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Spectropolarimetry with the green line: Observations and Simulations

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1 Spectropolarimetry with the green line: Observations and Simulations
A. Bemporad INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino, Italy ISSI Team on “Coronal Magnetometry”, First Meeting, 24/02-01/03/2013, Bern

2 OUTLINE Introduction: LCTP for the green line
Spectropolarimetric observations during the 2010 TSE Simulation of green line polarized emission

3 LCTP calibration (in collaboration with L. Abbo, G. Capobianco, S. Fineschi, G. Massone)

4 Liquid-crystal Tunable Lyot Filter for Solar Coronagraphy


6 LCTP Perfomances

7 Fe xiv 530.3 spectropolarimetry: observations
(in collaboration with L. Abbo, C. Benna, P. Calcidese, G. Capobianco, S. Fineschi, G. Massone, M. Romoli)

8 The CorMag was operated during the total solar eclipse of July, 11th on Tatakoto Atoll (French Polynesia)

9 2010 TSE coronal configuration
K-corona image (filtered) by M. Druckmuller

10 2010 TSE coronal configuration
SDO/AIA 171 SOHO/LASCO C2 run.diff.

11 2010 TSE Cormag data 1024X1024 pix, 16 bit/pix, 2MB per image, pix 24um, 6.2’’/pix 31 exposures (exptime 8 sec): 21, 5 and 5 with pol. angles 0°, 60° and 120° resp.

12 2010 TSE cormag & ekpol data LASCO/C2 + EKPol CorMag FeXIV + EIT 304

13 LCTP scan

14 FeXIV line doppler shifts
cormag results FeXIV line intensity FeXIV line doppler shifts

15 cormag results Habbal et al. (2010) Fe 13+ ions kinetic temperatures
Prasad et al. (2013) FeXIV line widths (s) (after deconvolution with Lyot filter instrumental profile)

16 Pasachoff et al. (2011) Fe13+ Kinetic Temperature contour levels: Blue: 1.5106 K green: 3.0106 K red : 4.5106 K K-corona image by M. Drukmuller

17 CoMP-S instrument @ Lomnicky STIT Observatory (SLOVAK R.)


19 Fe xiv 530.3 spectropolarimetry: simulations
(in collaboration with L. Abbo, L. Belluzzi, R. Casini, S. Fineschi, P. Judge)

20 The simulation Simulations of FeXIV green line polarized emission: performed with the numerical code originally developed by P. G. Judge and R. Casini for forbidden lines (see Casini & Judge 1999; Judge & Casini 2001). Lines assumed to be optically thin, excited by (anisotropic) photospheric radiation + thermal particle collisions. Assuming that collisional excitation is isotropic → collisional component is unpolarized → collisional depolarization. Scattering redistribution function Pa’ is proportional to ~ sin2q’ (a2 + b2 cos2q) with q and q’ angles between the field and the direction of the incident and scattered radiation, -a2 / b2 = 1/3 → q VV ~ 54.6° (House 1977). Direction of linear polarization → projected direction of POS magnetic field, but polarization changes sign at q VV → ambiguity by 90°.

21 First test: centered dipole, no los integration
Q/I (%) Q/I (%) qB = ± qVV qB = ± π/4 + (dipolar field, isothermal corona at 2ˣ106 K, density profile from Antonucci et al. (2006) for streamer – c.hole interface)

22 First test: centered dipole, no los integration
|U|/I (%) |U|/I (%) qB = ±qVV, π ± qVV qB = kπ/2 + (dipolar field, isothermal corona at 2ˣ106 K, density profile from Antonucci et al. (2006) for streamer – c.hole interface)

23 Second test: centered dipole, los integration
Q/I (%) Q/I (%) qB = ± qVV qB = ± π/4 + (dipolar field, isothermal corona at 2ˣ106 K, density profile from Antonucci et al. (2006) for streamer – c.hole interface)

24 Second test: centered dipole, los integration
|U|/I (%) |U|/I (%) qB = ±qVV, π ± qVV qB = kπ/2 + (dipolar field, isothermal corona at 2ˣ106 K, density profile from Antonucci et al. (2006) for streamer – c.hole interface)

25 third test: shifted dipole, los integration
Q/I (%) Q/I (%) + (dipolar field, isothermal corona at 2ˣ106 K, density profile from Antonucci et al. (2006) for streamer – c.hole interface)

26 third test: shifted dipole, los integration
|U|/I (%) |U|/I (%) + (dipolar field, isothermal corona at 2ˣ106 K, density profile from Antonucci et al. (2006) for streamer – c.hole interface)

27 fourth test: centered dipole, los integration, loop density
[dipolar field, isothermal corona at 2ˣ106 K, density profile from Antonucci et al. (2006) for streamer – c.hole interface + loop at 109 cm-3 from Ugarte-Urra et al. (2005)]

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