surface, loses heat and condenses to form water droplets. No. Why? Though scientific words, concepts are given and the answer looks logical, the answer given did not show application to the question above. The answer is a mere recall of what you have learnt in the definition of condensation. 16

17 Boiling as mentioned in the question, thus it is steam and not water vapour.
From question Suggested Answer: The seawater in the beaker gains heat when it is boiled and it evaporates to become steam. The steam touches the cooler surface of the aluminum tray, loses heat and the steam condenses to form water droplets which then fell into the test tube as water. Main concept From diagram. Accounted for water in the test-tube and not the water droplets.

18 (c) What is the purpose of the ice cubes?
To cool the aluminium tray? This is an incomplete answer. What is the purpose of cooling the aluminium tray? Suggested answer: To cool the aluminium tray so that steam can condense as it touches the cool surface of the aluminium tray.

19 Explain why he has done so.
Luke drove his taxi into a huge puddle of mud and his taxi was stuck in the mud. He dug some of the mud away near his rear tyres and placed some twigs and branches into the mud as shown below. Highlight / underline key word Puddle of mud Twigs and branches Explain why he has done so. Study the diagram : The rear tyres will run over the twigs and branches Which topic is being tested? Any clues? : Forces Which part of the topic is being tested : Frictional force

20 Explain why he has done so.
Luke drove his taxi into a huge puddle of mud and his taxi was stuck in the mud. He dug some of the mud away near his rear tyres and placed some twigs and branches into the mud as shown below. Puddle of mud Twigs and branches Explain why he has done so. Recall concepts / key words in the topic : Rough surface will increase friction

21 Explain why he has done so.
Luke drove his taxi into a huge puddle of mud and his taxi was stuck in the mud. He dug some of the mud away near his rear tyres and placed some twigs and branches into the mud as shown below. Puddle of mud Twigs and branches Explain why he has done so. Based on picture and concept that mud acts as a lubricant reduce friction. There is very little friction between the tyres and the mud. The twigs and branches are dry and rough. This causes more friction between the tyres and the twigs. Based on the concept that rough surface increase friction.

22 Let’s try!

23 Jackson sets up two containers as shown below.
Highlight / underline key word In which container would the seeds be able to germinate? (b) What allowed the seeds in the container you mentioned in (a) to germinate? (c) Would the seeds still be able to germinate if the container you mentioned in (a) were placed in a freezer? Explain your answer. Note: Part (a) is wrong, (b) and (c) will also be wrong.

24 Jackson sets up two containers as shown below.
Study the diagram : Which topic is being tested? Any clues? : Which part of the topic is being tested : Recall concepts/key words in the topic :

25 Jackson sets up two containers as shown below.
Study the diagram : Observe the difference in conditions between the two set-ups. Which topic is being tested? Any clues? : Life cycle of plants Which part of the topic is being tested : Germination of seed Recall concepts/key words in the topic : A seed needs warmth, water and air to germinate

26 Jackson sets up two containers as shown below.
In which container would the seeds be able to germinate? Container A A question which asks you for your choice will always end up asking for an explanation for the choice made. It is always good to back up with explanation for the choice you made and why not the other than just giving one.

27 Jackson sets up two containers as shown below.
(b) What allowed the seeds in the container you mentioned in (a) to germinate? There is oxygen / air present in Container A. You can’t mention all the conditions – air / oxygen, warmth and water. These are the conditions needed for germination but not all are applicable to this question. If you do this, it does not show application. Refer to diagram

28 Jackson sets up two containers as shown below.
(c) Would the seeds still be able to germinate if the container you mentioned in (a) were placed in a freezer? Explain your answer. No. The seeds need warmth to be able to germinate. (concept) Again, you can’t mention all the conditions – air / oxygen, warmth and water. These are the conditions needed for germination but not all are applicable to this question. If you do this, it does not show application. The question itself also has a key word freezer, thus it is quite clear that warmth should only be mentioned and not other conditions.

29 Suggest what may happen to vegetable B if vegetable A continues
A farmer grew two types of green vegetables, A and B. Suggest what may happen to vegetable B if vegetable A continues to grow and reproduce quickly. Give a reason for your answer. The vegetables, A and B are planted in a plot of land as shown below. Study the diagrams Which topic is being tested? Which part of the topic is tested? Recall key words/concepts The table below shows the number of vegetables A and B on Day 1 and on Day 30.

30 Suggest what may happen to vegetable B if vegetable A continues
to grow and reproduce quickly. Give a reason for your answer. Study the diagram : Observe the structures of the two plants, the layout of the plot of land and the table showing the growth of the two plants. Which topic is being tested? Any clues? : Life cycle of plants Which part of the topic is being tested : The need for seeds to be dispersed (seed dispersal). Recall concepts/key words in the topic : Seeds need to be dispersed to prevent overcrowding to reduce competition Do not give answer for Vegetable A.

31 Suggest what may happen to vegetable B if vegetable A continues
to grow and reproduce quickly. Give a reason for your answer. Vegetable B will eventually decrease and die. When Vegetable A reproduces faster than Vegetable B, there will be overcrowding and Vegetable A blocks the sunlight which Vegetable B needs for photosynthesis. Without sunlight, Vegetable B cannot make food for growth. Do not give answer for Vegetable A.

32 Thank You!

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