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The National Institute for Agronomic Research  Set up in 1946  A public, scientific and technological establishment  Under the joint authority of the.

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2 The National Institute for Agronomic Research  Set up in 1946  A public, scientific and technological establishment  Under the joint authority of the Ministries of Agriculture and Research.  Second largest French public research organisation, with a staff of nearly 9000 and a budget of 573 millions euros  Largest European organisation for agricultural research, and amongst the top three world-wide

3  1946/1960 INRA was one of the principal actors in the modernisation of farming.  1960/1980 Through its research and innovation, INRA contributed to the development of the French agrifood sector.  1980/2000 The Institute integrated new and fundamental technologies in the life sciences (biotechnologies, molecular biology, genetic engineering…) in response to new environmental and consumer demands.

4 Since 2001 INRA is taking up the scientific challenges of the life sciences, helping to accomplish profound changes in farming, responding to new demands from society (food safety and quality, ethics, science-society debate, etc.)  by strengthening its resources in three major fields: 1. The development of sustainable agriculture 2. Nutrition and its effects on human health 3. The environment and regional development  by integrating them in the construction of the European Research Area  by actively participating in the internationalisation of science

5 Missions 1. To produce and disseminate scientific knowledge and innovations 2. To contribute to training in and through research, to the dissemination of scientific culture and to the science/society debate 3. Through its expertise, to participate in informing the decisions made by public and private sector actors

6 Research priorities >> The environment and rural areas Protection of natural resources >> Human nutrition and food safety Eating safe and healthy foods >> Integrative biology From genomes to plant and animal populations >> Bioinformatics Informatics and high throughput biology >> Social sciences Informing decision-makers in the public and private sectors

7 >> The environment and rural areas Protection of natural resources 1. Management and protection of physical resources: water, soil, the atmosphere 2. Valorisation and preservation of biological resources 3. Management of agrarian and forest systems 4. Support for public policies on the environment and rural areas

8 >> Human nutrition and food safety Eating safe and healthy foods 1. Relationships between nutrition and human health 2. Quality and biological safety of foods 3. Determinants of food consumption

9 >> Integrative biology From genomes to plant and animal populations 1. Genotyping 2. Genome mapping 3. Integrative biology 4. Risk assessment and the management of innovation

10 >> Bioinformatics Informatics and high throughput biology 1. Management of genome data 2. Interfaces for biologists

11 >> Social sciences Informing decision-makers in the public and private sectors 1. Analysis of the role and functions of agriculture, nutrition and rural areas in society 2. Analysis and design of public policies or organisational methods in the economic and social contexts 3. Development of methods for risk analysis and management 4. Development of integrative research, strengthening of forecasting

12 A strengthened partnership policy >> Scientific collaborations in France with - research organisations - higher education >> Construction of the European Research Area >> Socioeconomic partnerships with industry and farming >> Local activities with public regional bodies >> International collaboration >> Contributing to the debate and informing public decision

13 >> Scientific collaborations in France  140 Joint Research Units out of a total of 257 research units > 44 with agricultural or veterinary Grandes Ecoles > 32 with universities > 9 with other research organisations > 43 involving several of these partners  Participation in 26 federated research institutes > 23 in the life sciences > 2 in environmental sciences  Contribution to higher education (figures for 2001)  > More than 1100 staff members provided more than 12,000 hours of lectures, > 830 doctoral students being trained every year, and some 250 doctoral theses presented

14 >> Construction of the European Research Area  6th European PRTD (Programme for Research and Technological Development) > Preparation and participation > National Contact Point for the high-priority programme on Food Quality and Safety.  Bilateral agreements with European Union partners (Netherlands, United Kingdom, Sweden, Greece, Portugal, Spain, etc.).  Scientific cooperation > with Central and Eastern European countries (some 60 projects) > with Mediterranean countries, in collaboration with the CIHEAM (International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies)

15  Member of Euragri The club which brings together representatives from the principal research organisations and agriculture ministries in member states of the European Union  Member of the European Science Foundation A European association which groups 70 major research organisations in 24 member states

16 >> Socioeconomic partnerships  Industrial partnerships > Intellectual property (figures for 2001) - a strategic and ethical challenge in the life sciences - 252 licenses (know-how and patents), 187 French patents and 3240 patent applications in other countries > Exploitation of research results A high-performance organisation based on independent subsidiary companies: - Agri-Obtentions: selling commercial licences for plant varieties and innovations aimed at improving plant health - Inra Transfert: economic exploitation in partnership or through the creation of companies

17  Partnerships with the world of farming > Increased focus on studies on processes for high-quality, sustainable production and on rural development > Application of the concept of multifonctionality in agriculture to national and European policies > Development of research programmes in collaboration with actors in agricultural development

18 >> International collaboration  Research partnerships with industrialised countries (United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, etc.)  Scientific collaboration with Eastern European and Mediterranean countries and with emerging agricultural and scientific powers (China, Brazil, India)  Strong policy of welcoming grantholders from other countries

19 Breakdown of foreign grantholders at INRA Northern European Economic Space Southern European Economic Space Central and Eastern European Countries Mediterranean countries (not includins Europe) North America South America/Caribbean Asia/Pacific Sub-Saharan Africa

20 The INRA research budget represents 6% of the French civil public research budget INRA share in 2003 of the civil research and development budget (staffing grants and programme approvals in millions of Euros)

21 Strategic axes in the 2003 budget Breakdown of resources Improving living conditions, preserving the environment and ensuring sustainable production Developing generic strategies for knowledge in the life sciences Informing the decisions of public and private sector decision-makers Improving human nutrition, preserving consumer health and understanding consumer behaviour Diversifying products and their uses, improving their competitiveness Adapting species, practices and production systems to changing contexts Department management

22  One Chairman, one Board of Directors The INRA Board of Directors is chaired by the Chairman of the Institute. The Chairman and Director General are assisted by a Scientific Advisory Board, which discusses and proposes scientific policies and evaluates research activities.  Four Research Support Directorates > Regional activities, higher education and Europe > Finance and general administration > Innovation and information systems > Human resources  Two support missions > Communication > International relations

23  21 regional research centres  14 scientific research departments  468 units > 257 research units (including 140 associated with other organisations) > 80 experimental units > 131 support units


25 Ressources et Organisation 14 Scientifc Departments Animal genetics Animal physiology and husbandry systems Animal health Environment and agronomy Ecology of forests, meadows and aquatic environment Plant health and the environment Plant breeding and genetics Plant biology Characterizing of and research on products issued from agriculture Human nutrition Microbiology and food chain Applied mathematics and computer sciences Social sciences, agriculture and food, space and environment Sciences for action and development


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