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California Life Science Standards Test Prep. Cell Biology &Genetics.

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1 California Life Science Standards Test Prep. Cell Biology &Genetics

2 Outline Cell Biology Cell Biology Organelle FunctionsOrganelle Functions MitosisMitosis Biological MoleculesBiological Molecules Semipermeable MembranesSemipermeable Membranes Cell TypesCell Types PhotosynthesisPhotosynthesis

3 Outline Genetics Genetics Life CyclesLife Cycles Gene and TraitsGene and Traits GenesGenes DNADNA MeiosisMeiosis FertilizationFertilization Chromosomes and GenderChromosomes and Gender Punnett SquarePunnett Square DNA, RNA & ProteinDNA, RNA & Protein

4 Cell Biology The Nucleus Genetic Information – The DNA – is located in the nucleus.

5 Cell Biology Mitochondria & Chloroplasts Mitochondria release energy from food for the cell to do work. Chloroplasts capture sunlight for photosynthesis.

6 Cell Biology Mitosis Mitosis is the process that cells use to divide. One cell splits to produce two identical daughter cells.

7 Cell Biology Organic Molecules Living organisms are made of molecules. Living organisms are made of molecules. Major elements in molecules used in living organisms.Major elements in molecules used in living organisms. Carbon Carbon Hydrogen Hydrogen Oxygen Oxygen Phosphorus Phosphorus Sulfur Sulfur

8 Cell Biology Molecule Sizes Small molecules Small molecules WaterWater SaltSalt IonsIons Large molecules Large molecules Carbohydrates (polymers of sugar)Carbohydrates (polymers of sugar) Fats (polymers of hydrocarbons)Fats (polymers of hydrocarbons) Proteins (polymers of amino acids)Proteins (polymers of amino acids) DNA & RNA (polymers of nuceotides)DNA & RNA (polymers of nuceotides)

9 Cell Biology Cell Membrane Membranes in cells are semi permeable – they can control what goes through based on size, charge etc.

10 Cell Biology Cell Types Prokaryotic Cells Bacteria No Nucleus Viruses Non-living Parasites of living cells Eukaryotic Cells Plants & Animals Nucleus Membrane bound organielles

11 Cell Biology Photosynthesis Chloroplasts in plants capture sunlight and use that energy along with carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) from the atmosphere and water (H 2 O) from the ground to produce sugar (C 6 H 12 O 6 )

12 Genetics Life Cycles Sexually reproducing organisms Sexually reproducing organisms DNA for the new individual comes from two parents.DNA for the new individual comes from two parents. Each parent contributes half of the DNA to the offspring.Each parent contributes half of the DNA to the offspring. Asexually reproducing organisms Asexually reproducing organisms DNA for the new individual comes from one parent.DNA for the new individual comes from one parent. The offspring is genetically identical to, or is a genetic subset of the parent.The offspring is genetically identical to, or is a genetic subset of the parent.

13 Genetics Inherited Traits Gene – a piece of DNA that codes for a particular trait. Gene – a piece of DNA that codes for a particular trait. Inherited traits can be determined by one or more genes. Inherited traits can be determined by one or more genes. One Gene contributing to one trait.One Gene contributing to one trait. Blood Type, Flower Color Blood Type, Flower Color Polygenic – many genes contribute to one trait.Polygenic – many genes contribute to one trait. Eye Color, Hair Color, Skin Color, Body Type Eye Color, Hair Color, Skin Color, Body Type

14 Genetics Genes

15 Genetics DNA

16 Genetics Meiosis

17 Genetics Fertilization The male gamete (sperm) and female gamete (egg) fuse to form the fertilized egg (zygote). The zygote contains a new combination of alleles from each parent.

18 Genetics DNA Approximately half of an individuals DNA comes from each parent. Approximately half of an individuals DNA comes from each parent. 23 chromosomes in the egg23 chromosomes in the egg 23 chromosomes in the sperm23 chromosomes in the sperm Combine to form the 46 chromosomes in the zygote. Combine to form the 46 chromosomes in the zygote.

19 Genetics Gender Chromosomes Chromosomes Humans have 46 chromosomes arranged in 23 pairs.Humans have 46 chromosomes arranged in 23 pairs. The first 22 pairs are the autosomes, and are the same in males and females.The first 22 pairs are the autosomes, and are the same in males and females. Pair 23 determines gender.Pair 23 determines gender. XX – Female XX – Female XY - Male XY - Male

20 Genetics Monohybrid Cross X - linkedXX XXX YXY AutosomalRr RRRRr r rr R – Red Allele r – White Allele RR – Red Rr – Red rr - White Males only have one X chromosome, so any allele present will be expressed. Females have two X chromosomes, so any dominant will be expressed. In order to express a recessive, a female must have two copies of the allele.

21 Genetics DNA, RNA & Protein

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