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reDESIGN in 90 - Program Guide reDESIGN in 90 reDESIGN in 90 is a lifestyle program utilizing the Nu Skin reDESIGN Weight Management Package along with.

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2 reDESIGN in 90 - Program Guide

3 reDESIGN in 90 reDESIGN in 90 is a lifestyle program utilizing the Nu Skin reDESIGN Weight Management Package along with the unique Fit Number System, App & simple 3-2-1 eating plan to help you reach your lifestyle goals.

4 reDESIGN in 90 Table of Contents IThe Simple Daily Plan II System Description III Fit Number System IVNuFit90 App & Website V Nu Skin Products reDESIGN in 90 Additional Support Products VI NuFit90 “3-2-1” Strategy Overview Snacks & Free Foods Meal Replacement Shakes and Recipes Meals (Menus) Water VIIExercise VIIIDaily Tracking Journal

5 reDESIGN in 90 Can Be This Simple: Breakfast: A Delicious Shake Nutritional Supplements

6 reDESIGN in 90 Can Be This Simple: Snack: 20 Strawberries

7 reDESIGN in 90 Can Be This Simple: Lunch: A Delicious Shake Nutritional Supplements

8 reDESIGN in 90 Can Be This Simple: Snack: ½ Element Bar

9 reDESIGN in 90 Can Be This Simple: Dinner: Salad with Chicken & Vegetables (Avoid simple carbs like bread & avoid sugar) Nutritional Supplements

10 reDESIGN in 90 Can Be This Simple: Snack: Celery & Tomato Slices or a Small Apple

11 reDESIGN in 90 Can Be This Simple: Drink at least 8-10 8oz. glasses of water during the day. Exercise: Walk for 30-60 minutes.

12 Fit Number System

13 Fit 5 BF >38% Female, >32% Male<5 Push-Ups HR >72<20 Sit-Ups <5 Minutes DAA FIT # 5 - RED

14 Fit Number System Fit 4 BF 34%-38% Female, 27%-32% Male<10 Push-Ups HR >65<30 Sit-Ups <15 Minutes DAA FIT # 4 - ORANGE

15 Fit Number System Fit 3 BF 29%-33% Female, 23%-26% Male<15 Push-Ups HR >60<35 Sit-Ups <20 Minutes DAA FIT # 3 - YELLOW

16 Fit Number System Fit 2 BF 22%-28% Female, 16%-22% Male>20 Push-Ups HR >55>40 Sit-Ups >30 Minutes DAA FIT # 2 - GREEN

17 Fit Number System Fit 1 BF <22% Female, <16% Male>25 Push-Ups HR <55>50 Sit-Ups >50 Minutes DAA FIT # 1 - RED

18 reDESIGN in 90 - Program Guide

19 The Simple Daily Plan

20 reDESIGN in 90 - Program Guide reDESIGN in 90 Program Fit Number System App

21 reDESIGN in 90 - Program Guide Nu Skin Products reDESIGN in 90 Weight Management Package Additional Support Products

22 reDESIGN in 90 - Program Guide reDESIGN in 90 (3-2-1 Strategy) 3 - Snacks and Free Foods per day 2 – Delicious Meal Replacement Shakes per day 1 – Evening Meal (Recipes) a day 8- Glasses of Water a day

23 reDESIGN in 90 - Program Guide Exercise

24 reDESIGN in 90 - Program Guide Tracking Your Results

25 reDESIGN in 90 - Program Guide

26 I. The Simple Daily Plan II. reDESIGN in 90 Program Fit Number System App III. Nu Skin Products reDESIGN in 90 Weight Management Package Additional Support Products IV. reDESIGN in 90 3-2-1 Strategy Snacks and Free Foods Meal Replacement Shakes Meals (Recipes) Water V. Exercise VI. Tracking Your Results


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