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Preventing Dropout Presentation at the SOS-Conference, Drop-outs or Push-outs? - by Kristine Hecksher.

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Presentation on theme: "Preventing Dropout Presentation at the SOS-Conference, Drop-outs or Push-outs? - by Kristine Hecksher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preventing Dropout Presentation at the SOS-Conference, Drop-outs or Push-outs? - by Kristine Hecksher

2 Background  Preventing Dropout is a three-year project taking place between 2011-2014  Focus on issues of dropouts in order to prevent long- term exclusion from society  Supported by Interreg IVA - an European Regional Development Fund and the Capital Region of Denmark  Counts 14 partners of Upper Secondary Education and Vocational Schools

3 Activities  Identify, develop and test methods of best practice in order to reduce the number of early school leavers  Researchers, teachers and counselors work closely together in networks and research circles  Danish and Swedish teachers exchange knowledge and engage in common activities

4 Example Common exercise for Danish and Swedish students with autism

5 Preliminary Conclusions  Vocational guides/counsellors need to take on a new role in order to prevent drop-outs/push-outs  Inclusive teaching requires a variety of teaching methods, student involvement end physical exercise  Teachers need to focus on language in order to include all students  We have to focus on ways to adjust the system to individuals

6 Students with special needs Expected results: Best practise guide for:  How to engage students with autisme/ADHD in physical exercise  How to deal with students who suffers from writers block  Examples of mentoring  Improvement of social skills by the method of Social Stories  How to work with absentism

7 What are the main challenges?  How do we provide the best teaching conditions for students with special needs?  Special schools or inclusive teaching in integrated schools?

8 After school?  How do we build a bridge between the educational system and the labour market for students with special needs?

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