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 Craters  Many formed from meteor impact or volcanoes  Ex: Tycho – near south pole, has rays (streaks coming out of crater due to meteor explosion)

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Presentation on theme: " Craters  Many formed from meteor impact or volcanoes  Ex: Tycho – near south pole, has rays (streaks coming out of crater due to meteor explosion)"— Presentation transcript:

1  Craters  Many formed from meteor impact or volcanoes  Ex: Tycho – near south pole, has rays (streaks coming out of crater due to meteor explosion)  6 Craters to know: Tycho, Copernicus, Plato, Alphonsus, Ptolemaus, Kepler Bonus: Hercules & Atlas, Clavius 7A-2 Features of the moon

2 Identify what the arrows are pointing to

3 Identify what is circled

4  Maria (singular: mare)  Dark areas of the moon  Once thought to be seas  Actually flat lowland plains with hardened lava  Largest = Mare Imbirium (sea of rains)  Others to know = Mare Crisium, Mare Fecunditatis, Mare Frigoris, Mare Nectaris, Mare Serenitatis, Mare Tranqulitatis


6  Mountains  Many mountains border the maria  Rise abruptly from plains, up to 8 km high, steep slopes  Mountains to know: Alps, Apennines, Caucasus, Carpathians, Jura, Pyrenees, Haemus  Rills  Long narrow valleys, look like rivers but begin/end abruptly (may have been paths for molten lava)


8  Unique size  Moon is 100 times larger than average moon in solar system  Moon to planet ratio is 10 times bigger (except for Pluto/Charon)  Moon created as a lesser light to rule the night (large enough to light evening sky)  Most cultures have used the moon to mark time Unique Features

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