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 Lab-volt’s Tech Design is an interactive Multimedia program used in Technology Education at both Preparatory schools. It is a program that manages curriculum.

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Presentation on theme: " Lab-volt’s Tech Design is an interactive Multimedia program used in Technology Education at both Preparatory schools. It is a program that manages curriculum."— Presentation transcript:

1  Lab-volt’s Tech Design is an interactive Multimedia program used in Technology Education at both Preparatory schools. It is a program that manages curriculum delivery, student data, and teacher preferences for course delivery.  Grade Point 2020 is a program installed that allows the teacher to administer tasks such as station scheduling, grading, activity assignments, generating reports and monitoring student progress and activities.  Each station includes all dedicated supplies. Students take a pre-test, completes seven-nine lessons and then needs to be tested out with a post test.  Students will have the opportunity to explore career opportunities that relate to each workstation topic

2  Introduction to Technology  Automation and Robotics  Computer Graphic Design  Computer and Service repair  Ecology  Engineering and Stress Analysis  Environmental Technology/ Water  Exploring Electricity  Flight Simulation  Meteorology and Forecasting  Network Fundamentals  Radio Broadcasting  Video Production  Web Development

3  Team playing students work together to program and operate a robot peripherals  Students identify the components of a robot and the types of industrial tasks that can be achieved more safely and easily through automation  Students write and execute programs for a robotic arm to perform both single and double operations

4  The module explains how computers are used to create symbols and pictures.  Students will have the ability to create logos and stationery for companies (either real or fictional)  Students also learn the principles will be able to explain why such items are produced and the applications of graphic design software.

5 Students will perform advanced operations:  Troubleshooting  Upgrading a system  Running diagnostic routines  Assembling and disassembling hardware  Removing and installing cards.  Examine each part of the computer and perform various activities to test and fix minor problems

6  Use computer software to simulate a living planet and balance the Earth’s natural resources  Increase students’ awareness on environmental issues, such as global warming, acid rain, and soil erosion affect on the earth  Investigate how the ecosystems work together  Use database software to record observations about local plant and animal life  Prepare a presentation on the Gaia Theory

7  Observe how severe weather, excessive weight, and other forces affect the integrity of structures, such as buildings and bridges  Apply scientific principles that establish strength and endurance in construction projects  Introduced to such topics as force, area, stress, strain, tension, and compression

8  Alerts students to the limits of our clean water supply, and educates them about processes for testing and treating water  Perform experiments to test water purity and follow procedures to treat wastewater  Perform experiments to test the pH levels of drinking water, water from the environment and pool water

9  Students learn the basic characteristics electrical circuits  Experiment and demonstrate basic electrical concepts Use the lab to measure circuit characteristics Work hands on with a 12-Vdc power supply and a digital multimeter, and electric relay, and an assortment of lamps, switches, and resistors

10  Experiment with a photo-realistic instrument panel, 3-D scenery and authentic flight sounds  Demonstrate advanced flying skills, including advanced flying skills, including advanced planning and plotting of a course, take-off, simulated flying, communicating and landing

11  Operate and receive information on a ground-based weather station  Study the Earth’s atmosphere, pressure systems, weather fronts and storm-tracking  Indentify different types of satellites used in forecasting  Prepare local and national weather forecasts  Read and interpret weather maps and make a 24-hour local forecast

12  Teaches students the basics of computer networks, applications and software  Calculate the bend radius of a specified cable, and file-download times  Use flowcharting software to create a diagram of star topology, a site plan that includes equipment, a physical map of the classroom network and a small home network  Produce a rough draft of a classroom network layout

13  Basic elements of commercial writing and production, broadcast writing styles, news reporting, recording techniques, and program formatting  Use of radio broadcasting equipment  General radio broadcasting guidelines and protocols as determined by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)  Production techniques required to create a successful radio broadcast

14  Through hands-on experiences, they learn how films are created and about various careers that involve video production.  Scripting, storyboarding, framing, lighting, and audio techniques  Proper care, handling, and operation of video production equipment  Terms and concepts of videography

15  Students will examine how to develop creative and effective websites.  Navigating the Web  History of Web Design  Introduction to Web Design  HTML Basics  Graphics and Color  Tables and Hyperlinks in HTML  FrontPage Basics  Creating a Website in FrontPage  Enhancing the Website  Publishing the Website  Students gain experience with HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) coding

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