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The Nor-Par Group The Company that Cares 1 Production Improvement Tool By Stefan Mikulski M.Sc. Chem. E., Vice-president Development, Nor-Par.

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Presentation on theme: "The Nor-Par Group The Company that Cares 1 Production Improvement Tool By Stefan Mikulski M.Sc. Chem. E., Vice-president Development, Nor-Par."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Nor-Par Group The Company that Cares 1 Production Improvement Tool By Stefan Mikulski M.Sc. Chem. E., Vice-president Development, Nor-Par

2 2 Basic facts on Production Improvement Tool (PIT) Production Improvement Tool is the latest development from Nor-Par Online A/S. It is a custom optimisation and analysis software/solution Production Improvement Tool uses Virtual Plant or “blue-print” model of plant’s own performance calibrated with the client. Therefore, the results are based on reality, not on some theoretical solution and the client trusts the solution Production Improvement Tool operates on “Virtual Plant” Advanced Dynamic Process & Control Model (ADPCM) Production Improvement Tool is meant as “human interface to Virtual Plant” Production Improvement Tool is delivered with Runtime version of CHEMCAD/CC-THERM/CC-DYNAMICS. Full version of Chemstations software can be used as Development tool

3 3 Virtual Plant ADPCM Virtual Plant is an Advanced Dynamic Process & Control Model that represents the real operating plant as closely as possible, so it behaves as “true blue-print” of the plant’s performance By just using the core Virtual Plant model, it might not be obvious to the plant engineer what kind of improvements could be achieved at the plant

4 4 Sample Virtual Plant Model To reflect the production reality, Virtual Plant models tend to be large and complex. The picture shows approximately 2/3 of the visual part of the model. Large part of special modelling objects has not been shown here

5 5 Human interface to the Virtual Plant The major benefit that Production Improvement Tool gives the user is ensuring comprehensiveness of the Virtual Plant model and easy access to all parts of the model Production Improvement Tool gathers all required process parameters from the Virtual Plant as if they were measured instrumentation signals Production Improvement Tool allows the user modify all adjustable parameters the Virtual Plant through comprehensive interface. This is valid for both control signals and process parameters

6 6 Structure Virtual Plant Model CHEMCAD CC-THERM CC-DYNAMICS Configurable PIT software User Interface (Input/Output) What-if studies Reports

7 7 The interface: measurements You can measure “instrumentation signals”… …but ANY process/equipment parameter is available to you, even the one you could not physically measure

8 8 Interface: Controlling plant parameters You can modify any of adjustable model parameters, both for control and process parameters

9 9 Interface: Graphs You can display graphs of dependence of process parameters on your decisions in CHEMCAD graphics…

10 10 Interface: Graphs and Trends Graphs and trend displays for any model parameter can be easily created

11 11 Main benefits 1. “What-if” studies can be run to analyse the effect of multiple process parameters on the plant’s own performance without field tests and risk. This allows identifying production problems, solving them, and finding better set of parameters to improve the process performance. This is the basis of process optimization 2.Studies of interaction and performance of control loops 3.Studies of performance of critical equipment (reactor or distillation system, for example) 4.All adjustable parameters (process & control) are visible at a glance in the User Interface and can be modified by the user 5.All calculated process parameters are visible in the User interface 6. Time saving and understandable reports for management 7. The Production Improvement Tool offers Predictive Process Simulation (PPS) capabilities. PPS means accelerating of calculations 2-20x compared to real time. It means you get the answer on consequences of your decision quickly

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