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Harry M on Term One Safety Project. Don’t play with matches or lighters. Change the battery in your smoke alarms twice a year. Have an escape plan. Have.

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Presentation on theme: "Harry M on Term One Safety Project. Don’t play with matches or lighters. Change the battery in your smoke alarms twice a year. Have an escape plan. Have."— Presentation transcript:

1 Harry M on Term One Safety Project

2 Don’t play with matches or lighters. Change the battery in your smoke alarms twice a year. Have an escape plan. Have a fire extinguisher in use. Get down get low get out. Call 111 Yell fire,fire,fire FIRE SAFETY

3 Where a helmet. Ride with an adult. Look bright. Look for driveways. Look both ways before you cross the road. Check your tyres and brakes. Ride with a buddy. BIKE SAFETY

4 Cross at pedestrian crossings Stop look and listen before you cross the road Do the curb drill Walk on the house side of the foot path Cross with an adult if there is no pedestrian crossing Look out for others ROAD SAFETY

5 Check conditions Slip slop slap wrap slurp slide Put on a hat and sunscreen Swim between the flags If you get stuck in a rip don’t panic and hold your hand up If in doubt stay out of the water Have an adult watch you BEACH SAFETY

6 Don’t have water near electrical plugs Don’t leave something cooking if it’s not been watched Don’t put things in the plug Don’t overload a multi plug Don’t touch loose wires Always use an electrician ELECTRICAL SAFETYs

7 Don’t get in strangers cars Say no Don’t talk to strangers Tell your mum and dad if someone is making you uncomfortable Don’t do what srangers say Be careful PERSONAL SAFETY

8 Don’t go on the computer without asking your mum and dad. Don’t email or open mail from strangers Delete emails from people you don’t know Don’t personal details, ie passwords Don’t download programs without asking Finally be careful, be safe and have fun INTERNET SAFETY.

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