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F ULL -D AY K INDERGARTEN Feasibility Task Force Presentation to the Cheshire Curriculum Committee of the Board of Education October 7, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "F ULL -D AY K INDERGARTEN Feasibility Task Force Presentation to the Cheshire Curriculum Committee of the Board of Education October 7, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 F ULL -D AY K INDERGARTEN Feasibility Task Force Presentation to the Cheshire Curriculum Committee of the Board of Education October 7, 2013

2 T IMELINE November 2012 Click HereClick Here - Why Full Day Kindergarten Presentation Click HereClick Here - Board of Education Curriculum Committee Meeting Presentation March 2013 Click HereClick Here - Board of Education Curriculum Committee Meeting - Kindergarten Survey Results April 2013 Kindergarten Feasibility Task Force was formed May 2013 Click HereClick Here - Kindergarten Feasibility Task Force Meeting - Session 1 June 2013 Click HereClick Here - Kindergarten Feasibility Task Force Meeting - Session 2 September 2013 Click HereClick Here - Full-Day Kindergarten Flyer Distribution Click HereClick Here - Kindergarten Feasibility Task Force Meeting PowerPoint Presentation - September 17, 2013

3 F ULL D AY K INDERGARTEN T ASK F ORCE M EMBERS Courtney Barber-Devine, Parent Deborah Burns, K – 8 Curriculum Coordinator Scott Detrick, Assistant Superintendent Ann Donnery, Principal Darcey School Lynn Glynn, Kindergarten Teacher Lynn Goldaper, Kindergarten Teacher Jill Hale, Parent Cathy Hellreich, Board of Education Member Russ Hinckley, Principal Chapman School Kelly Lenz, School Community Coordinator Jeff Natale, Parent Kristen Pannone, Parent Kathy Rahn, Teacher Elissa Tessier, Parent

4 P URPOSE This Task Force was formed in April 2013 to study the feasibility of full day Kindergarten in the Cheshire Public Schools. The Task Force was created after the Board of Education Curriculum Committee reviewed information regarding the need to explore this program change due to increasing curriculum demands and the need for more time to develop foundational skills for lifelong learning. In addition, the Curriculum Committee of the Board of Education reviewed survey results that indicated a desire to investigate full day Kindergarten in Cheshire. The purpose of this Task Force is to investigate the feasibility of full day kindergarten in the Cheshire Public Schools by exploring all options. It is important to note that this Task Force will provide recommendations to the Curriculum Committee of the Board of Education with underlining assumptions that the recommendations will be based on what is best for children while at the same time is fiscally responsive to the needs of our community.

5 C ONNECTICUT AND F ULL D AY K INDERGARTEN – A S OF O CT. 2012 103 school districts; 7 Charter Schools and 11 Magnet Schools provide full-day kindergarten to all children.* 74% of Connecticut kindergarteners are in full-time programs.* 40% more districts offer full day K than five years ago.* DRG B – Brookfield, Fairfield, Glastonbury, Granby, Greenwich, Madison, New Fairfield, Orange, Simsbury, Trumbull, West Hartford, Woodbridge * October 1, 2012 SDE Kindergarten Enrollment


7 W HY F ULL -D AY K INDERGARTEN ? The learning process takes time. Allows for longer blocks of uninterrupted instructional time. Offers more time to progress though a curriculum that has changed and increased as evidenced by mandates such as the Common Core State Standards. Enhances opportunity to provide a better balance of active and quiet periods to support a developmentally appropriate environment for learning. More opportunities to spend time engaged in active, child-initiated activities. Supports individualized pacing and workshop approach. Curriculum/instructional improvement efforts will be more closely aligned with other grades. Emphasizes the process required to reach mastery of standard. Offers more opportunities to build stronger relationships- Teachers with students, teachers and parents, student to student. Deeper and more thorough exploration of concepts. More differentiation of instruction.

8 K INDERGARTEN : T HE N EED FOR T IME Kindergarten is a critical year for all children – a year of transition from preschool programs or home to their first formal schooling. It marks the start of a child’s long-term K-12 experience in our schools. It is our first opportunity to get to know each child and begin to build important foundations to facilitate learning skills that will last a lifetime.

9 A F ULL D AY IN K INDERGARTEN “inch wide, mile deep” From 450 hours of time in school to 900 hours per year!

10  8:55 – 9:05 Arrival and Morning Routines (10 min)  9:05 – 9:25 Morning Meeting (20 min)  9:25 – 10:15 Readers workshop: mini-lesson, independent read, buddy read, differentiated focus centers/small group instruction, individual conferencing and end of workshop reflection/share. (40 – 60 min)  10:15 – 10:55 Special Subject Area (40 min)  10:55 – 11:45 Writers workshop: mini-lesson, conferencing and end of workshop reflection/share (40 – 60 min)  11:45 – 12:45 Lunch and Recess (60 min)  12:45 – 1:35 Math Centers including daily mini-lesson (50 – 60 min)  1:35 – 2:05 Science/Social Studies/Health (30 min)  2:05 – 3:00 Developmental Play Centers (40 min – 60 min)  3:00 – 3:15 Closing Routines and Meeting (15 min) T YPICAL F ULL -D AY P ROGRAM

11 A full-day Kindergarten program allows teachers to be fully engaged in the social world of the classroom and be intentional in their interactions and instruction. With the many differences among—and wide age range of— kindergartners, teachers need to be responsive to developmental, individual, and cultural variation. Thoughtful, sensitive teaching promotes a joy of learning and prepares children for further academic challenges. A F INAL T HOUGHT

12 P ROJECTED E NROLLMENT BY Y EAR 20152016201720182019202020212022 ABABABABABABABAB K 2541624716242162411524115245162431524215 1 2511528717280162741627316273162771627516 2 2711525515291162841627815277152771528116 3 2771527114255142911528415278152771527715 4 3231628014274142581329415287142811428014 5 3701932116278142721425713292152851427914 6 3561837719327172831427714262132971529015 2011 114 2038 110 1947 107 1903 103 1904 103 1914 104 1937 104 1924 105 A = Number of Students Enrolled B = Number of Classes

13 K INDERGARTEN E NROLLMENT IN C HESHIRE 2013 - 2016 2013 – 2014 Projected Enrollment 222 Actual Enrollment217 Anticipated Enrollment Class Size Budg# A.I. Total 161820 2014 – 2015 = 254 + 25* = 279 Full Day Classrooms Needed = 1816 14 2015 – 2016 = 247 + 25* = 272 Full Day Classrooms Needed = 171614 (*Saint Bridget’s Factor)

14 F EASIBILITY S TUDY ReorganizationSpace Factors ReconfiguringSpace Factors Additional OptionsCost Factors

15 C LASSROOM S PACE A VAILABILITY 2014 – 2015 U PDATED 9/5/13 Darcey9existing classrooms Norton3(4) reduction in enrollment/use existing rooms (RAMS, etc) Doolittle1(2) use existing room(s) Highland6(7) reduction in enrollment/use existing rooms (RAMS, etc) Chapman 2(4) use existing rooms (RAMS, etc) Total21(26)

16 C LASSROOM S PACE A VAILABILITY /C APACITY E STIMATED TOTAL – U PDATED 9/5/13 Darcey -K9 Birth to 31 Pre-school5 Norton25 Doolittle30 Highland44 Chapman 18___________________ Total(Pre K – 6)132 K – 6 Total 126 Elementary 117

17 F EASIBILITY T ASK F ORCE R ECOMMENDED O PTION FOR F ULL D AY K INDERGARTEN IN CPS DURING THE 2014 – 2015 SCHOOL YEAR Norton K – 6 (2/3 K classes) Chapman K – 6 (2 K classes) Highland K – 6 (4 K classes at Darcey 4 at Highland) Doolittle 1 – 6 (4/5 K classes at Darcey) Darcey –K classes: 8/9 (4 Highland and 4/5 Doolittle) and B – 3/Pre-School

18 R ECOMMENDED O PTION – 2014 – 2015 UPDATED 9/5/13 Capacity 1- 6 Need K Total Norton (25)22* 2/ 3 24/ 25 Doolittle (30)29 0 29 at Darcey (5) 4/ 55 Highland (44)37 4 41 at Darcey (4)44 Chapman (18)16* 2_ 18__ Total (126)104 16 /18 122 *Increased Projection

19 E XPANDING THE O PTION 1A – Flexible Kindergarten Location Flexibility in kindergarten location based on registrations due to fluctuating enrollment. Each year the district would review kindergarten registrations based on existing school district lines and determine kindergarten location by matching enrollment with space availability. We would honor the home school concept with Darcey School being available to all students based on space needs.


21 F URTHER S TUDY : I SSUES RELATED TO THIS OPTION Do the existing classroom meet code requirements? How will lunch be served at Darcey? How will this impact transportation? What is the estimated cost?

22 D O THE EXISTING CLASSROOMS MEET CODE REQUIREMENTS ? Kindergarten (and 1 st Grade) – Basic Code Requirements Ground floor classrooms, 40-50 sq ft per student, Exit Door to Outside Good news - we believe we’ll be compliant with some minor improvements Sufficient classrooms in each elementary school? Chapman – 2 classrooms available Norton – 3 kindergarten classrooms available ? Highland – 6 classrooms available x Doolittle – 1 classrooms available Darcey – Can accommodate 9 classrooms plus cafeteria in lower level Total cost of improvements in 10 classrooms estimated at $15,000 Total cost of cafeteria addition in Darcey depends on option selected

23 H OW WILL LUNCH BE SERVED AT D ARCEY ? F OOD S ERVICES O PTIONS Option 1 – Students Bring Their Own Lunch Capital Investment - $25,000 Food Services Dept Net Budget Impact – None Option 2 – Cafeteria Services with Hot Food Prepared Offsite Capital Investment - $165,000 Food Services Dept Net Budget - $1,900 annual profit Option 3- Full Service Cafeteria Capital Investment - $250,000 Food Services Dept Net Budget - $2,300 annual loss

24 H OW WILL THIS IMPACT TRANSPORTATION ? Assumptions: Norton and Chapman Schools – Can accommodate all their local kindergarten students with buses transporting K-6 Doolittle – All kindergarten students will be transported to Darcey Highland – Will accommodate 4 classrooms of 16 students so 4 Highland kindergarten classes will be transported to Darcey. This will require flexible district lines changing year to year. Expected Transportation Impact – $100,000-$150,000 combined expense reduction from savings on fuel and Dattco costs by eliminating 8 current mid-day routes to Darcey and up to 2 bus routes overall.

25 W HAT IS THE ESTIMATED COST ? P OTENTIAL F UNDING I MPLICATIONS (B ASED ON 16 F ULL D AY K INDERGARTEN C LASSROOMS ) Start Up Costs Furniture: Tables, Chairs, etc.$75,000 Materials/Supplies$50,000 Facilities Improvements $15,000 Cafeteria at Darcey – Option #2$165,000 Total$305,000 Staffing Costs: 8 Classroom Teachers $560,000 8 Instructional Assistants$116,000 Subtotal$676,000 Cost Savings: Transportation -$125,000 Total $551,000

26 D ECLINING E NROLLMENT S AVINGS ON THE I NVESTMENT 2014 – 2015 - Add 8 Teachers 2015 – 2016 - Subtract 4 Teachers 2016 – 2017 - Subtract 3 Teachers 2017 – 2018 - Subtract 1 Teacher ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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