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By: Ma. de los Angeles Escobar.  Introduction  Problem Identification  Objectives  Theoretical Frame  Tourism Industry  Tourism on Internet  Information.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Ma. de los Angeles Escobar.  Introduction  Problem Identification  Objectives  Theoretical Frame  Tourism Industry  Tourism on Internet  Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Ma. de los Angeles Escobar

2  Introduction  Problem Identification  Objectives  Theoretical Frame  Tourism Industry  Tourism on Internet  Information Technologies in Tourism  Tourism Systems

3  Development  Tools Description  Modeling  Components Creation  Implementation  Samples  Conclusions and Recommendations  Proposal to use free tools in Tourism Business

4  Ecuadorian Companies can´t supply a Business Intelligence Software  Unfair competence in a business relationship  There is no updated information about touristic places in Ecuador  There is a lack of agent`s training  There is no an information tool that can be used like a formal tool to take business decisions, to improve the tourism market.

5  To design and apply datawarehouse application that can be use by Travel agencies to review the top tourist information in Ecuador.  To organize, classified Ecuadorian tourism information  To socialize tourism information between travel agencies

6  Tourism has become a popular global leisure activity  International tourist receipts were USD 856 billion in 2007  Tourism also employs 5.3 per cent of the state’s workforce  The tourism industry is the total of all businesses that directly provide goods or services to facilitate business, pleasure and leisure activities away from the home environment.

7  Tourism Business Consumer Needs Awareness Motivation Planning / Decision Satisfaction Word Spread

8  Travel and tourism products are ideal for marketing on the Internet.  This is because tourism is an information- intensive industry and the Internet is the most effective and efficient means in information exchange worldwide  4 P:  Product, Place, Price, Promotion

9  E-Tourism  Tourism Systems  Amadeus  Founded in 1987 by Air France  Has the greatest number of travel agency locations with the highest productivity per terminal  Galileo  Was founded in 1993 by 11 major North American and European airlines  The company is represented in 116 countries, and serves travel agencies at approximately 45,000 locations

10  Sabre  Sabre computer reservations system in the 1960s  In July of 1996, Sabre became a separate legal entity of AMR.  Sabre is considered to be one of the most significant and competitive GDSs  Worldspan  Founded February 7, 1990, Worldspan was originally owned by affiliates of Delta Air Lines  Continues to look at benefits of creating its own consumer brand and has been partnering with different companies to expand the services

11  Tools Description  Oracle 10g Oracle Database 10g is the first database designed for grid computing, the most flexible and cost-effective way to manage enterprise information  Oracle Discoverer Oracle Discoverer is a business intelligence tool for analyzing data and is a key component of Oracle Application Server Provides an integrated business intelligence solution comprising intuitive ad-hoc query, reporting, analysis, and Web-publishing functionality

12  Modeling

13  Rolap Model

14  Users (DW, Tourist)  Data Base  Table space (T_Data, T_Index)  Dimensions (ett_dimension2 – tables )  Fact Table (Fc_tourist)  Index  Permissions

15  Load Information

16  Data Base Connection

17  Discoverer Administrator

18  Discoverer Desktop

19  The user wants to know which is the region and province that has more visitants in vacations summer month (July) Menu Items Selection

20 Conditions Results

21  Conclusions:  The Hot weather is preferred by visitors during summer season.  Esmeraldas Province is the most visited(National Tourism)  Galápagos Province is the second more visited ( International and National Tourism)  The beach is a most wanted destination.  Decisions:  Promote the commerce in Esmeraldas Province  Promote promotional tourism packets in summer months.  Give more services and benefits to my customers  Use TV and Radio to promote the entertainment places in Esmeraldas Province.

22  The Datawarehouse implemented for a travel agency allows a quick and accurate information.  The development of this system will be useful to apply at the Ministry of Tourism.  The system provides an implementation plan, with minimum requirements.

23  Such systems should be updated every 6 months.  An analysis should be done to choose the correct software and hardware tools.  The Ecuadorian Ministry of Tourism, should have an updated system of data management, to make decisions based on current data.  Emphasizing the importance of the use of a Datawarehouse in any kind of business, for decision making process.  It is recommended that travel agencies implement a Datawarehouse system with the features offered

24  Free and open source software gives the user the freedom to use, copy, distribute, examine, change and improve the software.  Founded In 1983, Richard Stallman  The use of free software in tourism business may be considered in some important aspects like:  The availability of open formats to develop applications  Standards and open source code that can be used by any Travel Agency  Portability  The ability to use applications on different platforms.

25 Galapagos Islands Ecuadorian Highlands Ecuadorian BeachEcuadorian Forest

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