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C - L - O - N - I - N - G Introduction Different types of cloning
Process of cloning Example of cloning --- Dolly Human cloning Advantages of cloning Disadvantages of cloning History of cloning
Introduction What is cloning? Cloning is the process of producing an individual genetically identical to its ancestor. It can be performed when the nucleus from an individual's cell is substituted by the nucleus of a fertilized egg .
Introduction What is a clone?
A clone is an offspring produced asexually from a single individual, and is also genetically identical to that individual. This means that clones are produced by a single parent cell. They do not have a certain sex because no new genetic information is created during the cloning process . Clones are a copy of the original parent/individual, but they do not have a genetic mother or a father. They simply have a genetic donor .
Examples of cloned organisms
Plants( not from seed) Many invertebrate Bacteria Some of the algae, fungi Most unicellular organism
Different types of cloning
A) Recombinant DNA Technology or DNA Cloning B) Therapeutic Cloning C) Reproductive Cloning
Different types of cloning
A) Recombinant DNA technology, DNA cloning, or "gene cloning" It is a process by which large quantities of a specific, desired gene or section of DNA may be cloned or copied once the desired DNA has been isolated. Advantages: It is important for learning about other related technologies, such as gene therapy, development of drugs, vaccines, and genetic tests.
Different types of cloning
B) Therapeutic Cloning It is a procedure that starts off like adult DNA cloning. However, the stem cells are removed from the embryo with the intent of producing tissue or a whole organ for transplant back into the person who supplied the DNA. The embryo dies in the process.
Different types of cloning
B) Therapeutic Cloning Advantages: To produce a healthy copy of a sick person's tissue or organ for transplant in order to avoid organ transplants from other people. The tissue or organ would have the sick person's original DNA so there would be no fear of an immune reaction to the donor organ.
Different types of cloning
C) Reproductive Cloning Reproductive cloning is a technology used to generate an animal that has the same nuclear DNA as another currently existing or previously existing animal. Advantages: Reproductive cloning could be used to repopulate endangered animals or animals that are difficult to breed.
Process of cloning Process of reproductive cloning:
The process used for making a clone is the somatic cell nuclear transfer (Reproductive cloning). Process of reproductive cloning: In its most basic form, cloning involves three steps. 1. Scientists take cells from an individual whose characteristics they want to copy. They place these cells, which are called donor cells, into a liquid culture. This culture contains nutrients and stops the cells from dividing.
Process of cloning 2. An unfertilized egg is taken from a female. Its nucleus is removed, leaving an empty egg cell. The donor cell is then placed into the empty egg and must be treated with chemicals or electric current in order to stimulate cell division. This process creates an embryo that is an exact copy of the donor and not the mother. 3. The embryo is put into the uterus of a female of the species and arrives into the world via the natural birth process.
Process of cloning Process of Therapeutic cloning :
Therapeutic cloning works the same way, except the embryo is not implanted into a mother, but it divides like a cell would and then stem cells are taken from the embryo and used to make other cells from the human body. These cells can treat the sick and terminally ill.
Process of Therapeutic cloning
Cloning and Stem Cells
Example of cloning--- Dolly
In February, 1997, Dr. Wilmut's team announced that arrival of Dolly. Dolly is a sheep who has exactly the same genetic code (DNA ) as her mother. Dolly's cells contain all of her mother's DNA and no DNA from any other sheep. is a type of "asexual" reproduction, which means reproduction not initiated by the union of egg and sperm. It is for this reason that Dolly is a clone of her mother. It is as if Dolly is her mother's identical twin, but was born many years after her mother, instead of at the same time.
Example of cloning--- Dolly
Process of cloning: Scientists transfer genetic material from the nucleus of a donor adult cell to an egg whose nucleus, and thus its genetic material, has been removed. The reconstructed egg containing the DNA from a donor cell must be treated with chemicals or electric current in order to stimulate cell division. Once the cloned embryo reaches a suitable stage, it is transferred to the uterus of a female host where it continues to develop until birth.
Human cloning Picture of first cloned human baby
Human cloning How human can be cloned ?
Human cloning, on the other hand, is a type of "asexual" reproduction, which means reproduction not initiated by the union of egg and sperm. Cloning is accomplished by a technique called "somatic cell nuclear transfer." One takes the nucleus from a body (somatic) cell and transfers it into a female egg which has had its nuclear material removed. Then with an electric current or chemical stimulus the cloned embryo begins to divide as does a fertilized embryo.
Human cloning
Advantages of cloning 1.Organ transplantation 2.Fighting cancer
3. Life-important proteins 4. Food production 5. Species preservation
Advantages of cloning 1.Organ transplantation 2.Fighting cancer
~ animals which would grow organs for transplants, genetically similar to the human body. ~ If people clone adult human cells, they may produce transplantable organs, like kidneys with the same genetic information as the recipients, would therefore eliminate the possibility of rejection 2.Fighting cancer ~learn what causes a cell to differentiate, from cloning ~ prevent normal, healthy cells from changing to cancer cells
Advantages of cloning 3. Life-important proteins 4. Food production
~ the same laboratory that created Dolly is now working to create eggs that contain anticancer proteins to prevent various forms of cancer, heart attacks, diabetes, etc. 4. Food production ~ if a farmer loses one of his or her best milkcows, scientists could create a clone of this best milkcow and minimize the loss for the farmer. ~ Other nutrients are already being cloned. For example, a lot of vegetables or fruits are cloned with the purpose of making them stay fresh for months, plus they have all the same size and color.
Advantages of cloning 5. Species preservation
~help to preserve species which are becoming extinct
Disadvantages of cloning
causes diseases, like epidemics development of abnormalities lose genetic diversity, may suffer from damaged immune systems
History of cloning 1938 Cloning is Envisioned
Hans Spemann proposed a "fantastical experiment" in which one removes the nucleus from a cell of a late-stage embryo, juvenile or adult, and transplants it into an egg. st Cloning Experiment with Frogs; attempt fails Robert Briggs and T.J.King add the nucleus from an advanced frog embryo cell to a frog egg. No development. 1970 Another Frog Experiment, Better Results cloned frog eggs develop into tadpoles then die 1981 "Cloning of Mice” Karl Illmensee and Peter Hoppe claimed to have cloned mice from embryo cells, but their claim was discovered to be false.
History of cloning 1984 1st Embryo Cloning with Sheep
Steen Willadsen reports that he cloned a live lamb from immature sheep embryo cells. Others later replicate his experiment using a variety of animals, including cattle, pigs, goats, rabbits, and rhesus monkeys. st Cloning of More Advanced Embryo Cells Neal First clones calves from embryos that have grown to at least 120 cells. 1996 Groundwork Laid for Cloning of Adult Sheep Ian Wilmut expands on Neal First's experiment to lay the beginnings of Adult Sheep Cloning. 1997 Adult Sheep Cloned Dr. Wilmut reports that he had cloned a 6-year-old adult sheep from an udder cell. Dolly, the cloned sheep, was the only one to survive from 277 eggs that had been fused with adult cells.
History of cloning 1997 Bull Calf Cloned
"Gene", the 1st cloned bull calf was created by ABS Global, Inc. 1998 Dolly gives birth to a lamb---Bonnie 2000 use in human organ transplantation Pigs born; cloned for use in human organ transplantation 2001 Human embryos cloned never grow bigger than six cells 2002 Human cloned Clonaid says it has cloned the first human
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