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The Biological Design Process Content adapted from: Nagel, J.K.S., Nagel, R.L., Stone, R.B. & Mcadams, D.A., 2010. Function-based, biologically inspired.

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Presentation on theme: "The Biological Design Process Content adapted from: Nagel, J.K.S., Nagel, R.L., Stone, R.B. & Mcadams, D.A., 2010. Function-based, biologically inspired."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Biological Design Process Content adapted from: Nagel, J.K.S., Nagel, R.L., Stone, R.B. & Mcadams, D.A., 2010. Function-based, biologically inspired concept generation. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 24, 521-535.

2 Today’s Journey  Customer driven design process  Process  Example  Bio driven design process  Process  Activity  Example

3 Bio-Inspired Concept Generation Approaches

4 Customer-Driven Design Process  This method assumes that there is a specific function that the designer wishes to perform  The process is focused on determining the biological systems that need to be considered for inspiration  Customer driven is standard for engineering design (ME382, ME383, ME418, ME419, ME611....)

5 Process – Step 0  Formulate problem statement  Generate House of Quality (HoQ)  Customer needs  Customer requirements  Engineering requirements

6 Daily Design Problem  Problem Description:  Many young people have not learned to cook while growing up and feel overwhelmed by the many steps that go into preparing a dish from scratch. One specific pitfall is the flavoring of a dish. The wrong amount or combination of spices can ruin it. In addition, more experienced cooks would like to venture out and start cooking a more diverse set of dishes. They are looking for assistance in flavoring these unfamiliar dishes. For example, for an American cook, these could be Indian, Chinese, Italian, or Mexican dishes.

7 Daily Design Problem  Problem Description:  Therefore your task is to develop a flavor- composing device - a device that automatically measures, combines, and dispenses spices. As this is a complex task, you will only develop the mechanical aspect of the flavor-composing device. Others are responsible for controls, programming, and the combination of all other results.  What are the customer needs?

8 Process – Step 1  Create a conceptual functional model of the desired engineering system  This should be a high level, abstract model of the engineering system to be developed  This process is something we have already seen  NOT the biological functional model

9 Daily Design Problem  Problem Description:  Therefore your task is to develop a flavor- composing device - a device that automatically measures, combines, and dispenses spices. As this is a complex task, you will only develop the mechanical aspect of the flavor-composing device. Others are responsible for controls, programming, and the combination of all other results.  What key functions are required?

10 Process – Step 2  Map functions to biological systems  MEMIC or Morphological Matrix can be used if the database contains biological systems  DANE  AskNature  Use Engineering to Biology Thesaurus to translate to biological terms  BioSearch  Index of your favorite biology textbook

11 Daily Design Problem  Problem Description:  Therefore your task is to develop a flavor- composing device - a device that automatically measures, combines, and dispenses spices. As this is a complex task, you will only develop the mechanical aspect of the flavor-composing device. Others are responsible for controls, programming, and the combination of all other results.  What biological systems can map to those key functions?

12 Process – Step 3  Explore the most promising solutions in more depth for inspiration  Read the repository entry, if available  Again, biological text is useful  Google  Create a functional model of the biological system in order to see the connections to engineering designs

13 Process – Step 4  Identify novel solutions and combine with solutions for various other functions to create an engineering system

14 Example  Heat Exchange Case Study  Heat exchanger design for hydrogen vehicles  Filling creates heat  Heat reduces efficiency of absorption, increasing filling time  Need is for small scale heat exchanger  Fins are too large [ crucial-to-new-automotive-hydrogen-storage-system/[ crucial-to-new-automotive-hydrogen-storage-system/]

15 Functional Model Fueling Stage Discharge Stage

16 Bio Keyword Selection  Distribute Thermal Energy is the Main Function  Distribute has the key word exchange  For example, searching exchange in the Bio Search database…

17 Results: Exchange 1. Heat exchange between the internal environment and the skin occurs largely through blood flow. 2. Because heat is exchanged between blood vessels carrying blood in opposite directions, this adaptation is called a countercurrent heat exchanger. It keeps the heat within the muscle mass, enabling the fish to have an internal body temperature considerably above the water temperature.

18 Results: Exchange 3. Abscisic acid also regulates gas and water vapor exchange between leaves and the atmosphere through its effects on the guard cells of the leaf stomata.  Open and close flower  Cutting supply to leaf so it drops 4. The movement of ions into and out of cells is important in many biological processes, ranging from the electrical activity of the nervous system to the opening of pores in leaves that allow gas exchange with the environment.

19 Results: Exchange 5. As in other air-breathing vertebrates, air enters and leaves a bird's gas exchange system through a trachea (commonly known as the windpipe), which divides into smaller airways called bronchi (singular bronchus).

20 Results: Exchange 6. Both ectotherms and endotherms can alter the rate of heat exchange between their bodies and their environments by controlling the flow of blood to the skin. The skin is the interface between the internal and the external environment, and heat exchanges that alter body temperature across this interface. 7. Leaves exchange gases, including water vapor, with the environment by way of the stomata.

21 Results: Exchange 8. When an animal breathes, it does work to move water or air over its specialized gas exchange surfaces. 9. External gills are highly branched and folded elaborations of the body surface that provide a large surface area for gas exchange with water. Because they consist of thin, delicate membranes, they minimize the length of the path traversed by diffusing molecules of O2 and CO2.

22 Results  Ideas of continuous, circular flow, from the bird (result 5) were adapted for a heat exchanger design.


24 Biology-Driven Design Process  This method assumes a biological system that performs a function that the engineer wants to emulate as a starting point  The process is focused on abstracting the biological system so that the designer can then use the functional model to inspire an engineering design concept  Bring the biology in upfront  Typical design process

25 Process – Step 1 1. Generate functional model of the biological system of interest  We saw this last class

26 Process – Step 2 2. Solve each function with multiple solutions (Design repository, Analogical transfer, or other)  The MEMIC software from the OSU Design Engineering Lab is useful for this step  view/ view/  Additionally, a morphological chart search may be useful  view/searchmorph.jsp view/searchmorph.jsp

27 Process – Step 2 Morphological chart search

28 Process – Step 2  The function solutions found in this step are limited to solutions found in the design repository and solutions that the user can determine from past experience  If the design repository has limited data and/or the user is inexperienced, this step can be very difficult  Future expansion of database knowledge may make this step much simpler

29 Process – Step 3  Review potential solutions and generate concepts by combining solutions for each individual function in different ways  At this point, engineering judgment must be used to determine which overall solutions are viable and which are not  This is not an exact science…  Some functions may not be needed in an engineering solution, while others may need to be added  This step relies heavily on the engineer’s knowledge, judgment, and imagination, like most design work

30 Case Study: Lichen

31  MEMIC and the Morphological Matrix tool were used to generate solutions for each function

32 Results of MEMIC and Morphological Matrix searches for each function

33 Case Study: Lichen  Excess thermal energy and excess electrical energy can be used by the home or business using this device  Liquid acts as lens and filter for solar energy  Pump cycles water through exchange tank where thermal energy can be removed or added to keep the liquid at optimal temperature

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