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Growth. BC Recreation and Parks Association Evolved into a central coordinating role for the sector.

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2 Growth. BC Recreation and Parks Association Evolved into a central coordinating role for the sector

3 Growth. Aligned vision with provincial and national agendas: Physical Activity Health Infrastructure Renewal Sport

4 Growth. Expanding on our advocacy mandate to continue building a healthier, more active BC.

5 Expansion. $3.2 Million

6 Expansion. Growth in the number and range of programs we implement and support: New playground safety awareness course A series of workshops for women in leadership A new workshop for community leaders Improvements in our pool operations courses

7 Expansion. Growth in personnel.

8 Expansion. New governance structure to support growth.

9 Expansion. New membership structure to encourage future growth.

10 Expansion. Growth in our membership – doubled to 600+ in 2006.

11 Expansion. Member involvement through task groups - 400+ volunteers: Governance and Membership review Standards and Certification Pool Operations Regulations Childcare Regulations Fees and Charges Editorial Board for our quarterly, signature magazine Review of Canadian Playground Safety Institute

12 Expansion. Everybody gets to play HIGH FIVE Planning Task Group for annual Fitness Conference, Provincial Aquatics Workshop, Symposium, Parks and Grounds Spring Training Five fitness-related task groups Infrastructure Renewal

13 Expanded Vision for Healthy Active Living. ActNow BC: At the podium, with the Premier for the March 2005 launch With the Minister of Health for the BCHLA Call to Action in March 2006

14 Expanded Vision for Healthy Active Living. The BC Healthy Living Alliance: the largest health promotion team in the history of British Columbia BCRPA as fiscal agent Home to the BCHLA Secretariat Chaired by BCRPA CEO

15 Expanded Vision for Healthy Active Living. BC Lung Association BC Pediatric Society BCRPA Canadian Cancer Society, BC and Yukon Division Canadian Diabetes Association, Pacific Division Dietitians of Canada, BC Region Heart & Stroke Foundation of BC and Yukon Public Health Association of BC Union of BC Municipalities Health Authorities Ministry of Health Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) BCHLA Coordinating Committee members:

16 Expanded Vision for Healthy Active Living. Provincial health promotion strategy: The Winning Legacy Grant of $25.2M Meetings with the Premier, Ministers, members and committees of the Opposition, Deputy Minister and Assistant Deputy Minister of Health

17 Expanded Vision for Healthy Active Living. Premier’s Council on Aging: Partnership with the Ministry of Health WHO Age-Friendly Urban Community Index

18 Expanded Vision for Healthy Active Living. United Nations Association: Partnership with 2010 Legacies Now and others Sport-in-a-Box Healthy Children Healthy Communities

19 Expanded Vision for Healthy Active Living. Promoting social inclusion in active living programs with the Social Planning and Research Council of BC (SPARC): Toolkit – successful active practices (gender, culture, economic status, ethnicity) Tele-learning conference hosted by BCRPA

20 Expanded Vision for Healthy Active Living.

21 Modest beginning in 2002 Development of an Active Communities resource kit Shifted to 2010 Legacies Now in 2003 Business plan in 2004 In 2005 became a multi-year, multi-million dollar investment National summit in 2005

22 Expanded Vision for Healthy Active Living. 78 communities representing each region of the province registered in the program Surpassing original launch goal of 35

23 Expanded Vision for Healthy Active Living. Over 2.8 million impacted 73% of BC population

24 Expanded Vision for Healthy Active Living.

25 Partnerships.

26 Partnering with p/t organizations to support and promote programs aimed at children: Try Something New, social marketing campaign – promotes physical participation, developing healthy eating habits

27 Partnerships. Everybody gets to play National initiative Designed to provide families living in poverty with access to recreation and physical activity opportunities BCRPA supplement to the EGTP Tool Kit – delivering workshops in communities throughout the province

28 Partnerships. HIGH FIVE Quest Training Quality assurance resource for supervisors of children’s programs

29 Partnerships.

30 Working with Aboriginal Stakeholders – ASRA Aboriginal adaptation of Active Communities Tool Kit Participation in Honour Your Health Challenge HIGH FIVE supplement

31 Partnerships. Collaborating with agencies on issues: Gender equity Women in Leadership and Girls Only Grants program, and HIGH FIVE supplement, (2010 Legacies Now, ProMOTION Plus and CAAWS) Ethics in sport True Sport Injury prevention Ministry of Tourism, Sport and the Arts Persons with disabilities HIGH FIVE supplement (Douglas College Therapeutic Recreation Diploma Program)

32 Partnerships. United Way Strategy for School Aged Children Middle childhood strategy in development for the past 2 years Advisory Committee Research project with UBC with data collection in four school districts Results of four demonstration projects (Surrey, Richmond, Burnaby and Tri-Cities) Policy review Learning summit, May 17-18, 2006

33 Partnerships.

34 Sport and Recreation Leadership Council

35 Partnerships. UBCM Healthy Communities Coalition Advisory Committee Strengthen the capacity of BC communities to enhance individual and collective health

36 Partnerships. BCMA: Eat Well, Play Well, Stay Well advisory committee disseminated information to the sector Pedometer Pilot Project

37 Evolving Leadership. Leading several new initiatives in the areas of: Recreation infrastructure renewal started with a motion at 2002 BCRPA AGM BCRPA Community Facility Assessment Study three-phases of a facilities inventory comprehensive database

38 Evolving Leadership. submission to the Minister of Tourism, Sport and the Arts on guiding principles for a national framework for infrastructure renewal BCRPA CEO appointed by the provincial government to represent the provincial sport and recreation sectors on the national Sport Council Work Group #3 on Infrastructure conducting further research and analysis

39 Evolving Leadership. Fitness leadership standards Growth of our fitness leadership program to more than 3,100 registered fitness leaders in 2005 New specialty fitness designations – Yoga Fitness, Pilates Fitness Partnership with BC Women’s Hospital – OsteoFit Module

40 Evolving Leadership. Development is underway of a Special Populations module BCRPA-approved courses in Secondary Schools Re-introduction of annual fitness conference, expanded from one to two days Fitness leadership awards to recognize outstanding achievement

41 Evolving Leadership. Development of a provincial vision and strategy for the sector Long range strategic plan to increase access and participation in recreation in BC Series of consultations – first here at Symposium

42 Evolving Leadership. Providing members with benchmarking research in the areas of parks and recreation competencies and standards

43 Evolving Leadership. Fees and charges survey grown from 18 to 27 and now 39 participating municipalities

44 Evolving Leadership. Pool operations guidelines to support new outcome-based regulation relating to pool design and operation, as part of the provincial review

45 Evolving Leadership. Recreation standards as part of provincial child care regulations Conducted consultation with members and stakeholders on impact Submitted a response to the Ministry of Health

46 Evolving Leadership. Consultations with the education sector: Douglas College in the development of their Bachelor degree in Sport Science and Coaching Langara College for their applied degree program in Recreation Management

47 Evolving Leadership. Contributor to several national initiatives and issues Partnership Task Group Communication and Governance Task Group National Agenda Task Group Infrastructure Renewal Task Group

48 Evolving Leadership. Thank you to our members, our volunteers, our funders and sponsors

49 growth.

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