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Changing the Future of Childhood Obesity Presented by Dr. Doug Miller Executive Director MOASCD.

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Presentation on theme: "Changing the Future of Childhood Obesity Presented by Dr. Doug Miller Executive Director MOASCD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Changing the Future of Childhood Obesity Presented by Dr. Doug Miller Executive Director MOASCD


3 Outline of Presentation Who is MOASCD Missouri Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Why is MOASCD interested in Childhood Obesity Political Efforts include: Missouri Whole Child Resolution :Safe, Healthy, Engaged, Supported, Challenged ESEA Phys.Ed Designated Core Academic Subject


5 Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model (WSCC) – a collaborative approach to learning and health ASCD: CDC:

6 Missouri Context 522 School Districts of which 300 are less than one thousand students. 50% of students in KC and St. Louis, remainder rural areas. NCLB impact was to emphasize and test in math and reading. Common Core Disputed by many who fear giving up state control of education. Smarter Balance Testing is set up to compare us to all states. Current testing only compares to other districts.

7 Missouri Context (2) With the increasing time spent on math, reading and testing something had to give. New teacher evaluation systems are using students test scores for determining teachers rehiring. Increasing expectations vs. decreasing resources

8 What can we do? 1.Planning teams should be principal led. 2.The creation or modification in school policy related to HSC. 3.Collaboration should commence from the start of the planning process. 4.Planning should align with and be the basis of the overall school improvement process. 5.Planning should focus on those aspects revealed by assessments to have the most needs

9 What can be done? What are the priority issues? What data proves the issues? What interventions impact the issues? What resources are needed? How do you make the interventions sustainable? Do you engage parents, community, business leaders? 9

10 Discussion – Academic Indicator Data Discuss all academic indicators What is going well? What needs improvement? What is the district currently doing to improve weaknesses? What health issues may be impacting the indicators positively or negatively? What practices and policies does the district have in place to support or impede healthy behavior? What practices and policies need improvement? 10

11 What we can do. (2) 6. Team leadership should aim to build a team to facilitate the process. 7. Team leadership should ensure all stakeholders understand the value of their involvement. 8. Ongoing purposeful professional development should be integrated to support the process

12 What we can do. (3) 9. School administration should actively seek out and access community resources

13 What current assets does Missouri have to help us with this effort? We have a large work force of interested teachers, parents, administrators, doctors, professors and politicians who want to help our children. We have state agency heads who are eager to assist us in improving children’s health. We have nine regional centers (RPDC’s) strategically placed throughout the state to provide professional development service to help us improve schools for our children.


15 Missouri Assets con’t Missouri has many organizations like MOASCD, MOAAHERD, MSTA, NEA, MASA,MAESP, MASSP that would support your efforts to help make our children healthy Many exemplary models exist both nationally and locally. Kentucky, Ohio, Texas and North Carolina already have outstanding programs. Missouri Panel today from Eldon Public Schools and Healthy Dent County are great models.

16 Here are some national models You can also look at these states/districts are great examples recently Kentucky – contact person Jamie Sparks Kentucky Ohio – contact person Laura Rooney Ohio Frisco SD (TX) Frisco SD Charlotte Mecklenburg (NC) Charlotte Mecklenburg


18 Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child But this is not a launch that calls for health for education’s sake. Nor is it education for health’s sake. Rather, it is a call for health and education for each child’s sake.

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