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{ Quiz Time Thursday 11 April 2013.  In the Cwlth Parliament, the role of the States’ House is performed by the:  House of Representatives  Senate.

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Presentation on theme: "{ Quiz Time Thursday 11 April 2013.  In the Cwlth Parliament, the role of the States’ House is performed by the:  House of Representatives  Senate."— Presentation transcript:

1 { Quiz Time Thursday 11 April 2013

2  In the Cwlth Parliament, the role of the States’ House is performed by the:  House of Representatives  Senate  Legislative Assembly  House of Lords. Question 1

3   Which of the following sections of the Constitution specifically provides for equal representation for the states in the Senate?   Section 128   Section 12   Section 7   Section 109 Question 2

4   The term ultra vires is usually applied where:   Parliament has acted outside of its law-making authority   A court has issued a judgment that has been overturned on appeal   A local council has made legislation   The Prime Minister has acted improperly and has been asked to resign Question 3

5   Which of the following statements best describes the decision in the Dams case?   The Cwlth Parliament is allowed to outlaw any dams in Tasmania   State parliaments need to consult with the Cwlth before building a dam   The Cwlth Parlt can legislate on any matter that is contained in a treaty   Treaties give the State Parliaments the right to build a dam. Question 4

6   The impact of the High Court decision in the Brislan case can be seen in:   Cwlth laws to prevent the destruction of rainforests in Queensland   The Cwlth’s legislative control of television and wireless Internet   The delivery of ‘tied grants’ to the states by the Cwlth   The outlawing of homosexuality in Tasmania. Question 5

7   Which of the following referendum issues failed to pass in 1951?   Retirement of judges at age 70 (Federal)   Communism and national security   Maximum terms for parliaments be set at 4 years   Establishment of a republic Question 6

8   The lower house of the Victorian Parliament is the:   Legislative Assembly   Legislative Council   House of Lords   Senate Question 7

9   The ultimate court of appeal in the Victorian hierarchy is the:   High Court   Court of Appeal   Supreme Court   Federal Court Question 8

10   Which of the following is an exclusive power of the Commonwealth?   Taxation   Education   Coining of money   Marriage Question 9

11   Which of the following is not a residual power?   Medical trespass   Surrogacy and IVF   The imposition of customs and excise duties   Road laws Question 10

12   Which section of the Constitution says that people cannot suffer discrimination due to their state of residence?   Section 117   Section 96   Section 116   Section 98 Question 11

13   What is the policy-making body of government?   Parliament   Cabinet   Governor   Legislature Question 12

14   What section of the Constitution was interpreted in the Franklin Dam case?   Section 116   Section 51 (xxix)   Section 90   Section 115 Question 13

15   Which of the following is a formal law reform body?   The High Court   The Catholic Church   The Law Reform Commission of Victoria   The Wilderness Society Question 14

16   Which section of the Constitution provides where the Cwlth acquires property, it must be done ‘on just terms’?   Section 51 (xxix)   Section 51 (x)   Section 99   Section 51 (xxxi) Question 15

17   Which section of the Constitution establishes defence as an exclusive power?   Section 92   Section 90   Section 115   Section 114 Question 16

18   Who is the Queen’s representative in the Commonwealth Parliament?   Governor   Prime Minister   Governor-General   Attorney-General Question 17

19   Which section of the Constitution guarantees freedom of religion?   Section 109   Section 116   Section 51 (xxix)   Section 114 Question 18

20   Which law ensures Cwlth dominance in the event of legal conflict with states?   Section 109 of the Australian Constitution   Section 116 of the Australian Constitution   Section 51 (xxix) of the Australian Constitution   Section 114 of the Australian Constitution Question 19

21   Which of the following statements is correct?   Voting in open federal elections is an express right in the Constitution.   Section 7 guarantees the right to vote in Senate elections   Section 24 states that the House of Reps will be ‘chosen by the people’   Section 26 sets the maximum term of federal governments at 3 years. Question 20

22   Which court has the authority to decide matters ‘arising under any treaty’?   The High Court according to section 1 of the Constitution   The Supreme Courts under powers delegated by the Commonwealth   The High Court according to section 75 of the Constitution   The Federal Court, as assigned in 1975 when it was established. Question 21

23   Which section of the Constitution allows for free trade between the states?   Section 92   Section 99   Section 115 Question 22

24   Which section of the Constitution allows for the referral of powers:   Section 51 (xxix)   Section 51 (xxxi)   Section 51 (xxxvii)   Section 109 Question 23

25   In which year was a referendum passed allowing the Cwlth to control states’ debts?   1967   1458   1910   1946 Question 24

26   The Human Rights (Sexual Conduct) Act 1994 (Cwlth) is based on which treaty/convention:   World Heritage   International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights   The Rights of Indigenous Peoples   The Sex Discrimination Treaty Question 25

27   Which of the following is NOT a restriction on the Cwlth?   Section 128   Section 116   Section 109   Sections 106 and 107   Question 26

28   Which of the following powers are held by the states?   Specific + Exclusive   Concurrent + Exclusive   Residual + Concurrent   Specific + Residual Question 27

29   Which section of the Constitution was interpreted in the Roads case (1926)?   Section 92   Section 96   Section 117   Section 51 Question 28

30   Which of the following has NOT been referred to the Cwlth by the states?   De facto relationships (children)   Terrorism   Consumer credit   Asylum seekers Question 29

31   Where is the United Nations headquarters:   New York   Washington   East Bentleigh   Turkey Question 30

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