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Brigham Young University Alumni Association Awareness, Use, Satisfaction & Uncommon Loyalty.

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Presentation on theme: "Brigham Young University Alumni Association Awareness, Use, Satisfaction & Uncommon Loyalty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brigham Young University Alumni Association Awareness, Use, Satisfaction & Uncommon Loyalty

2 BYU Alumni Association The Alumni Association is an integral part of the university and its community. Serves as a link between the university and its alumni, students, parents, and friends. Encourages support of the purposes of the university, raise funds, and encourage involvement. All individuals you have attended the university or were employees of the university are considered members of the Alumni Association. Individuals who support the university are eligible for membership as well as the induction of honorary members

3 Objectives How aware are the alumni of the services offered by the association? How much do the alumni use the services offered by the association? How satisfied are the alumni with the services offered by the association? What inclinations do alumni have for giving back to the university? What type of donation is most prominent? What leads alumni to give back to the university? How involved in various areas were the alumni as students at the university? Has that involvement lead to continued involvement today? Where did BYU have the most impact on the alumni’s life as a student? What in the alumni’s experience as a student leads to uncommon loyalty for the university?

4 Errors, Limitations, & Influences Number of Respondents –Data Errors (gender, Utah) –Data Quantity (6500 respondents) Increased Response Rate of More Recent Alumni

5 Findings


7 Academic Clubs 64% had not been involved 10% had been involved

8 Honors Clubs 71% had not been involved 9% had been involved

9 BYUSA Clubs and Associations 67% had been involved 9% had not been involved

10 Community Service or Volunteer Work 27% had not been involved 21% had been involved

11 Club Sports or Extramural 81% had not been involved 6% had been involved

12 Intramurals 52% had not been involved 24% had been involved

13 Varsity Athletics or Cheer Squads 93% had not been involved 4% had been involved

14 Theatre and Performing Arts Groups 77% had not been involved 10% had been involved

15 Music/Dance 63% had not been involved 13% had been involved

16 Other Clubs 63% had not been involved 9% had been involved

17 In each category, a large percent of people were found who were not involved.

18 Generally speaking, are you still involved with Brigham Young University? 62% of alumni are still involved with Brigham Young University.

19 Nature of Involvement Athletic and performing arts activities Masters Degree Part of faculty Donations BYU magazine, BYU TV & RADIO Attending Education Week Contact with professors Children attend BYU

20 Do Past Involvements Affect Current Involvement with Brigham Young University ? Analysis by Cross Tabulations and Chi-Square

21 Percent of Current Involvement with BYU If not involved in Academic Clubs 60% If involved in Academic Clubs 67% If not involved Honors Programs 61% If involved Honors Programs 70%

22 Percent of Current Involvement with BYU If not involved in BYUSA Clubs and Associations 60% If involved in BYUSA Clubs and Associations - 69% If not involved in Community Service or Volunteer Work 59% If involved in Community Service or Volunteer Work 66%

23 Percent of Current Involvement with BYU If not involved in Club Sports or Extramural – 61% If involved in Club Sports or Extramural – 74% If not involved in Intramurals – 57% If involved in Intramurals – 69%

24 Percent of Current Involvement with BYU If not involved in Varsity Athletics or Cheer Squads – 62% If involved in Varsity Athletics or Cheer Squads – 74% If not Involved in Other Clubs – 62% If involved in Other Clubs – 68%

25 Conclusion If students are actively involved in various extracurricular school activities during their school year(s), they are more likely to be involved with BYU after school than those who do not participate in such activities.

26 Recommendations BYU Alumni Associations should encourage students to be involved in extracurricular school activities.

27 How often are you involved with BYU?

28 Gender and Involvement with BYU Male still involved with BYU – 61% Male not involved with BYU – 36% Female still involved with BYU – 61% Female still involved with BYU – 38%

29 Are you involved with the BYU Alumni Association? 20% of alumni are involved with the BYU Alumni Association.

30 Gender and Involvement with the BYU Alumni Association Males involved with BYU Alumni Association – 19% Males not involved with BYU Alumni Association – 78% Females involved with BYU Alumni Association – 19% Females not involved with BYU Alumni Association – 78%

31 Highest Degree and Involvement with Brigham Young University No Degree 66% Associates 71% Bachelors 60% Masters 69%

32 Age Category and Involvement with Brigham Young University Under 25 - 60% 26~34 – 56% 35~44 – 62% 45~54 – 69% 55~64 – 69% 65 and over – 72%

33 Participation in Church Meetings and Involvement with Brigham Young University Weekly 66% Nearly every week 35% Few times a year 16% Never 40%

34 Conclusion and Recommendations 1.Gender doesn’t affect involvement with BYU. 2.Older aged people tend to be more involved with BYU. Encourage and motivate younger people to be involved with the school. 3.People who go to church often tend to be more involved with BYU. Encourage and motivate people to attend church.

35 Aware, Use, and Satisfaction

36 Negative impressions Serves mainly old people Inconvenience (with Webpage/Alumni directory/slow updates, etc.) Utah centric Sports oriented Feel excluded due to either high cost or marital or job status) Unorganized and too impersonal Poor Alumni/career network Fail to catch their genuine interests Church oriented No time and no interest/ Simply not involved

37 Positive impressions Good staff and employees Scholarships Online Database (website/e-mail) Organized/Helpful/Brings BYU spirit Service oriented/Professional/Leadership Activities including: Aspen Grove, Tours, Active local chapters, Alumni Directory, Discount/Insurance, Alumni Career service

38 Which of the services listed below are you aware of?

39 How did you find out about these services?

40 Use and Satisfaction Questions How often have you used these services in the last two years? Of these services you have used in the past two years, how satisfied were you with each? Many respondents did not answer either the first question or the second question and approximately 3.7% of them skipped the both questions.

41 Example. Alumni Directory

42 The respondents who used Alumni Directory service offered by the BYU Alumni Association more often were highly satisfied with the service (same with the rest of the services). Through the Chi-Square test, we found that the results are statistically significant at a 100% confidence level.

43 Satisfaction and Frequency of Recommend to others Questions Many respondents did not answer either the first question or the second question and approximately 3.3% of them skipped the both questions. Of these services you have used in the past two years, how satisfied were you with each? How often have you recommended these services to friends or family?

44 Satisfaction and Frequency of Recommend to others No matter how the respondents were satisfied with each service offered by the BYU Alumni Association, they did not often recommend it to others. Through the Chi-Square test, we found that the results are statistically significant at a 100% confidence level.

45 Recommendations 1.Ask for donations politely to the alumni who are non-recent Graduates. 2.Search the alumni's interests and focus on such topics for BYU Magazine. 3.The BYU Alumni Association must continue to provide all the services that are currently available. Alumni Career service and Lifetime Email Forwarding service need to be marketed better to increase the alumni's awareness. 4.The BYU Alumni Association must promote its service, features, and benefits more actively through professors, fliers, meetings, etc.

46 Contribution

47 Contribution Two approaches How inclined are BYU Alumni to give back to BYU through: – personal services, volunteer services, money, tangible assets, and other forms? When did BYU Alumni last give back to BYU through: – personal services, volunteer services, money, tangible assets, and other forms?

48 How inclined are BYU Alumni to give back to BYU? BYU Alumni are more inclined to give back to BYU through: –Personal services –Money

49 How Inclined are BYU Alumni to give back to BYU? Not Inclined (1) – Highly Inclined (7) Personal ServicesVolunteer Services

50 How Inclined are BYU Alumni to give back to BYU? Not Inclined (1) – Highly Inclined (7) MoneyTangible Assets

51 How Inclined are BYU Alumni to give back to BYU? Not Inclined (1) – Highly Inclined (7) Other

52 Association between Gender & Alumni inclination to contribute to BYU through Personal Services Of Males: –About 18% were highly inclined to give back –12% were not inclined to give back Of Females: –15% were highly inclined to give back –22% were not inclined to give back

53 Association between Gender & Alumni inclination to contribute to BYU Males and females are not as inclined to contribute with volunteer services. The remaining contribution types were not statistically significant in association with gender.

54 Association between Age & Alumni inclination to contribute to BYU through Money Those under the age of 25 are more inclined to contribute to BYU with money then those who are older.

55 Association between Age & Alumni inclination to contribute to BYU Personal Services: –Those up to age 44 were more highly inclined to give back than those over the age of 44. Volunteer Services: –Those over age 25 most likely won’t give back to BYU. Tangible Assets: –Those over 35 had only a few highly inclined to give back. Other: –The majority of those under 34 were not inclined to contribute.

56 Association between College Majored in & Alumni inclination to contribute to BYU through Personal Services Only 285 out of 1466 were still involved with BYU. Those involved had 26% highly inclined to give back and only 6% not inclined. Those not involved had 18% not inclined to give back and 13% highly inclined to give back.

57 Association between College Majored in & Alumni inclination to contribute to BYU Volunteer Services: –Only 281 out 1454 were still involved with their college. –Out of those involved, 23% were not inclined to give back to BYU, and only 9% were highly inclined. –Those not involved had 33% not inclined to contribute and 4% highly inclined. The remaining contribution types were not statistically significant in association with college majored in.

58 Association between Involvement with BYU & Alumni inclination to contribute to BYU through Personal Services Out of those involved with BYU: –53% were highly inclined to contribute –28% were not inclined to contribute Those not involved with BYU: –73% were highly inclined to contribute –11% were not inclined to contribute

59 Association between Involvement with BYU & Alumni inclination to contribute to BYU Volunteer Services: –Those involved had 79% highly inclined to contribute, and 7% not inclined. –Those not involved had 88% highly inclined to contribute, and 2% not inclined. Money: –Only 2% of those involved with BYU were highly inclined to contribute, and 54% were not inclined. –Of those not involved with BYU, 41% were highly inclined to contribute with money, and 26% were not inclined. The remaining contribution types were not statistically significant in association with college majored in.

60 When did BYU Alumni last give back to BYU? Note: –Survey questions were scaled from one to five, with one representing the most frequent contributors and five the least. –Smaller wedges thus depict more active contributors. BYU Alumni contributed more with Money than the other contribution types.

61 When did BYU Alumni last give back to BYU? Within the last year (1) – Never (6) Personal ServicesVolunteer Services

62 When did BYU Alumni last give back to BYU? Within the last year (1) – Never (6) MoneyTangible Assets

63 When did BYU Alumni last give back to BYU? Within the last year (1) – Never (6) Other

64 Association between Gender & Alumni’s last contribution to BYU through Personal Services Males: –26% gave back within the last year –54% never contributed Females: –15% gave back within the last year –71% never contributed

65 Association between Yearly Household Income & Alumni’s last contribution to BYU through Money In the lowest bracket, 32% contributed within the last year and 36% never contributed. Incomes of $20,000 to $59,999 had 30% give back within the last year with 30% never contributing. Incomes of $60,000 to $79,999 had 41% contribute within the past year with 24% never contributing. Those with $80,000 or above gave back more frequently then those with lower annual incomes.

66 Association between college attended & Alumni’s last contribution to BYU through Money Alumni attending the following colleges donated more within the past year: –Marriott = 45%, Physical and Mathematical Services = 45%, Engineering and Technology = 43%, David O. McKay School of Education = 48%, Biology and Agriculture = 49%, Nursing = 53%, and Continuing Education = 71%. 605 out of 1483 respondents donated, and 388 never contributed.

67 Association between college attended & Alumni’s last contribution to BYU Personal Services: –The following colleges donated more within the past year: Marriott = 27%, Fine Arts = 21%, Physical = Mathematical Services = 24%, Biology and Agriculture = 21%, Nursing = 29%, and Continuing Education = 29%. –The other colleges had 19% or below contribute within the past year. The remaining contribution types were not statistically significant in association with college attended.

68 Association between involvement with BYU & Alumni’s last contribution to BYU through Money Those involved with BYU had 10% contribute within the past year, and 27% not contribute. Alumni not involved with BYU had 14% contribute within the past year and 5% never contribute.

69 Association between involvement with BYU & Alumni’s last contribution to BYU Volunteer Services: –Those involved with BYU had 28% contribute within the last year, and 43% never contribute. –Those not involved with BYU had 7% contribute within the past year and 2% never contribute. Most of them contributed within the past 10 years or less. The remaining contribution types were not statistically significant in association with involvement with BYU.

70 Recommendation To increase contributions from BYU Alumni, involvement with the university should be increased.

71 The “BYU Experience” & Uncommon Loyalty

72 BYU is MY SCHOOL. I am totally loyal to its mission and its message and have sent my children to the university. -Survey Respondent

73 Loyalty to BYU Most alumni feel a sense of loyalty to the university but it is not as drastic an increase as Gratefulness and BYU’s Impact

74 BYU Impact A large majority of the alumni felt that BYU had a great impact on their life

75 Grateful To BYU A large majority of the respondents felt grateful to BYU

76 What was the Impact In performing a t-test and measuring for statistical significance it was found that this difference is significant at the.000 level

77 Spirituality There is a correlation of.494 between Spiritual Experience and Loyalty There is a correlation of.541 for Spiritual Experience and BYU’s Impact

78 Spirituality In a regression between Spiritual Experiences and Loyalty, loyalty increases at a rate of.423 for every increase on one in spiritual experiences.

79 Other Effects of the Impact Academic Giving Preference for Children to Attend Gratefulness

80 BYU Mission Statement All instruction, programs, and services at BYU, including a wide variety of extracurricular experiences, should make their own contribution toward the balanced development of the total person. To succeed in this mission the university must provide an environment enlightened by living prophets and sustained by those moral virtues which characterize the life and teachings of the Son of God. In that environment these four major educational goals should prevail:

81 The BYU experience is driven primarily by a students experience, and BYU’s impact on the students, in the areas of spirituality and academics. This experience is what drives increases involvement, loyalty, and giving to the university.

82 Recommendations The Alumni Association should continue to fulfill the objective in its mission statement that says the alumni association will support the purposes and mission of BYU. Find opportunities to help BYU increase the spirituality and academic setting that impacts students positively. By providing an opportunity to continue to have exposure to the spiritual experiences and academic experiences of BYU, the Alumni Association will be able to increase the loyalty felt by the alumni for the university.

83 Thank You We would like to thank: The BYU Alumni Association Mike Busenbark & David Alcorn Michael Guerts and Lauren Anderson All BYU Alumni

84 Questions

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