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The Common Core: Moving Ohio Forward Stan W. Heffner Superintendent of Public Instruction February 15, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "The Common Core: Moving Ohio Forward Stan W. Heffner Superintendent of Public Instruction February 15, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Common Core: Moving Ohio Forward Stan W. Heffner Superintendent of Public Instruction February 15, 2012

2 All Ohio Students Will Succeed

3 Building on Ohio’s Success Quality Counts Ranking Race to the Top 352 Districts Ranked Excellent or Above

4 The current system is designed for a different time. Need to Retool K-12 System

5 Learning Safety Net

6 Advanced Accelerated Proficient Basic Limited

7 Minimum Score to Pass Grade 6 Reading: 17/49 or 35%

8 Minimum Score to Pass Grade 7 Math: 16/50 or 32%

9 Advanced Accelerated Proficient Basic Limited

10 OGT Reading Minimum Score for Advanced: 79%

11 OGT Math Minimum Score for Advanced: 77%

12 National Assessment of Educational Progress NAEP results are the Nation’s Report Card

13 Are We Advanced? 42.8% 44.6% 51.7% 33.7% 9% 8% 3% 8%

14 We need to look at the system differently.

15 College and Career Ready

16 What is College Ready?

17 What is Career Ready?

18 CURRENT:  Teacher centered  Content coverage  Memorizing information  Textbook dependent  Learner centered  Learning and doing  Using information  Multiple sources of information FUTURE: Classrooms of the Future

19 Ohio Globe Theater, London

20 Revised standards are necessary to meet these challenges.

21 NEW FEATURES:  Fewer, clearer, and higher  Internationally benchmarked  An aligned model curriculum  College and career readiness  Content and skills  Coherence, focus, rigor NEW FOCUS: Standards Reflect

22 Demonstrate learning progressions across grades (Coherence) Are supported by model curricula (Rigor & Relevance) Show a reduction in the amount of content to: Be more manageable (Clarity) Promote greater depth of learning (Focus) Transition to Revised Standards

23 State Transition Timeline June 2010- July 2011 2011-2012 School Year 2012-2013 School Year 2013-2014 School Year 2014-2015 School Year Phase 1- Communication and Awareness  Statewide awareness and understanding of the new academic standards and model curriculum  Participating member in both national assessment consortia  OAA and OGT assessments aligned to the Ohio’s 2001 and 2002 academic standards  Accountability based on the OAA and OGT Phase 2 - Alignment and Refinement  Curriculum alignment to the new standards  National assessment consortia and state assessment development work  OAA and OGT assessments aligned to the Ohio’s 2001 and 2002 academic standards  Accountability based on the OAA and OGT Phase 3 - Alignment and Initial Transition  Continued alignment and initial implementation of aligned curriculum and instruction  National assessment consortia and state assessment development work  OAA and OGT assessments aligned to the Ohio’s 2001 and 2002 academic standards  Accountability based on the OAA and OGT Phase 4 - Complete Transition and Full Implementation  Implementation of local curriculum & instruction aligned to the CC and state revised standards.  National and state assessments fully operational  Accountability based on the new national- and state- level assessments Development and implementation of necessary resources and professional development for a successful transition to Ohio’s Integrated Educational System

24 Change in Practice

25 English/Literacy: Key Points Emphasize literacy in all subjects Build reading comprehension and vocabulary throughout the grades Focus on nonfiction and reading for information

26 Common Core Standards: ELA Shift in emphasis from fiction to nonfiction in reading and writing: GradeShare of Literary Content Share of Information Content 450% 845%55% 1230%70% 26

27 Mathematics: Key Points Greater emphasis on reasoning and problem solving Apply concepts and skills to new situations

28 Projection of Scores 26% 34% 25% 74% 66% 25% 32% 88% 83% 82% 80% 35%

29 Focus on their Future

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