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Taking Action for the World’s Poor and Hungry People What Works for Different Actors and Institutions in the Reduction of Poverty and Hunger Beijing 18.

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1 Taking Action for the World’s Poor and Hungry People What Works for Different Actors and Institutions in the Reduction of Poverty and Hunger Beijing 18 October 2007

2 Case study World Food Programme and Ministry of Agriculture, China –Collaborated from 1979 to 2005 –70 joint projects in 31 provinces –30 million people were assisted –WFP invested US $1 billion –GOC invested US $1.2 billion

3 Outputs Survey of 31 food for work projects in 18 provinces by MOA found –1.2 million people trained –220,300 hectares of land improved –2,260 reservoirs and 28,043 kilometers of irrigation canals built or rehabilitated –191,300 hectares of land irrigated –11,000 kilometers of rural roads built or repaired –187,300 hectares of land forested –30,000 hectares of crops planted –95,698 drinking water facilities (humans & livestock) built –1,161 schools and 589 clinics built or repaired.

4 Outcomes According to a sample conducted in the 31 projects surveyed Crop yields more than doubled GDP per capita increased 3 fold. Adolescent and adult illiteracy decreased by 61 percent The number of school-aged children enrolled increased by 27 percent 1.6 million more people had access to drinking water, an increase of 100 percent. Soil erosion decreased by 36 percent Plant cover increased by 75 percent.

5 Outcomes New project management concepts learnt & retained. –Participatory Rural Appraisal –Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping –Objectives-Oriented Project Planning –Monitoring and Evaluation techniques.

6 Reasons for success 1.Mutual trust 2.Government of China provided capital & structure 3.Clear regulations, close supervision, expert personnel allocated to the projects and independent audit. 3.Tangible benefits to the people gave projects a kind of ‘spiritual backbone’. 4.Operations met WFP standards and were adapted to Chinese characteristics.

7 Lessons learned Food for work appealed to rural labourers eager to improve land and infrastructure Beneficiaries’ priorities; sound needs assessments; integration into comprehensive development plan. Sound project management can be replicated (e.g. legal responsibility, bidding system for procurement, supervision, management by objectives, financial audit); Leading groups for projects at all levels of government were key; Capacity built among Ministry personnel asset for future projects at home and abroad.

8 Post Script WFP phased out food aid programmes end 2005. How can the experience gained here can be put at the service of other developing countries? Examples include: Chinese agricultural experts to Asia & Africa Former MOA staff now WFP international staff in Afghanistan, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka WFP collaborating with International Poverty Reduction Center in China and National Disaster Reduction Committee in China on training for government counterparts from other developing countries.

9 Acknowledgements Based on research by Prof. Shuai Chuanmin, College of Management, China University of Geosciences With thanks to the Ministry of Agriculture Dept. of International Cooperatioon

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