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Presentation on theme: "SPIRITUALITY AND ROVERS"— Presentation transcript:

COMPETENCY Apply the Scouting Principle of “Duty to God” within a Rover Crew

2 Spirituality and Rovers
AIM To raise the awareness of Spirituality within the Rover Section LEARNING OUTCOMES (What) Demonstrate an understanding of Spirituality Display a knowledge of the resources that are available PERFORMANCE CRITERIA (How) Explain how to raise the awareness of Spirituality within your Rover Crew List six references dealing with spirituality and Rovers

3 2nd Australian Rover Forum
Topic 2 Does the Rover program cover all aspects of the Scout Program (social, physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual) adequately and equally or are some bits neglected? How could this be improved?

4 Aim of Scouting To encourage the PHYSICAL, INTELLECTUAL, EMOTIONAL, SOCIAL and SPIRITUAL development of young people so that they may take a constructive place in society as responsible citizens, and as members of their local, national and international communities.

5 2nd Australian Rover Forum
Recommendations Develop a training course on spirituality and Rovers Increase awareness of what spiritual development encompasses Encourage discussion about the meaning of the Scout Promise Rover Councils should develop and hold a library of useful resources

6 Principles of Scouting
Duty to God Duty to Others Duty to Self

7 Scout Promise On my honour I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to my God And to (the Queen of) Australia To help other people And to live by the Scout Law

8 Religious Obligation (Duty to God)
Belief and conviction in the existence of God Encourage the spiritual growth and development of Scouts Regular use of selected prayers and Scouts Own Encourage attendance to sponsored groups activities Facilitate Scouts attending services of their own denomination

9 Religion and Spirituality
Religion can be defined as having a relationship with God through a Church or other religious organisation. Spirituality can be defined as encouraging the spiritual growth of Scouts (ie Rovers) and providing opportunities for self examination and development of personal values. David Cossart (Branch Rover Adviser-ACT)

10 BP said in Rovering to Success
“Religion very briefly stated means: Firstly – recognising who and what is God. Secondly – making the best of life that He has given one and doing what He wants of us. This is mainly doing something for other people.”

11 What do we do now? Induction Squire Training Vigil Investiture
Rover Prayer Rovers Own Award Scheme Faith Awareness Badge

12 Rover Prayer By the spirits of the just,
made perfect in their suffering, teach us in our turn, O Lord, to serve Thee as we ought; to give and not to count the cost; to fight; and not to heed the wounds; to toil; and not to seek for rest; to labour and not to seek any reward save that of knowing that we do Thy Will. Amen

13 Some Programming Ideas
Sessions on self awareness Guest speakers Visits to churches or a local war memorial Visits to Aboriginal areas of spiritual significance Anzac and Remembrance Day activities St Georges Day service Crew Service Activities Debates and discussions

14 Resources National & Branch Policy and Rules
Rover Handbook (including previous editions) Rover Record Book Australian Scout Prayer Book Prayers for the Future (National) Rovering to Success Scouting for Boys Introducing Scouting (National) Squire Training Handbook (Victoria)

15 Resources (continued)
Scouting and Spiritual Development (WOSM) To Find Our Way (South Australia) Embassies and Consulates Local churches & other religious bodies Yarns by BP (National) Scout magazine articles Duty to my God (National) What’s this all about God (National) Others Scouters & Trainers

16 Spirituality and Rovers
Here endeth the lesson


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