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Language support for access to mainstream services 11 th July 2014 National Refugee Resettlement Forum Jennifer Lamm Ministry of Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Language support for access to mainstream services 11 th July 2014 National Refugee Resettlement Forum Jennifer Lamm Ministry of Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Language support for access to mainstream services 11 th July 2014 National Refugee Resettlement Forum Jennifer Lamm Ministry of Health

2 Language Support for Mainstream Health Services Right 5: Code of Health and Disability Services Consumer Rights - Right to Effective Communication Interpreting services in DHBs Primary Health Interpreting Translation Apps How to use interpreters – training resources CALD cultural competency training Language matched health practitioners Translated resources

3 Right 5: Code of Health and Disability Services Consumer Rights Right to Effective Communication (1) Every consumer has the right to effective communication in a form, language, and manner that enables the consumer to understand the information provided. Where necessary and reasonably practicable, this includes the right to a competent interpreter. (2) Every consumer has the right to an environment that enables both consumer and provider to communicate openly, honestly, and effectively.

4 Interpreting Policy and Guidelines DHBs Interpreting and Translation Service Policies and Protocols

5 DHB Interpreting Services: Four Modalities

6 Primary Health Interpreting Services in the Auckland region  Includes: PHOs-GP services; community pharmacies, labs, radiology; A&M clinics; Plunket; Independent midwives; Birthcare; Family Planning etc How to Access the Service… How: (a) For immediate / same day appointments, face to face and telephone interpreters can be booked over the phone. (b) For advanced appointments, face to face and telephone interpreters can be booked by fax or via the interpreter service online booking system.

7 Training for Interpreters Mental Health Training Managing Crises and challenging incidents Cultural Competency Training Training for health & disability practitioners Cultural Competency Training How to work with interpreters Training for the interpreting workforce

8 CALD Cultural Competency Training for the Health and Disability Workforce Interactive learning – discussion, exercise, videos, theory and assessment

9 CALD cultural competency on-line training

10 CALD - Working with Interpreters Training Interactive learning – discussion, exercise, videos, theory and assessment

11 What is Listen Please Listen Please is a clinical translation application (app) for the Apple iPad. It makes patient–clinician communication possible, where a patient cannot speak at all (e.g. because he/she has a breathing tube in their airway) and/or the patient can only speak Mandarin/Cantonese Chinese, Korean, Samoan, or Tongan. It includes about 400 questions and statements which have printed/audio translations for the above languages, and pictures/photos to further help understanding. It is a stand alone app and does not need internet access to work. It is not intended to replace trained medical interpreters; rather, it is for those situations where an interpreter cannot be obtained in time or cannot be obtained for all the time.

12 Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Cultural caseworkers model in DHB Child Development Service Services to CALD clients and their families: –Navigation and advocacy of health and disability services –Cultural mediation between family and service –Coordinating aspects of care –Health and disability education and information for parents –CALD consumer feedback to services

13 Ministry of Health – Health Education website BCG vaccination- Information for Parents Healthy Eating Smokfree

14 Translated resources

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