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World Civilizations. Who are the Jesuits? Society of Jesus 1534—Ignatius of Loyola Part of the Counter-Reformation Become powerful force in Catholic Europe.

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Presentation on theme: "World Civilizations. Who are the Jesuits? Society of Jesus 1534—Ignatius of Loyola Part of the Counter-Reformation Become powerful force in Catholic Europe."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Civilizations

2 Who are the Jesuits? Society of Jesus 1534—Ignatius of Loyola Part of the Counter-Reformation Become powerful force in Catholic Europe Resentments among both secular/spiritual elements in society

3 Missions in Latin America Very controversial Seen as interfering with local colonial affairs Took unpopular positions toward native groups Territories in Paraguay were essentially self- governing Nominal Spanish control Operated on a theocratic model

4 Jesuit Missions

5 Modern Paraguay

6 Role of Politics Spanish/Portuguese in the New World Competing empires By 18 th century, both empires were in significant decline. Depend on wealth flowing from New World to support imperial policies at home. Life in colonies was very hierarchical Very clear social structure

7 Treaty of Madrid

8 Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)

9 Feudal Japan Period of considerable political instability Emperor and Shogun (Emperor’s representative) had limited power. Authority was very decentralized in hands of local warlords. Warlords employed private armies to increase power

10 Samurai Japanese warrior class Selective group—in a hierarchical society Bushido Code Way of life Samurai limited by societal requirements

11 Relationship with peasantry Lower rung of social hierarchy than samurai Taxed heavily throughout this period in Japanese history Rice tax Samurai typically paid in rice Creates resentment on both sides

12 Akira Kurosawa Tells very effective story about Japanese history Tale of social pressures and hierarchical divisions Reveals much about the social tensions in feudal Japan. Also talking about modern Japan.

13 Initial Questions about the film

14 Medieval period in Japan Time of constant warfare Feudal lords and other samurai constantly fighting Daimyos or warlords have real control in Japan. Daimyos with most samurai control most territory.

15 Who are Samurai? Military elite in Japanese society Comes from Japanese word “to serve” Aspire to rise to status of Diamyo Typical role was similar to a knight in European feudal society. Adherence to the seven virtues Morality, courage, benevolence, respect, honesty, honor, loyalty

16 Concept of Bushido Way of the warrior Emphasized role of samurai in Japanese society

17 Role of peasant farmers Backbone of Japanese society Produce food for upper classes in society Heavily exploited—high taxes Win and lose in times of instability No central administration to tax Vulnerable to attack by rogue groups of samurai

18 Relationship between samurai and farmers Mutual distrust Farmers feel heavily exploited by upper classes Unfair taxes Repressive social structure Samurai feel that farmers are cheating them Hoarding goods Not living up to obligations Lack respectability

19 Andrei Rublev Discussion of early Russian history Focus on the Eastern and Western roots of Russia Role of religion of historic and modern Russia.

20 Who was Andrei Rublev? Considered greatest of Russian medieval icon painters. Little is really known about his life other than his works. He is little more than a vehicle to carry the story forward. Reflects link between political and religious life in Russian society. Can also be used as a metaphor for modern Russia.

21 Russian history background Russians descended from a people known as the Roos—centered in Ukraine. Heavily influenced by Viking trading partnerships. Russian peoples expanded territory from 10 th to 12 th centuries, but not politically united.

22 Most powerful leader of Rus was Vladimir Received delegations from various religions hoping to convert the Russians. Vladimir choses Greek Orthodox faith Establishes ties to Byzantine Empire After Vladimir, Kiev will decline in significance.

23 Emergence of Mongol Rule (1240’s-1480) Mongol armies from East invade Russia in 1200’s. Russian cities become tribute paying territories with part of Mongol Empire known as the Golden Horde. Russia is remote from the West at this time. Time of relative peace and prosperity.

24 Russian liberation Increasingly prosperous Russian cities grow in power and influence. Led by Moscow, Mongol forces will be gradually driven out of Russia. Under leadership of Ivan the Great all of Northern Russia would be brought under Moscow’s control and the Mongols ejected.

25 Life in 15 th century Russia Short, hard and brutal.

26 Important to Understanding Film Be Patient!!! Slow pacing Watch for look at medieval Russian life. Watch more than once. This is a dense film. Don’t expect a traditional narrative More like a series of short stories held together by a common theme Be warned! Nudity and mistreatment of animals.

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