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Save the Nature The environmental problems in Silesia (Poland)

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Presentation on theme: "Save the Nature The environmental problems in Silesia (Poland)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Save the Nature The environmental problems in Silesia (Poland)

2 A FEW FACTS Population: 4 714 982 Area: 12 331 km2 Population density: 382 people/ km2 Urbanization level: 78,9 % 2

3 AIR POLLUTION Silesia: 9 steel plants, 11 coal mines and 7 power stations 20-25 % of the country’s emission of SO2, NO and ash 3

4 AIR POLLUTION Exhaust fumes Silesia: over 20 000 km of public roads 1 680 000 cars The average emission of CO2 by a car: 145 g/ km 4

5 AIR POLLUTION Burning coal: ashes SO2, NO and CO2 5

6 AIR POLLUTION Air quality status should be maintained where it is already good, or improved, where the objectives for ambient air quality are not met. In order to protect human health and the environment as a whole, it is particularly important to combat emissions of pollutants at source and to identify and implement the most effective emission reduction measures at local, national and Community level. in: Directive 2008/50/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2008 on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe 6


8 Plastic shopping bags hanging from the branches 8

9 RUBBISH Car tyres: 100 years to get biodegraded 9

10 RUBBISH Card boxes in a cointainer for bio waste 10

11 RUBBISH Recycling can make a difference! 11

12 Thank you!

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