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Louisiana’s Implementation of Common Core State Standards

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Presentation on theme: "Louisiana’s Implementation of Common Core State Standards"— Presentation transcript:

1 Louisiana’s Implementation of Common Core State Standards

2 Introductory Video Common Core State Standards: A New Foundation for Student Success

3 Background Information
Common Core State Standards Background Information

4 Common Core State Standards
What are Common Core State Standards? Content standards developed by group of states Development coordinated by National Governors Association and Council of Chief State School Officers In collaboration with teachers, school administrators, and experts States voluntarily choose to adopt 42 states, 1 territory, and D.C. have adopted the CCSS as of 2/20/2011 More information available at

5 Common Core State Standards
Why Common Standards? Identify what students really need to know to progress each year in K-12 and to be successful in college and in the workplace Allow more time for teaching foundational content and increase students’ mastery of it Allow comparisons of student achievement across states Help students keep pace with an advancing workforce Prepare students to compete with their American peers and with students from around the world

6 Common Core State Standards
Why CCSS Are Important for Louisiana About 60% of jobs nationwide will require some type of postsecondary education by 20181 More Louisiana jobs are requiring a postsecondary education2; of those: 69% require vocational training, certification, or associate degree 31% require bachelor degree Many Louisiana students are ill-equipped to succeed in college Louisiana’s college retention and graduation rates are among the lowest in the Southeast region (SREB) and the nation3 About one third of first-time freshmen need remediation in college level courses4 1 Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, June 2010 2 Louisiana Workforce Commission, 2009 Job Vacancy Survey 3 Southern Regional Education Board Fact Book on Higher Education, 2009 4 LDOE First-Time Freshmen and Developmental Rates, Public School Data,

7 Common Core State Standards
Grade Levels and Content English Language Arts and Mathematics Incorporate College & Career Ready (CCR) standards Define skills and knowledge that a high school graduate should have in order to be college and career ready “College” includes technical college, community college, four-year college or university Kindergarten through Grade 12 Prekindergarten Standards developed by Louisiana educators to align with kindergarten CCSS

8 Common Core State Standards
What about Standards for Science and Social Studies? Literacy standards for science, social studies, and technical subjects are included in CCSS for ELA Science Content Standards Next Generation Science Standards currently under development by national groups Expected release in Spring 2012 Will be reviewed for appropriateness to replace current Louisiana science standards; if acceptable, will be adopted in Summer or Fall to be implemented in Social Studies Content Standards Revised by committees of state educators in To be considered by BESE for approval in June 2011 To be implemented in

9 Common Core State Standards
English Language Arts

10 Shift in Instructional Emphasis
English Language Arts Shift in Instructional Emphasis Current Classroom Focus on literature (fiction) Literary skills (identifying terms and devices like theme) ELA taught in isolation Common Core Classroom Informational texts prepare for college and career Cross-content literacy integration ELA taught in collaboration

11 English Language Arts CCSS in ELA: Key Ideas
Address literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects requiring shared responsibility across the school building for students’ literacy learning Explain how a simple machine works (science) Compare/contrast world events (social studies) Justify a solution to a problem (mathematics) Focus on teaching academic vocabulary in all subjects Require students to read and understand more challenging texts than currently required Emphasize the use of materials to be read for information

12 CCSS Grade-Specific Standards
English Language Arts Grade 4 Standards Examples Current Louisiana GLE CCSS Grade-Specific Standards Reading and Responding Identify a variety of story elements, including: c. first- and third-person points of view (ELA-1-E4) Literature: Craft and Structure Compare and contrast the point of view from which different stories are narrated, including the difference between first- and third-person narrations. Similarities exist between GLEs and CCSS, but CCSS require higher-level thinking skills (compare/contrast). Reading texts suggested by CCSS are more challenging than those traditionally used. See next slide for examples.

13 Current Typical Grade Level CCSS Suggested Grade Level
English Language Arts Examples of Grade-Level Assignments of Literature Title of Text Current Typical Grade Level CCSS Suggested Grade Level Zlateh the Goat and Other Stories Grade 6 Grades 4 or 5 Tuck Everlasting “Casey at the Bat” Grade 8 “Eleven” Grade 10 Grades 6, 7, or 8 The Tragedy of Macbeth Grade 12 Grades 9 or 10

14 Common Core State Standards

15 Mathematics Overview Standards for Mathematical Practice
Apply to all grade levels Describe mathematically proficient students Standards for Mathematical Content K-8 standards presented by grade level High school standards presented by conceptual theme Number and Quantity Algebra Functions Modeling Geometry Statistics and Probability

16 Grade-Level Focus Areas
Mathematics Grade-Level Focus Areas Kindergarten – Grade 5 Establishes foundation of using and understanding whole numbers, fractions, and decimals Grades 6-8 Preparation for geometry, algebra, and probability and statistics High School Emphasis on applying math to solve problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace

17 Mathematics Characteristics Fewer standards at many grade levels
Grade 3: 47 GLEs to 25 CCSS Balanced combination of procedural skill and understanding Requires students to “explain” and “justify” rather than “define” and “identify” Content focuses are established at each grade allowing for more in-depth study of a given topic (see example on next slide)

18 Example Standards Related to Area
Mathematics Example Standards Related to Area Louisiana GLEs CCSS Grade 3 Grade 3, GLE 23 Find the area in square units of a given rectangle (including squares) drawn on a grid or by covering the region with square tiles. Grade 4, GLE 25 Use estimates and measurements to calculate perimeter and area of rectangular objects in U.S. and metric units. Grade 4, GLE 26 Estimate the area of an irregular shape drawn on a unit grid. Measurement and Data Geometric Measurement Understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to addition.  5. Recognize area as an attribute of plane figures and understand concepts of area measurement. 6. Measure area by counting squares. 7. Relate area to the operations of multiplication and addition. Area is found in GLEs at multiple grades. The focus on area occurs in Grade 3 in the CCSS creating opportunity for more connections between concepts and for in-depth study.

19 Current Curriculum Activity Activity Modified to meet CCSS
Mathematics Examples of Area Activities Current Curriculum Activity Activity Modified to meet CCSS Students in Grade 3 are asked to find the perimeter and area of rectangular garden plots use grid paper to draw the shapes determine unit lengths and the area of each garden by counting squares Students in Grade 3 will connect a rectangle’s area to multiplication of its side lengths use areas of rectangles to solve real-world problems find the areas of irregular shapes by subdividing into rectangles explain their methods of solving and justify their conclusions

20 Mathematics Work with your team to compare and contrast last year’s GLE’s with the transitional GLE’s.

21 Common Core State Standards
Implementation Plan

22 Implementation Overview
New assessments and new LCC for ELA and mathematics will be phased in over several years PreK Current New K Grade 1 Grade 2 Transitional Grades 3-8 High School No changes - current curriculum, current assessments Curriculum - some GLEs deleted, some GLEs remain, some CCSS added Assessments – based on GLEs that remain in curriculum Curriculum and assessments based on CCSS only

23 Curriculum Implementation Plan
: Transition Year #1 ELA and Math Implement new LCC in grades K -1 aligned to ELA and math CCSS transitional LCC in grades 2 and higher in ELA and math Create new LCC for grades 2 and higher aligned to ELA and math CCSS Social Studies and Science Implement new LCC* in Civics and US History courses (required) new LCC* in World Geography and World History (recommended) Create new LCC in grades K-12 science *or locally-developed curriculum Create new PreK integrated curriculum based on CCSS and new social studies and science standards

24 Curriculum Implementation Plan
: Transition Year #2 ELA and Math Implement new LCC in grade 2 in ELA and math Continue to use transitional LCC in grades 3 and higher Social Studies and Science Continue to use new LCC in Civics and US History courses (required) new LCC in World Geography and World History (recommended) Implement new PreK integrated curriculum based on CCSS and new social studies and science standards

25 Curriculum Implementation Plan
: Full CCSS Implementation Full Implementation at all grades and core content areas Common Core State Standards in ELA and math State-revised standards for social studies and science New LCC for all grades and subjects

26 Common Core State Standards

27 Assessment Transition Plan
ELA and Math and : Transitional assessments for grades 3-8 and high school Aligned with transitional LCC Adjust by using existing items that best align with CCSS that match GLE Content focus may change “Cut scores” and level of difficulty will remain the same Omit content that will be discontinued, emphasize existing content that aligns with CCSS New CCSS content will not be added until Science and Social Studies and : New US History EOC No change in other social studies and science assessments (still under consideration)

28 2014-15 PARCC Assessment Plan
Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) PARCC will develop an assessment system composed of four components. Each component will be computer-delivered and will leverage technology to incorporate innovations. Two summative assessment components designed to Make “college- and career-readiness” and “on-track” determinations Measure the full range of standards and full performance continuum Provide data for accountability uses, including measures of growth Two formative assessment components designed to Generate timely information for informing instruction, interventions, and professional development during the school year In ELA/literacy, an additional third formative component will assess students’ speaking and listening skills For those that have been following the development of PARCC, the Governing Board did make some refinements to the design based on the input from the PARCC states. As with PARCC’s initial design, there will be four components to the PARCC system. PARCC will develop all four components – the first two will be available for all PARCC states and districts to use and administer flexibly. Summative assessment components will: Measure the full range of the CCSS and the full range of student performance, including low- and high-performing students Include achievement levels that signify whether students are “college- and career-ready” by the end of high school and on-track in earlier grades Produce data that can be used to make a variety of accountability determinations, including measures of student growth The formative components will be designed to generate timely information during the academic year that can inform instruction, professional development, and supports and interventions for students. In ELA/literacy, there will be an additional formative component that will assess the speaking and listening standards in the Common Core.

29 2014-15 PARCC Assessment Plan
Summative Assessment Components: Performance-Based Assessment (PBA) administered as close to the end of the school year as possible. ELA/literacy PBA focus - writing effectively when analyzing text Mathematics PBA focus - applying skills, concepts, and understandings to solve multi-step problems requiring abstract reasoning, precision, perseverance, and strategic use of tools End-of-Year Assessment (EOY) administered after approx. 90% of the school year. ELA/literacy EOY focus - reading comprehension Math EOY - composed of innovative, machine-scorable items Overview of two summative assessment components: Performance-Based Assessment: Administered as close to the end of the year as possible Will include essays and other high-quality, complex items. End-of-Year: Computer-scored, but would be far from the traditional “multiple choice” tests. There will be multistep problems and tasks that students must complete in order to find the correct answer.

30 2014-15 PARCC Assessment Plan
Formative Assessment Components: Early Assessment indicator of student knowledge and skills allows instruction, supports, and professional development to be tailored to meet student needs Mid-Year Assessment performance-based items and tasks emphasis on hard-to-measure standards Overview of formative components: Early Assessments: Designed to be administered close to the beginning of the year. Will provide an early snapshot of achievement knowledge and skills so that educators can tailor instruction, supports for students, and professional development to meet students’ needs. Mid-Year Assessment: Designed to be administered near the middle of the school year. Performance-based Will focus on hard-to-measure standards in the CCSS Teachers could score this assessment to get quick feedback on student learning relative to the CCSS. These components are: are formative assessments are developed by PARCC with its grant funds are available to all PARCC states and their local districts are intended to be administered early and midway through the school year however, allow for flexible administration-- they can be administered at locally determined times, including at the discretion of the classroom teacher can be scored quickly -- some can be computer administered and scored, others

31 Successful CCSS Implementation
Achieving Statewide Critical Goals for Education Through CCSS and Act 54 Students enter Kindergarten ready to learn. Students are literate by third grade. Students will enter fourth grade on time. Students perform at or above grade level in English Language Arts by eighth grade. Students perform at or above grade level in math by eighth grade. Students will graduate on time. Students will enroll in post-secondary education or graduate workforce-ready. Students will successfully complete at least one year of post-secondary education. Achieve all eight Critical Goals, regardless of race or class.

32 Ultimately, we want to create mathematically proficient students:
Student Expectations Ultimately, we want to create mathematically proficient students: “Proficient students expect mathematics to make sense. They take an active stance in solving mathematical problems. When faced with a non‐routine problem, they have the courage to plunge in and try something, and they have the procedural and conceptual tools to carry through. They are experimenters and inventors, and can adapt known strategies to new problems. They think strategically.” - CCSSM Review the slide—you can either read the slide to the participants or give them time to read it themselves (may depend on the size of the room). Ask participants what impressed them most with the description provided here. Allow some time for discussion then proceed. The use of tasks such as ”Grass Seedlings” help us create mathematically proficient students; but prior to using these types of tasks, we have to provide our students with the opportunities to practice the required skills. Teachers must plan effectively to provide students with varied opportunities to encounter the concepts, skills, and levels of thinking required by the CCSSM. Go on to the next slide. 32

33 Instructional Shifts in Mathematics
The new standards support improved curriculum and instruction due to increased FOCUS, via critical areas at each grade level COHERENCE, through carefully developed connections within and across grades CLARITY, with precisely worded standards that cannot be treated as a checklist RIGOR, including a focus on College and Career Readiness and Standards for Mathematical Practice throughout PreK-12 To change instructional practice, it is important to consider the instructional shifts the CCSSM require. In past workshops we have indicated that there are six shifts - focus, coherence, deep understanding, fluency, application, and dual intensity (a balance between practicing and understanding with both done with equal intensity). These six shifts have been redefined as three shifts. Reveal the each bullet one at a time and then say: Rigor is now considered to include the deep understanding combined with procedural skill, fluency, and application. We will now take a look at each of these shifts to see how they affect instructional practices in the classroom and how they affect student expectations. 33

34 The Why: Shift One Focus
Significantly narrow the scope of content and deepen how time and energy is spent in the math classroom Focus deeply only on what is emphasized in the standards, so that students gain strong foundations The Standards call for a greater focus in mathematics. Rather than racing to cover topics in today’s mile-wide, inch-deep curriculum, teachers will need to significantly narrow the content by focusing on the standards and refrain from continuing to teach content because they like it or it’s something they have “always taught.” The way that time and energy is spent in the math classroom must change. Teachers must focus deeply on the major work of each grade so that students can gain strong foundations which include solid conceptual understanding a high degree of procedural skill and fluency the ability to apply the math they know to solve problems inside and outside the math classroom. Go on to the next slide . 34

35 The Why: Shift Two Coherence
Think connections across grades and links to major topics within a grade. Carefully connect the learning within and across grades so that students can build new understanding onto foundations built in previous years. Begin to count on solid conceptual understanding of core content and build on it. Each standard is not a new event, but an extension of previous learning. Thinking across grades: The Standards are designed around coherent progressions from grade to grade. The standards allow for learning across grades so that students can build new understanding onto foundations built in previous years. Teachers can begin to count on deep conceptual understanding of core content and build on it. Each standard is not a new event, but an extension of previous learning. Linking to major topics within a grade: Instead of allowing additional or supporting topics to detract from the focus of the grade, these topics can serve the grade-level focus. For example, instead of data displays as an end in themselves, they support grade-level word problems. Advance to the next slide. 35

36 Coherence: Links within a grade
Standard 3.NF.1 Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b. If a whole is partitioned into 4 equal parts, then each part is of the whole, and 4 copies of that part make the whole. Standard 3.MD.4 Generate measurement data by measuring lengths using rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch. Show the data by making a line plot, where the horizontal scale is marked off in appropriate units—whole numbers, halves, or quarters. How are these standards linked? This slide provides a concrete example of the link within a grade/course. The black text is the text of the standard while the blue text is an example of a question/problem that aligns to the standard. Ask participants to read the examples or read the examples to the participants. Then allow about 3 minutes for a discussion about how the standards are linked. Participants should identify that the number line used in the graph is divided in fourths which is the unit fraction identified in the example for 3.NF.1. 36

37 Coherence: Think Across Grades
Fraction example: “The coherence and sequential nature of mathematics dictate the foundational skills that are necessary for the learning of algebra. The most important foundational skill not presently developed appears to be proficiency with fractions (including decimals, percents, and negative fractions). The teaching of fractions must be acknowledged as critically important and improved before an increase in student achievement in algebra can be expected.” Final Report of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel (2008, p. 18) Coherence in the CCSSM is illustrated by carefully laid progressions of conceptual development, not just moving topics earlier in the grade sequence. This slide provides a brief explanation of how the concept of fractions develops from elementary through middle grades to lay the foundation for algebra. Allow participants a minute or so to read the text on the slide, then go on to the next slide. 37

38 Coherence: Think Across Grades
3.NF.2 Understand a fraction as a number on the number line; represent fractions on a number line diagram. Example: Draw a point on the number line for 1. Label the point. Be as exact as possible. 5.NF.5 Interpret multiplication as scaling (resizing), by explaining why multiplying a given number by a fraction greater than 1 results in a product greater than the given number… (see task, slide 7) This slide and the next illustrate the connection across grades and how the learning progresses from building the conceptual understanding of a fraction as a number to the use of fractions in algebra. This is not an exhaustive list—it’s meant to be an example. There are instances of connections between fractions in the grades that are not addressed, but it would be impossible to address all grade levels in these slides. This should give participants an idea of the progression of content across grades. Lead participants through the examples briefly and discuss each briefly. The example for 5.NF.5 refers back to the task that was introduced on slide 6, Grass Seedlings. If necessary, remind them of what the task asked. 38

39 Coherence: Think Across Grades
7.RP.3 Use proportional relationships to solve multistep ratio and percent problems. Example: There were 24 boys and 20 girls in a chess club last year. This year the number of boys increased by 25% but the number of girls decreased by 10%. Was there an increase or decrease in overall membership? Explain. A-CED.1 Create equations and inequalities in one variable and use them to solve problems. Example: Mary paid a total of $16,368 for a car, and you'd like to know the car's list price. Find the list price of the car if your friend bought the car in: New York, where the sales tax is 8.25%. A state where the sales tax is r . Same discussion as before. Here the connection is also made that fractions are related to decimals and percents, through the use of proportional relationships--a concept that seems lost on many students currently. That conceptual understanding of proportional relationships is then used when students are asked to write equations and inequalities to solve problems though the term is not explicitly stated as in the Grade 7 standard. 39

40 Fluency Typical definitions include the terms “efficient” and “accurate” Lower grade-levels fluencies assist students in developing fluency in high school About applying the math that students know to unknown situations and making sense of the problems Review the information on the slide and discuss the information below. While many people think that mathematical fluency requires some timed component and a rapid-fire response, fluency is truly deeper than that. While the quick recall of basic facts in all operations will assist students in gaining a conceptual understanding of more complex topics, expecting that students can solve problems quickly can be unrealistic. Early grades have fluency requirements based on factual recall that is established through deep understanding of specific concepts (understanding addition via place value, for example). As students progress through the grades, fluency requirements become about being able to “dive into” a problem and start planning a solution based on their prior knowledge and reasoning. Students who read a problem and consistently have difficulty finding entry points to plan and develop a solution have not reached the fluent level and need more practice. However, fluency cannot be attained without developing a deep conceptual understanding first. 40

41 The Why: Shift Three Rigor
In major topics, pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application The CCSSM require a balance of: Solid conceptual understanding Procedural skill and fluency Application of skills in problem solving situations Achieving that balance requires equal intensity in time, activities, and resources Now that we have looked at the shifts of focus and coherence which provide us with valuable information to plan more effectively, we now look at the third shift; that of rigor. Reveal the first bullet. This shift is about the depth of what is expected in the standards, and also about what one should expect to see happening in the classroom, in curricular materials, and so on. Rigor is the major intersection between student expectations and teacher expectations. Reveal the next three levels one at a time, speaking about each using the descriptions below. Conceptual understanding: The Standards call for conceptual understanding of key concepts, such as place value and ratios. Teaching concepts using different perspectives enables students to see math as more than sets of procedures” Procedural skill and fluency: “Teachers ensure that class and homework time allow for practice of core functions so that students are able to access more complex concepts and procedures.” Application: The Standards call for students to use math flexibly for applications. Teachers provide opportunities for students to apply math in context. Teachers in content areas outside of math, particularly science, ensure that students are using math to make meaning of and access content. Reveal and review the last bullet. 41

42 Standards for Mathematical Practice
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Begin implementing these standards in your classroom now. These are the “headings” for the Standards of Mathematical Practice. Full descriptors for each practice can be found on pages 6-9 of the CCSS for Math document. Participants also have these descriptors in their folders. These standards define what all mathematically proficient students should be able to do. They span all grade levels. The degree to which each standard is evident at each grade level will vary. For instance reasoning abstractly for a Kindergarten student is as “simple” as writing the numeral to represent the quantity of a set of objects—that numeral is abstract to them. However, in an Algebra II class, a symbolic representation of the path of a baseball would be abstract—in both cases there is a symbolic representation of some math concept, but the level of thinking required matches the cognitive level of the student. Math Practices help define student expectations—this provides the link between teacher and student expectations. When teachers are able to identify what students are expected to do, they have more information about the opportunities they are to offer the students so they can achieve those expectations. 42

43 Persistance in Problem Solving
What does it look like? 3rd Grade Classroom Persistance in Problem Solving These are the “headings” for the Standards of Mathematical Practice. Full descriptors for each practice can be found on pages 6-9 of the CCSS for Math document. Participants also have these descriptors in their folders. These standards define what all mathematically proficient students should be able to do. They span all grade levels. The degree to which each standard is evident at each grade level will vary. For instance reasoning abstractly for a Kindergarten student is as “simple” as writing the numeral to represent the quantity of a set of objects—that numeral is abstract to them. However, in an Algebra II class, a symbolic representation of the path of a baseball would be abstract—in both cases there is a symbolic representation of some math concept, but the level of thinking required matches the cognitive level of the student. Math Practices help define student expectations—this provides the link between teacher and student expectations. When teachers are able to identify what students are expected to do, they have more information about the opportunities they are to offer the students so they can achieve those expectations. 43

44 5th Grade Classroom Precision
What does it look like? 5th Grade Classroom Precision These are the “headings” for the Standards of Mathematical Practice. Full descriptors for each practice can be found on pages 6-9 of the CCSS for Math document. Participants also have these descriptors in their folders. These standards define what all mathematically proficient students should be able to do. They span all grade levels. The degree to which each standard is evident at each grade level will vary. For instance reasoning abstractly for a Kindergarten student is as “simple” as writing the numeral to represent the quantity of a set of objects—that numeral is abstract to them. However, in an Algebra II class, a symbolic representation of the path of a baseball would be abstract—in both cases there is a symbolic representation of some math concept, but the level of thinking required matches the cognitive level of the student. Math Practices help define student expectations—this provides the link between teacher and student expectations. When teachers are able to identify what students are expected to do, they have more information about the opportunities they are to offer the students so they can achieve those expectations. 44

45 8th Grade Classroom Reasoning
What does it look like? 8th Grade Classroom Reasoning These are the “headings” for the Standards of Mathematical Practice. Full descriptors for each practice can be found on pages 6-9 of the CCSS for Math document. Participants also have these descriptors in their folders. These standards define what all mathematically proficient students should be able to do. They span all grade levels. The degree to which each standard is evident at each grade level will vary. For instance reasoning abstractly for a Kindergarten student is as “simple” as writing the numeral to represent the quantity of a set of objects—that numeral is abstract to them. However, in an Algebra II class, a symbolic representation of the path of a baseball would be abstract—in both cases there is a symbolic representation of some math concept, but the level of thinking required matches the cognitive level of the student. Math Practices help define student expectations—this provides the link between teacher and student expectations. When teachers are able to identify what students are expected to do, they have more information about the opportunities they are to offer the students so they can achieve those expectations. 45

46 Sample Student Task – 4th Grade
Read the Farmer Fred task Consider these questions What concepts and skills are required for students to be successful with this task? What cognitive demand level does the task require of the student? How is this task different from those that students have experienced in the past? First work by yourself to solve the problem. Then check with a partner. Review the information on the slide and give participants a few minutes to review and discuss the task. Before giving them those few minutes, define “cognitive demand” using the definition and examples below. Cognitive Demand definition - the kind and level of thinking required of students in order to successfully engage with and solve the task.” Low Level Cognitive Demands - Memorization Tasks, Procedures Without Connections to Understanding, Meaning or Concepts Tasks High Level Cognitive Demands - Procedures With Connections to understanding, Meaning or Concepts Tasks, Doing Mathematics Tasks After participants have had 2-3 minutes to review the task, ask for a few people to provide their answers to the questions. The connections to the standards and the answers are attached to the task for the participant’s benefit. 46

47 Example Performance Task
7th Grade Pizza Crusts task Consider these questions What concepts and skills are required for students to be successful with this task? What cognitive demand level does the task require of the student? How is this task different from those that students have experienced in the past? First work by yourself to solve the problem. Then check with a partner. Have participants read the task then review the following information. This task helps us to understand the requirements of a 5th grade standard on fractions. The standard asks the student to be able to interpret multiplication as resizing a number by comparing products without actually doing the multiplication. Notice that a number answer is not needed. The student needs to know that multiplying a height (a positive number) by 1.5 will produce a taller height. Multiplying that same height by ¾ will produce a shorter height. Students must be able to read well and know that a numerical answer cannot be found (not enough info) and is not required. Conceptual understanding that multiplying a positive value by a number greater than and less than one must exist, or the student must know that the situation can be tested by using specific examples (If the height of my plant was 12 inches, what heights would Pablo’s and Celina’s plants be.). In the past, an answer which includes “showing the work” might have sufficed, but in this example, the student is expected to provide rationale for the method used as an indication that he understands what is being asked. Teachers would need to provide students with different ways to approach such a problem (such as using a concrete example, providing enough practice with multiplication of positive numbers by values greater than or less than 1 to allow students to see a pattern and state a general rule, etc). 47

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