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PSS: Parking Services Solution 16 November 2005 Shawn Melton, Josh Platon, Marco Carrion, Marcus Still, Patrick Hines, Richard Medina.

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Presentation on theme: "PSS: Parking Services Solution 16 November 2005 Shawn Melton, Josh Platon, Marco Carrion, Marcus Still, Patrick Hines, Richard Medina."— Presentation transcript:

1 PSS: Parking Services Solution 16 November 2005 Shawn Melton, Josh Platon, Marco Carrion, Marcus Still, Patrick Hines, Richard Medina

2 Presenters Marcus Still Documentation and Research Lead Engineering Tech. Major Computer Science Minor Richard Medina Software Lead Computer Science Major Information Technology Minor Green GroupPPS2 November 20052

3 Introduction Green GroupPPS 2 November 2005 3

4 Overview Team Elements Problem Elements Solution Elements Functionality Diagram Competition Risk Cost Green GroupPPS 2 November 2005 4

5 Team Elements Green GroupPPS 2 November 2005 5

6 Team Elements Expert: James Long Director of Parking Services Matthew Botzler Parking Services Appeals Committee Meeting twice a week Green GroupPPS 2 November 2005 6

7 Problem Statement Old Dominion University’s students, faculty and staff must go through a inefficient process in order to make Parking Services payments and appeals. Green GroupPPS 2 November 2005 7

8 Problem Characteristics Long waiting lines exist No Student decal mail payment Paper forms must be filled out Limited Real Estate Green GroupPPS 2 November 2005 8

9 Mission Statement

10 Survey Demographic 314 Surveys taken 254 Students, 35 Faculty, 23 Staff 149 male, 165 female 184 commuters, 130 residents Green GroupPPS 2 November 2005 9 Student/Faculty/Staff Survey : Survey given out to 314 people between Friday October 14, 2005 to Monday October 29,2005

11 Old Dominion wants PSS

12 Goals Set-up online payments Ensure proper security Make system user-friendly Have automated appeal system Offer online user tutorial Green GroupPPS 2 November 2005 20

13 Solution PSS: Parking Service Solution Allows online parking payments Decals Citations Appeals automated Registration online Green GroupPPS 2 November 2005 11

14 Solution Characteristics Communication interface to Banner Decals mailed to customers Reduce forms through automation Receipts printed after purchase Green GroupPPS 2 November 2005 12

15 Functionality Diagram Green GroupPPS 2 November 2005 21 User Connection to Windows Secure Server Java GUI Application Third Party Credit Card Verification Software Printed Receipt and Customer Pickup at Parking Services Center

16 Sample GUI ODU Parking Payment System Welcome User name : Password : UIN (University ID Number) 7-10 characters composed of letters and numbers Green GroupPPS2 November 2005 22

17 Decals Purchased

18 Get Permit Form from Parking Services Register Your vehicle Wait for processi ng Send forms and payment Wait in line New Decal is issued Parking Services receives payment Receipt is given Green GroupPPS2 November 200513 Already registered Through mail, faculty & staff only Take to parking building

19 Go to Parking Services web site Register Your vehicle Wait for processing Fill out forms and submit payment Parking Services receives payment Receipt is printed Green GroupPPS2 November 200513 Already registered Log into account Create a new user account

20 Paying Fines

21 Client parks illegal Ticket worker gives the illegal parking car a ticket Ticket worker inputs the ticket and the info into the database Client receive the ticket on the windshield After 7 days Parking services places a hold on the account. Pays ticket through mail Client waits in line. Client writes out a check for parking services. Client mails payment through mail. Pay ticket at parking servers’ office Client has to go to the Parking Servers’ Office. Parking services office receives payment. Parking services office removes the hold from the account Parking service office enters student information. Parking service office enters payment information.

22 Client parks illegal Ticket worker gives the illegal parking car a ticket Ticket worker inputs the ticket and the info into the database Client receive the ticket on the windshield After 7 days Parking services places a hold on the account. Client login to their account Client chooses “Fine Payment Option” Client selects fine or fines. Parking services office receives payment. Parking services office removes the hold from the account Parking service office enters student information. Parking service office enters payment information. Client chooses payment method. Client enters payment information. Client prints or saves receipt

23 Client must travel to parking services Client turns in his appeal form Client waits 10 business days for appeals committee to meet, and decide on verdict of their ticket Client waits in line Client picks up an appeals form, fills out his name,address, Ticket number, and reason for the appeal Client must travel to parking services Ticket is appealed Client waits in line Client pays ticket in full, or reduction given by parking services Receipt given Appealed Denied Green GroupPPS2 November 200517

24 User logs in with ticket number, account number, plate number, or permit number O.D.U. database checked to verify credentials User prompted to enter appeal request, decal request, or fine information ODU populates web forms to display ticket, permit or account information Information sent real-time to ODU database Confirmation number and screen presented Client waits 10 business days for appeals committee to meet, and decide on verdict of their ticket Ticket is appealed Client must pay the ticket online. Client pays ticket in full, or reduction given by parking services Receipt is printed Appealed Denied

25 What our system can’t solve Can’t reduce parking fees Can’t increase the success of parking fine appeals Can’t make it easier to find a parking space Green GroupPPS 2 November 2005 18

26 Should it be done? Pros Automated payment for fines or decals Person doesn’t have to be on campus. Automated interface with Banner. Reduces paperwork. Cons Parking Services hires staff to update/track new system. No big financial incentive. Requires cooperation with OCCS. Green GroupPPS 2 November 2005 19

27 Evaluation Plan Phase Zero will be a success when we have obtained a SBIR grant. Phase One will be a success when the prototype is completely functional and has passed all testing. Phase Two will be a success when we have an actual working model being used at ODU. Phase Three will be a success when the product reaches its maximum production ability and both our company and customer has broke even and returned on investments. Green GroupPPS 2 November 2005 35 Technical Factor Marketing Factor Financial Factor Evaluation Plan (Phase 0, 1, 2 or 3) Personnel Factor Administrativ e Factor Phase 0Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3

28 Marketing Plan Target Audience Customer Appearance Return on Investment Competition Matrix University Study

29 Target Audience University Parking Services Specifically, those with Banner Beta testing at Old Dominion Green GroupPPS 2 November 2005 10

30 Customer Appearance

31 ROI Factors 17,000 citations 17,000 student decals 1,900 faculty staff decals 98.1 % want to use system $3.50 convenience fee

32 Return on Investment 35,900 potential ODU users Survey: 35,218 will use system Annual return on investment =

33 ROI Diagram

34 Competition Matrix Green GroupPPS 2 November 2005 23

35 University Study Green GroupPPS 2 November 2005 28 UniversityOnline Parking Services Payment of decals Payment of citations online Appeals online Interface website with Banner Register vehicle online User aide Old Dominion James Madison XXXX X Virginia Tech XX Virginia X X VCU XX

36 Risk Rating System Green GroupPPS 2 November 2005 24 1. Database Interaction fails 2. OCCS refuses access to Banner 3. Not meeting Budget

37 Risks Green GroupPPS 2 November 2005 25

38 Component Costs Sun Java Studio Standard (10 User Licenses) : $6950 Intellicharge 5 user license : $1195 CP&catid=104023 Green GroupPPS 2 November 2005 26

39 DELL POWEREDGE 6850 SERVER 6850 SERVER Cost: $22,461 * Sonicwall TZ 170 Internet Security Appliance Unrestricted Nodes * Windows Server 2003 Per User CALS – 5 pack * Executive Software Site Keeper 3.1-25 user standard * Oracle SEI Windows with 5 users * Microsoft SQL Server 2000 w/5 CALS

40 Customer Costs Team paid hourly Hourly rate of $16 6 members in group : $46080;jsessionid=DFB 54857A3E5265AC530866D9AD4F8E6.TC63a?__frame=_top&__lf =Static Green GroupPPS 2 November 2005 27

41 Review Team Elements Problem Elements Solution Elements Functionality Diagram Competition Risk Cost Green GroupPPS 2 November 2005 29

42 Conclusion Green GroupPPS 2 November 2005 30

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