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Internship Announcement. Group Project sure ways to lose points Missed due date on a deliverable Inappropriateness during the presentation (goes for when.

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Presentation on theme: "Internship Announcement. Group Project sure ways to lose points Missed due date on a deliverable Inappropriateness during the presentation (goes for when."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internship Announcement

2 Group Project sure ways to lose points Missed due date on a deliverable Inappropriateness during the presentation (goes for when you are presenting and when you are a member of the audience) Falling short of or exceeding allotted presentation time (some leeway will be given, but it will be at instructor’s discretion)

3 Course Evaluations

4 383171d6e2b/Sportsmanship-Basketball- Commercial-Foundation-for-a-Better-Life- Valuescom

5 Ethics

6 What are ethics? Can something be legal but unethical? Legal: within the law Ethical: the right thing business ethics: principles and standards that determine acceptable conduct in business organizations

7 “The problem with that assumption is that the law often lags behind community standards, especially when the ethical questions involved aren’t necessarily universal. So you can stay within the law and still fail to do the right thing.” Sourced from Bowie, Norman E.; Schnieder, Meg (2011-02-09). Business Ethics For Dummies (For Dummies (Business & Personal Finance)) (p. 13). John Wiley and Sons. Kindle Edition.

8 Social Responsibility a business’s obligation to maximize its positive impact and minimize its negative impact on society

9 Business Ethics & Social Responsibility Business ethics relates to an individual’s or a work group’s decisions that society evaluates as right or wrong, whereas social responsibility is a broader concept that concerns the impact of the entire business’s activities on society. Do they go hand in hand?

10 Social Responsibility Does a company/organization have a responsibility to help better the community?


12 Conflict of interest What is it? Example?

13 Questions to consider in determining whether an action is ethical Are there any potential legal restrictions or violations that could result from the action? Does your company have a specific code of ethics or policy on the action? Is this activity customary in your industry? Are there any industry trade groups that provide guidelines or codes of conduct that address this issue?

14 Questions to consider in determining whether an action is ethical Would this activity be accepted by your co- workers? Will your decision or action withstand open discussion with co-workers and managers and survive untarnished? How does this activity fit with your own beliefs and values?

15 Benefits/advantages to ethical behavior (from a business perspective? Potentially higher revenues (Research shows that companies with good reputations can charge higher prices for their goods and services — anywhere from 3 to 8 percent more than their less-reputable competitors. sourced from to/content/business-ethics-for-dummies-cheat- sheet.html) to/content/business-ethics-for-dummies-cheat- sheet.html Improved brand and business awareness/recognition Better employee motivation/recruitment

16 “Ethical companies also enjoy greater customer retention and loyalty, which translate into more repeat sales over a longer period.” Sourced from Bowie, Norman E.; Schnieder, Meg (2011-02-09). Business Ethics For Dummies (For Dummies (Business & Personal Finance)) (p. 22). John Wiley and Sons. Kindle Edition.

17 Some Ethics scenarios

18 sourced from “Lorna is an administrative assistant in the Human Resources Department. Her good friend, Bill, is applying for a job with the company and she has agreed to serve as a reference for him. Bill approaches her for advice on preparing for the interview. Lorna has the actual interview questions asked of all applicants and considers making him a copy of the list so he can adequately prepare.” Thoughts?

19 sourced from “Emily works in Quality Control. Once a year, her supervisor gives away the refurbished computers to the local elementary school. No specific records are kept of this type of transaction and Emily really needs a computer for her son who is in college. Her supervisor asks her to deliver 12 computer systems to the school.” Thoughts?

20 sourced from “Jennie was recently hired to work as a receptionist for the front lobby. As receptionist, she is responsible for making copies for the associates. Her son, Bruce, comes in and needs some copies for a school project. He brought his own paper and needs 300 copies for his class. If he doesn’t bring the copies with him, he will fail the project. The company copier does not require a security key nor do they keep track of copies made by departments.” Thoughts?

21 A consultant writes a piece of code for your business. You change the “Created by” credit to make it appear as though you wrote the code. Thoughts?

22 A CEO accepts a huge bonus even as the company is recording losses and/or is laying off employees Thoughts?

23 A coworker has been slacking off and you have been getting stuck with doing all the work Thoughts?

24 You talk up a particular role on a project, even though you really don’t like it, just to get someone else to want to do it Thoughts?

25 A manager praises you for something you had little to do with and you accept the praise Thoughts?

26 You feel wronged by someone so when the opportunity for payback presents itself you make sure to capitalize Thoughts?

27 You see a person being treated poorly, but do nothing about it Thoughts?

28 The company you work for utilizes suppliers/vendors who practice unethical behaviors Thoughts?

29 An employee awards contracts to a consulting firm because he/she hopes to eventually work there and not because the firm does the best work or has the best price Thoughts?

30 You tell only the part of the story you think will help benefit your cause Thoughts?

31 Do you have any examples of ethical dilemmas you care to share?

32 What can you do if you’re not sure if something is ethical or not?

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