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Potential NSIDC Support for the SDO EVE Instrument.

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1 Potential NSIDC Support for the SDO EVE Instrument

2 Potential NSIDC Support to the SDO EVE Instrument - Presented to PODAG, 10/2003 Mission Overview Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) will launch in ~2008 Nominally a 5 yr mission with potential extension to 10 years CU’s Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) has programmatic responsibility for SDO’s EVE instrument  This includes DAAC-like responsibilities

3 Potential NSIDC Support to the SDO EVE Instrument - Presented to PODAG, 10/2003 Potential Responsibilities Overview LASP has defined 4 different types of archive based on product type, timeliness requirements and customer base  Space weather archive handles near real-time products available via the web (~100 MB/day)  Level 0 archive handles the L0A data (~22 GB/day) and is considered the disaster recovery archive; data would only be available to LASP  Private Data archive handles upper level products (L0B + L1; ~22 GB/day), data would only be available to LASP  Public Data archive handles upper level products (~600 MB/day) that are publicly available; this includes search, order and distribution of these products NSIDC has been asked to estimate costs for providing any/all of these services

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