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Extending GPS and Galileo interoperability: from frequency/signals to integrity Francisco Salabert Head of GNSS Policy Office DDAS/ EUROCONTROL
Presentation Overview
EUROCONTROL and its role on GNSS Use of GNSS in aviation applications and GNSS policy Interoperability on GNSS Extending interoperability to integrity Good afternoon, my name is F. Salabert and I am the Head of the GNSS Policy Office at EUROCONTROL. First of all, I would like to thank the organization for giving us the opportunity to share with you the views of EUROCONTROL Agency on the transition to a multiconstellation GNSS in aviation.
EUROCONTROL, the European organization for the Safety of Air navigation
A civil and military organisation which currently numbers 38 Member States. Primary objective is to ensure safety in the development of a seamless, pan-European Air Traffic Management (ATM) system to cope with capacity needs and environmental aspects. Core business processes: Harmonise and integrate Air Navigation services aiming at having a “Single Sky” in Europe. SESAR: Research, design and implementation of the future air traffic management (ATM) network across the European continent. Pan-European functions (e.g. Flow Control) Provision of regional ATC services Support to EU regulation and system performance review Partnership with European and international stakeholders (e.g. EC, ICAO, FAA,…) More information: EUROCONTROL is a civil and military organisation that has 38 Member States. The Agency has around 2500 staff in 7 sites and our Head Quarters are in Brussels. Our mission is to ensure safety in the development of a seamless, pan-European Air Traffic Management (ATM) system to cope with capacity needs and environmental aspects. EUROCONTROL was created 40 years ago…and year by year air traffic grows being safety still our first priority. In average there are flights/day in Europe, that means more than 10Million flights per year !! One of our functions is to provide a pan european flow and capacity management to handle all this traffic. Other main activity is to lead the European Air traffic management (ATM) network in cooperation with aviation stakeholders. In this area SESAR is our flagship project that we are developing in partnership with the EC. Apart from that, EUROCONTROL operates the regional Air traffic Control centre based in Maastricht. You can find more information in our website.
Long term involvement on GNSS matters EUROCONTROL is contributing to the development of GNSS applications addressing different aspects: Safety Technical Operational Economic Institutional Legal Security Focal point in the definition of the needs of aviation regarding GNSS Playing a major role in the operational validation of GNSS performance according to aviation requirements. EUROCONTROL started to work on GNSS 25 years ago…, in the 80s we participated in the ICAO Committee which defined that the future of civil aviation systems should be based on Satellite technologies. Since then, EUROCONTROL has been contributing to the development of GNNS applications covering : Safety, Technical, Operational , Economic , Institutional , Legal and Security aspects. We have specific groups and task forces with our aviation stakeholders where all these aspects are addressed. EUROCONTROL is the focal point in the definition of the needs of aviation regarding GNSS In EGNOS Programme, EUROCONTROL is member of the European Tripartite Group with the EC and ESA.
Overall use of GNSS in aviation applications
Civil domain Surveillance (ADS-B) Navigation Airport operations Timing This slide shows the use of GNSS in different applications. Navigation is the most known application in aviation but they are others: Today surveillance is mainly based on Radars but Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast or ADS-B based on GNSS, is being progressively introduced. How ADS-B works? Aircraft compute their position based on GNSS and send this information to the Air Traffic Control center or to other aircraft. Air traffic Controllers can see in their screens the position of aircraft with much more accuracy than with a radar. ADS B is very useful in Oceanic areas where there is poor Radar coverage and will contribute to rationalized the network of radars in the long term. Eurocontrol has an implementation Program called CASCADE to introduce ADS-B in Europe in partnership with Airlines Other example is the use of GNSS for airport operations. Runways management systems and the surveillance of aircraft and other airport vehicles based on GNSS, can reduce the number of runways incursions. Apart from the positioning data, GNSS is used as a timing source. We do not need a precision of nanoseconds but we do need to have a common time reference to synchronize systems and operations and GNSS is the best way to do it. EUROCONTROL is a civil and military organization because civil and military traffic share the Airspace. In the military domain, our objective is to support the use a combined GPS PPS and Galileo PRS receiver that can be certified according to both civil and military requirements. Military domain (based on GPS PPS & Galileo PRS)
Use of GPS in European aviation today
Around 70 % of flights are made by aircraft equipped with GPS/RAIM. GPS offers a very efficient and free service nominally…..but current GNSS based on GPS only has some deficiencies impeding its comprehensive use in aviation: single system/operator single frequency low power signals number of satellites lack of sufficient guarantees The use of GPS is authorized in Europe since 1998 (for some operations and under certain conditions) based on a Safety assessment, the existence of ICAO Standards and a letter with a political commitment sent from the US government to ICAO. Safety Case relies upon reversion to conventional means. We are not starting from scratch, GPS is widely used in aviation (around of 70% of flights in ECAC are done by aircraft equipped with GPS) and in nominal conditions GPS offers a good service that is free of charge. The use of GPS with RAIM is authorized in Europe since 1998 based on a Safety assessment that relays on reversion to conventional navids. Different type of operations are approved in European States due to institutional concerns. Having a GNSS based on GPS only has some technical limitations impeding its comprehensive use in aviation: single system/operator single frequency low power signals number of satellites The future multiconstelation and multi frequency GNSS environment will overcome most of this deficiencies and is the basis of the GNSS policy that I will present later on.
Transition to GNSS in European aviation
Operational needs More capacity to cope with increasing traffic demands Improve safety Reduce environmental impact Less costs In line with : ICAO global strategy SESAR Master Plan Technical Realisation More flexible routes (e.g. RNAV) Mode demanding performance ( e.g. Integrity, Accuracy,..). Safety (e.g. Vertical guidance in approaches) Better surveillance capabilities (ADS-B) to reduce separations Improved low visibility operations Common and accurate time reference Infrastructure Transition to a multiconstelation GNSS
GNSS policy for Navigation applications in civil aviation
Gradual reliance on GNSS for all phases of flight as it will become more robust progressively. A multi-constellation and multi-frequency GNSS environment in Galileo signals will be used in combination with GPS and other GNSS components to have: Better performance (accuracy, availability, continuity and integrity). More robustness against vulnerabilities. User receivers will process signals from different GNSS constellations in diverse frequency bands in combination with augmentations, depending on individual business cases and the phase of flight. Final goal is its use as sole service to the extent that this can be shown to be the most cost beneficial solution and if supported by successful safety and security analyses. A rationalised terrestrial infrastructure must be retained for the foreseeable future. Now, I will present the GNSS policy for Navigation applications. During these 3 days in Toulouse, we have seen many presentations about the expected evolution of GNSS systems. GNSS will provide better performance every year and aviation will have more confidence on GNSS progressively. Our vision is based on the use of multiconstellation multi frequency signals that will be combined at user level. Galileo signals will increase overall GNSS robustness and we plan to use Galileo signals in combination with GPS and other GNSS components.
The scene: GNSS developments and aviation
New RAIM capabilities Galileo GBAS CAT I GBAS CATIII WAAS EGNOS Galileo : Galileo : FOC ( 30 operational SVs End of IOV ( 4 operational SVs ) ) COMPASS COMPASS : COMPASS Beidou FOC ( 5 SVs ) ) GPS 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 GPS : GPS : GPS : GLONASS 1 st Block IIR - M 24 Block IIR - M + II - F SVs 30 Block III SVs ( 2 nd civil signal ) ( L 2 C FOC ) ( GPS III FOC ) GPS : GPS : GPS : 1 st Block IIF launch 1 st Block III launch 24 Block II - F + Block III SVs ( 3 rd civil signal ) ( 3 rd generation GPS ) ( L 5 FOC ) GLONASS : GLONASS : GLONASS : GLONASS : 18 active satellites 24 active satellites M programme ends KM programme to start ( MOC ) ( FOC ) ( 2 nd civil signal ) 1) Share a GNSS baseline 2) Extending interoperability to integrity 3) Define a Multi-constellation receiver architecture: Robustness vs Complexity/costs a) Moving schedule and many uncertainties ! b) Many potential combinations of Signals, constellations and augmentations (SBAS, GBAS, RAIM, INS,…) c) A new GNSS configuration every 2-3 years … whereas aviation equipment has very long lifecycle and very high installation &certification costs d) Different integrity schemes/concepts not always compatible. ( FOC )
GNSS components and interoperability level
Constellations: GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, COMPASS, QZZS,… States level agreements (e.g. US- EU agreement) ICAO standards Interoperability Working Group Standardisation bodies ( RTCA, EUROCAE,..) SBAS ( WAAS EGNOS, MSAS) GBAS (CAT I and CAT II/III) On board augmentations (e.g. RAIM) and receivers
Why interoperability is important for aviation ?
Aviation is a global business and interoperability is a key element to enable: Global harmonisation Standardisation process Reduce avionics costs (installation, certification,…) Seamless navigation performance ICAO standards (SARPS) ensure global interoperability of aviation systems like SBAS and GBAS: A SBAS receiver that works in the US (WAAS) will work in Europe (EGNOS) Same aircraft can use a GBAS station in Australia, Brazil, US or Europe. WAAS EGNOS GBAS GBAS GBAS GBAS
GNSS components and integrity
GNSS constellations GPS, Galileo, GLONASS and COMPASS ABAS (Aircraft Based Augmentation System) RAIM and Inertial systems This slide shows the main GNSS components in aviation according to aviation terminology. ICAO develops worldwide standards for these components to ensure global interoperability that is essential in a global business like aviation. There are standards for GPS and GLONASS, and Galileo standards are under preparation. As far as I know, China has not approached yet ICAO to initiate the standardization process of COMPASS. ABAS are On Board Augmentation systems like Inertial systems or RAIM. GBAS are local augmentations that are needed for landing in very low visibility conditions at airports SBAS systems are regional augmentations systems like EGNOS or WAAS. SBAS (Satellite Based Augmentation System) WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS, GAGAN,… GBAS (Ground Based Augmentation System)
Why we need to extend interoperability to integrity ?
Initial ideas for early discussion. External consultation need to be established among stakeholders Aviation welcomed the agreement between US and Europe. It is focused on frequencies /signals, time offset and security aspects. Integrity aspects are not covered. 2) GNSS integrity is key for aviation safety. Aviation needs interoperability worldwide. Integrity will become more complex in a multi frequency multi constellation environment. Different integrity mechanisms and concepts exist but are difficult to be combined at user receiver level in an efficient way: SBAS integrity (applied at regional level). Potential extension to Galileo GBAS integrity (applied at local level. Extension to Galileo to support CAT II/III operations) RAIM integrity concepts and new capabilities (Detection of multiple failures, RRAIM, ARAIM,..) Galileo SoL integrity concept GPS III integrity concept 4) Integrity is one of the drivers for GNSS systems architectures. There is a need to define a cost effective allocation of integrity burden between constellations, augmentations and user receiver. GEAS study is assessing architectures to provide LPV 200 worldwide based on GPS (GIC, RRAIM and ARAIM ). Phase I of GEAS study is based on GPS only, could consider Galileo in future work. Galileo SoL is being defined to provide LPV 200 worldwide based on Galileo only. Interoperability is not detrimental to independence. 5) Lack of an agreed GNSS baseline on integrity could delay transition to GNSS. 6) There is a risk of having different receivers standards at regional level.
How to extend interoperability to integrity ?
Initial ideas for early discussion. External consultation need to be established among stakeholders Goal: Promote and harmonise integrity concepts and mechanisms that can be applied at user level worldwide. Recommendation. To reinforce international cooperation at different levels: US–EU at programme and political level to assess interoperability between GPS and Galileo at integrity level. Coordination between GPS evolution studies (e.g. GEAS) and European activities. Assess the impact of changing/adapting (on-going and future) technical concepts/developments to improve interoperability. IWG (Interoperability Working Group) for SBAS developments Share a GNSS baseline and a transition path between FAA and EUROCONTROL. Coordination between GNSS baseline in SESAR and Next Gen 5. Support ICAO standardization processes for global interoperability in aviation 6. Promote cooperation between RTCA and EUROCAE for receivers standardization
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