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Teaching aims: 1.To develop reading ability. 2.To practise some specific reading skills. 3.To know something about cloning.

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2 Teaching aims: 1.To develop reading ability. 2.To practise some specific reading skills. 3.To know something about cloning.

3 Revision (sentence translation) 1. 那次手术很成功,这位老人又活了十年。 2. 为了省钱,这个年轻人想找个人合租一套公寓。 3. 表面上他患病的原因是饮酒过度,但真正的致病原因是 丧妻之痛。 4. 你与你妹妹一样粗心,你们俩都不适合干要求细心与技 能的工作。 5. 出于同情,这位老太太主动提出收留那个可怜的无家可 归的孩子过夜。 The operation turned out to be very successful, and the old man lived on for another ten years. The apparent cause of his illness was extreme drinking, but the real cause was his deep sadness on his wife’s death. You are no more careful than your sister. You two can’t do the work that needs care and skill. Out of pity, the old lady offered to take in the poor homeless child for the night. To save some money, the young man wants a partner with whom he can team up to rent an apartment.

4 Unit2 Reading

5 Top10 inventions in 20th century:

6 NO. 10 atomic bomb

7 NO. 9 space shuttle

8 NO. 8 television

9 NO. 7 artificial satellite

10 NO. 6 aspirin

11 Airliner NO. 5

12 NO. 4 personal computer

13 NO. 3 Mobilephone

14 NO. 2 internet

15 NO. 1 cloning

16 How much do you know about cloning?

17 Quiz: Cloning is a way of making an exact copy of another animal or plant.It can be divided into natural clone and man-made clone. A natural clone is one that occurs in nature and a man-made clone is one that is procured through human intervention( 介入,干预 ).

18 Are the following clones the same? If not, what is the difference? NO. The first two are man-made clones, the rest two are natural clones.

19 Organization ( first reading) ______ What is the cloning. ______ Two major uses of cloning. ______ The birth and death of Dolly. ______ Controversy brought by Dolly. 2 1 3 4 - 5

20 1.The main idea of the text is____ A. animal cloning is very valuable and can benefit the world. B. animal cloning could be misused by bad people so it must be forbidden C. animal cloning is well developed because Dolly the sheep was born. D. animal cloning raised arguments and scientists are not sure about its future. Choose the right answer according to the text. 2. The cloning of Dolly the sheep succeeded because____. A. its easier to clone a sheep than other animals B. the scientists were determined and worked hard with patience C. the scientists were rewarded and got lots of money D. many other attempts to clone mammals failed Reading in detail ----- second reading ( 5ms )

21 3. The sheep that donated the somatic cell most probably lived ____ years. A. 3 B. 6 C. 9 D. 12 推理判断 4. We can infer from the last three paragraphs that ___. A. The normal development of Dolly had no effect on the cloning of other species. B. Dolly’s serious disease and final death disturbed the whole world. C. Dolly successfully cloned a new lamb with the help of cloning scientists. D. There were arguments about animals about animal cloning and concerns about the future of cloning.

22 1.The main idea of the text is____ A. animal cloning is very valuable and can benefit the world. B. animal cloning could be misused by bad people so it must be forbidden C. animal cloning is well developed because Dolly the sheep was born. D. animal cloning raised arguments and scientists are not sure about its future. Reading – II ( 5ms ) Choose the right answer according to the text. 2. The cloning of Dolly the sheep succeeded because____. A. its easier to clone a sheep than other animals B. the scientists were determined and worked hard with patience C. the scientists were rewarded and got lots of money D. many other attempts to clone mammals failed

23 3. The sheep that donated the somatic cell most probably lived ____ years. A. 3 B. 6 C. 9 D. 12 推理判断 4. We can infer from the last three paragraphs that ___. A. The normal development of Dolly had no effect on the cloning of other species. B. Dolly’s serious disease and final death disturbed the whole world. C. Dolly successfully cloned a new lamb with the help of cloning scientists. D. There were arguments about animals about animal cloning and concerns about the future of cloning.

24 Third reading -----"True" or"False" 1. Cloning means making a copy of an animal or a plant. 2. Gardeners can make a lot of money by cloning plants. 3. Cloning animals is as complicated as cloning plants. F T F 4. Dolly the sheep was the first successful clone of a mammal. 5. Natural clones happen in animals as well as in plants. T T

25 Challenge yourself 1. In the second paragraph, the word “straightforward” means ____. A. uncomplicated B. honest C. frank D. difficult 2. It suddenly opened everybody’s eyes to the possibility of using cloning to cure serious illness and even to produce human beings. (translation) 3. In an unfortunate way, the mice and Dolly sheep had no choice but to die young. No one imagined that this would happen and so no one could prevent it.(Find a sentence which has the similar meaning) 因为它突然打开了人们的眼界,看到了有可能利用克隆 技术来治疗重病,甚至还有可能克隆出人类。 Sadly the same arbitrary fate affected other species, such as cloned mice. 4,What is the writing style? A. Expositive (说明性的) B.Descriptive C. Argumentative (议论性的) D. Narrative

26 Discussion The writer’s reaction towards cloning is____ A. Positive B. Negative C. neutral Learning tips: The passage is written in the expositive style. That is to say the text is in the third person and in factual and formal language. It gives different points of view and does not try to persuade the reader to make up his/her own mind.

27 Text1 With respect to( 关于 ) politics, seven developed countries announced a temporary ban on human cloning in 1998, which is still in force. Text2 A controversial doctor in America has claimed to have cloned human embryos and transferred them to four women prepared to give birth to the first cloned babies. From the two texts we can see that some people _____________ the human cloning while others______________ it. are for are against

28 give rise to moral questions terrorists… make use of … contribute to/lead to the spread of new diseases cure serious illneses(rare diseases, incurable diseases ) help infertile people have babies of great benefit to… Nowadays, there is a heated debate over whether huamn cloning should be allowed. Advantages: Group 1 and 2 Disadvantages: Group 3 and 4

29 Consolidation Clone is a way of making an exact_______ of another animal or plant. Cloning have two ______ uses. Firstly, gardeners use it all the time to produce _____________quantities. Secondly, it is valuable for research on new plant _________and for medical research on animals. But through the _________and death of Dolly, cloning has a lot of problems. On the other hand, we know cloning is controversial in some countries for ________and ___________reasons. copy major commercial species birth moral religious

30 Homework 1.Read the passage again and find out all the noun clauses in the text. 2.Write a short passage according to the following topic. Should human cloning be allowed?

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