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Shared reading. Reading resources Working together to ensure that every day, in every classroom, every student is learning and achieving. Independent.

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Presentation on theme: "Shared reading. Reading resources Working together to ensure that every day, in every classroom, every student is learning and achieving. Independent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shared reading

2 Reading resources Working together to ensure that every day, in every classroom, every student is learning and achieving. Independent reading Shared reading Guided reading

3 Shared reading is a teacher-led activity for a whole class or small group using text that all the children can see. The teacher does most of the reading and encourages students to read along. The text is revisited over time, providing the opportunity to use it for different teaching purposes. What is shared reading?

4 The ultimate goal of shared reading is to demonstrate the reading process and reading strategies that readers use. (Fountas and Pinnell, 1996) What is the purpose of shared reading?

5 Shared reading: provides opportunities for teachers to model the reading process and strategies readers use to make meaning provides students with an opportunity to see how reading takes place stimulates and inspires students to be actively involved in reading allows students to practise being readers in an environment that is non-threatening, positive and interactive. (Annandale et al, 2004) Why use shared reading?

6 How well have students learned? Do student responses: show evidence of use of targeted strategies? demonstrate increased knowledge of texts and text features? Dimensions of teaching and learning What do we want students to learn? strategies for effective reading knowledge of texts and text features how to be an active participant in the reading process. What do we need to do to improve learning? identify strategies that will enable individual students to develop their reading abilities select other appropriate texts to support the ongoing development of reading strategies. How will it be taught to maximise learning for each student? explicit and targeted teaching of identified reading strategies differentiated follow-up activities. How will students demonstrate what they know and what they can do? What evidence of learning is needed? successful participation in related activities. increased use of strategies during guided and independent reading.

7 Curriculum intent — Choose an engaging text that students may not be able to read independently and that matches the strategy being targeted. Assessment — Observe student participation. They can be asked to read a section independently, or questions can be asked. Sequencing teaching and learning — Engage in supported or scaffolded reading in a group or as a whole class. Making judgments — Consider the targeted strategy and determine how well students understand and demonstrate the strategy. Feedback — Consider the data you have gathered from this lesson for targeting learning in the future. Key things to consider

8 Before implementing a shared reading lesson the teacher: determines the focus of the lesson and pre-reads text to align focus chooses a text that allows students multiple opportunities to achieve focus plans follow-up activities. In a shared reading lesson the teacher: explains the purpose and focus of the lesson, introduces the text and links to students’ prior knowledge reads and thinks out loud, showing students how to react to a text as they read uses explicit teaching to address the chosen focus encourages students to predict, recognise, discuss, use and reflect on the focus reading strategies reflects on the lesson to consider future planning options identifies aspects that may become a future focus. Shared reading — teaching and learning sequence

9 Shared reading vignette Small group (6:39) Shared reading vignette Whole class (6:08) What does shared reading look like? 

10 Before What will guide the selection of the strategy or skill to be targeted? What texts will allow students to learn the targeted strategies? Where in the text can the strategy/skill be best demonstrated? During What can teachers learn about students’ reading behaviours and attitudes? How will the teacher observe and record student responses during the shared reading lesson? After Do students’ responses to follow-up tasks reflect greater understanding? What do the students need to know and do next? What are the planning implications for the teacher? Assessment and monitoring

11 How will you know if the lesson was successful? What learning is evidenced by student responses? How will this evidence inform future directions for groups or individuals? How will you give feedback to your students? Feedback

12 Annandale, K, Bindon, R, Handley, K, Johnston, A, Lockett, L and Lynch, P 2004, First Steps: Reading Resource Book (2nd edition). Pearson, Port Melbourne. Anstey, M and Bull, G 2004, The Literacy Labyrinth (2nd edition). Pearson, Port Melbourne. Literacy — the Key to Learning: Years 1 to 3 Teacher Professional Development Program Queensland Government Education Queensland (2007) to access the Australian Curriculum water%20Curriculum/Literacy/literate-futures.htm for the Literate futures project water%20Curriculum/Literacy/literate-futures.htm to access curriculum information and resources to access the Roadmap P -10 for Essential Learnings by KLA and juncture for Years P to 9 literacy and numeracy indicators Support materials

13 Year 6 Bauer, M 2006, Don’t Call Me Ishmael. Scholastic: Australia. Text reference

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