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Karen Ward-Smith 4 May 2012. Our vision and goals ►Vision: Australia, a nation of readers ►Goal 1: For all Australians to understand the benefits of reading.

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Presentation on theme: "Karen Ward-Smith 4 May 2012. Our vision and goals ►Vision: Australia, a nation of readers ►Goal 1: For all Australians to understand the benefits of reading."— Presentation transcript:

1 Karen Ward-Smith 4 May 2012

2 Our vision and goals ►Vision: Australia, a nation of readers ►Goal 1: For all Australians to understand the benefits of reading as a life skill and catalyst for wellbeing ► Goal 2: To promote a reading culture in every home ► Goal 3: To establish an aspirational goal of sharing a book with your child every day

3 “Of course, every year is a year of reading in this most literate and literary of nations. But in 2012, we can take time out to affirm the place of books, reading, ideas and libraries in the fabric of our nation. “To that end, I’m proud to announce that the Australian Government will provide $1.3 million in funding to help make the National Year of Reading a success. My hope is that the Year of Reading will be the catalyst for many to discover and rediscover the joy of reading. “It is such a fundamental aspect of our social compact and our vision of ourselves as a nation of fairness and opportunity. Above all, that we should be a nation that values its own writers and its own stories.”

4 The National Year of Reading 2012 ►Promoting the many benefits of reading for individuals and families, readers and non-readers ►Prompting non-readers to try something new ►Showcasing best government practice ►Linking the many great projects happening across Australia

5 In 2012 A whole heap of of amazing, fun activities will take place around Australia and online, so people of all ages, from different backgrounds, can discover and rediscover the joy of reading It’s a partnership between libraries, educators, writers, publishers, retailers, trade associations, professional bodies, politicians and all the organisations that do such a great job promoting reading, writing and literacy

6 Major National Programs 1.Our Story: One Country Reading book club 2.Are We There Yet 3.It’s Never Too Late To Read 4.Read This! 5.National Year of Reading in the workplace 6.Festival of Indigenous Reading, Writing & Storytelling 7.Public Library membership drive 8.The Reading Hour

7 Resources for You: National Year of Reading 2012 e-newsletter Facebook Twitter Connections

8 What happened in the UK in 2008 ►6,000 National Year of Reading events ►2.3 million new public library members ►12% more children from lower socio-economic groups becoming library members and 5% more parents from these groups saying they read with their children every day (20% compared with 15%) ►23,000 more boys taking part in the Summer Reading Challenge ►Reading For Life legacy

9 Where To From Here Evaluation Funding The Legacy

10 Book Wall Blogs Magazine ading.xml&iid=58176 E-newsletter 1D/04A7420FE16866F6667CCDA886AB700A Are we There Yet? Free Resources for Schools


12 Off the Shelf Choir



15 More Information: Karen Ward-Smith – or 0408 051 740 Robyn Ellard - or 0412 659919 Sue McKerracher or 0404 Brenda Currie or 0406 575

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