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Bern 6-7 October 2003 COST Action #723 COST ASSET ASSET (ASSimilation of Envisat data) W.A. Lahoz DARC, Reading, UK Thanks.

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Presentation on theme: "Bern 6-7 October 2003 COST Action #723 COST ASSET ASSET (ASSimilation of Envisat data) W.A. Lahoz DARC, Reading, UK Thanks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bern 6-7 October 2003 COST Action #723 COST ASSET ASSET (ASSimilation of Envisat data) W.A. Lahoz DARC, Reading, UK Thanks to ASSET partners for plots

2 Bern 6-7 October 2003 COST Action #723 COST ASSET What is it? Aims Partners Achievements Examples Future work

3 Bern 6-7 October 2003 COST Action #723 COST ASSET WHAT IS IT?: FV EU programme: EVK2-CT-2002-00137 36 months (Jan 2003-Dec 2005) 13 partners (10 contractors, 3 assistant contractors) U. Reading co-ordinator 1,766,324 Euros

4 Bern 6-7 October 2003 COST Action #723 COST ASSET PARTNERS: Contractors: U. Reading, MF-GAME, ECMWF, KNMI, UPMC, BIRA-IASB, UKOELN, CNR.IFAC, NILU, CNRS-GAME Assistant contractors: Met Office, IMK Karlsruhe, CERFACS 7 countries (UK, France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Norway) Heritage: DARE, SODA

5 Bern 6-7 October 2003 COST Action #723 COST ASSET AIMS: Exploit & develop EO data to:  Develop European capability for chemical/UV forecasting Assess strategies for exploiting research satellite data by NWP systems  Provide analyses for coupled/chemistry studies Study distribution & variability of chemical species by exploiting research satellite data

6 Bern 6-7 October 2003 COST Action #723 COST ASSET ACHIEVEMENTS: Envisat data assimilated into NWP & photochemical models. QC-datasets incorporating Envisat data produced. Special contribution to studies of Sep 2002 SH major warming. Envisat data evaluated using DA techniques. Information on data quality communicated to Envisat cal-val teams. ASSET PIs lectured at 1 st Envisat Data Assimilation Summer School held at ESRIN August 2003. TRAINING ASSET database set up at NILU. Repository of datasets produced by ASSET project.

7 Bern 6-7 October 2003 COST Action #723 COST ASSET EXAMPLES

8 Bern 6-7 October 2003 COST Action #723 COST ASSET QC-DATASETS

9 Bern 6-7 October 2003 COST Action #723 U.Reading Assimilation: operational data + MIPAS (temperature, O 3 & H 2 O) O 3 analysis 10 hPa Ozone hole split 22, 24, 26, 28 Sep 2002 SH

10 Bern 6-7 October 2003 COST Action #723 O 3 evolution 31.5hPa; 22 Sep -> 25 Sep 2002 ACRI GOMOS analyses Red (high), blue (low) COST ASSET

11 Bern 6-7 October 2003 COST Action #723 Ozone 475K ClOx = ClO+2*Cl 2 O 2 475K COST ASSET 24 Sep 2002 12UTC: Ozone photochemistry BIRA-IASB MIPAS analyses: red (high), blue (low)

12 Bern 6-7 October 2003 COST Action #723 COST ASSET Envisat cal-val See WG2 talk

13 Bern 6-7 October 2003 COST Action #723 COST ASSET TRAINING

14 Bern 6-7 October 2003 COST Action #723 Courtesy Christian Retscher

15 Bern 6-7 October 2003 COST Action #723 Courtesy Christian Retscher

16 Bern 6-7 October 2003 COST Action #723 COST ASSET FUTURE WORK: Assimilation with NWP systems: H 2 O (UREADMY/Met Office) Limb radiances (ECMWF) Coupled NWP/chemistry (MF) Strategies for assimilating Envisat data (All)

17 Bern 6-7 October 2003 COST Action #723 COST ASSET FUTURE WORK: Assimilation with photochemical models: O 3 (nadir/limb) (KNMI) Stratospheric aerosols (BIRA-IASB) Tropospheric pollution (UKOELN) New Envisat datasets (tomography…) (CNR.IFAC / IMK Karlsruhe) Distribution & variability of chemical species (All)

18 Bern 6-7 October 2003 COST Action #723 COST ASSET FUTURE WORK: Data dissemination: ASSET database at NILU (All)

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