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© 2013 National Ecological Observatory Network, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THE NEON APPROACH TO DATA INGEST, CURATION, AND SHARING Christine Laney (Data.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2013 National Ecological Observatory Network, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THE NEON APPROACH TO DATA INGEST, CURATION, AND SHARING Christine Laney (Data."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2013 National Ecological Observatory Network, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THE NEON APPROACH TO DATA INGEST, CURATION, AND SHARING Christine Laney (Data Products) - Mark Brundege (Cyberinfrastructure) National Ecological Observatory Network 1

2 © 2013 National Ecological Observatory Network, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. A continental-scale ecological observatory solely funded by the NSF that: Collects and provides data on the drivers/responses of ecological change across the continent over 30 years Supports standardized methods of data collection and high investment in QA/QC Serves as an infrastructure/backbone for other experiments Develops and provides educational resources to engage communities in working with scientific open data Intro to NEON Project Timeline 2

3 © 2013 National Ecological Observatory Network, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 20 Ecoclimatic domains 20 Core sites: Located in unmanaged wildland conditions 40 Relocatable sites: Representative of human land management effects on ecosystems 36 Aquatic sites &10 colocated STREON sites: Measure changes in aquatic systems over time 3 Airborne Platforms: LiDAR, hyperspectral observations, imagery Intro to NEON: A Continental-Scale Design 3

4 © 2013 National Ecological Observatory Network, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 Generalized Terrestrial Sampling Scheme 4

5 © 2013 National Ecological Observatory Network, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Data Heterogeneity 5 Current deployment: 17 core, 17 relocatable terrestrial, and 6 aquatic sites Recent rapid addition of data products: 41 publicly available to date

6 © 2013 National Ecological Observatory Network, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Data product workflow 6 Processing: basic calibrated data will be processed using algorithms and models to produce synthetic data products that both specialist and non-specialist scientists can use to rapidly and effectively address ecological problems Supporting trust: assignment of meaningful metadata & uncertainty measures Enabling discovery: data portal, semantics

7 © 2013 National Ecological Observatory Network, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Standardized Uncertainty Quantification for each subproduct: working with internal scientists and external collaborators. Documentation: Configuration-controlled and linked science designs, engineering documents, as-built documents, protocols, algorithms, etc. that are openly available via the data portal or by request Traceability: – Science challenges  designs  implementation  data  data products – Sample management and sharing via an asset tracking system – Linkages between data products via a data product catalog Standardized Nomenclature & Metadata: – Internal: unique ID, measurement, time, location, etc. – External: Interoperability (LTER, DataONE, CZO, etc.) Supporting trust in the data 7

8 © 2013 National Ecological Observatory Network, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Data Ingest and Processing – Data Flow © Rich Niewiroski Jr. DPMS (data transitions) Raw (L0) data QA/QC (L1) data Location controller DRR (unpack messages) Queue Data Portal Database Golden Gate cdsExternalAPI PDR (Oracle) CDS server WebUI or PDA WebUI External Labs Lab ingest router Queue Validator 8

9 © 2013 National Ecological Observatory Network, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Data Product Availability Information

10 © 2013 National Ecological Observatory Network, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Oracle database NEON data should be accessible by anyone. Our audience should be able to learn about NEON’s Mission Science designs Data collection protocols Processing practices Data! To do this, we need: A user-friendly interface Credible, traceable data Robust data processing, storage, and querying systems. NEON Data Portal – (2.0 Launched May 2015) 10

11 © 2013 National Ecological Observatory Network, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NEON Data Portal – 11 Find a dataset by Date range Location (site by state or domain) Data product by theme Icons and graphics aid with identification of pertinent data Custom configure the download

12 © 2013 National Ecological Observatory Network, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NEON Data Portal – 12 DATA PACKAGE: Unique citation code for query Data files for chosen sites and time range Variable definition file Readme/manifest Requested documentation Data policy & citation info Learn more about the data product Assess a data product by availability of data for: Months Sites Parameters Available documentation (protocols, algorithms) Format Estimated download size Store a citation code to retrieve the query at a later date

13 © 2013 National Ecological Observatory Network, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. A Few Future Plans Adding more data products as sites continue to be built and commissioned. Scoping for next iteration of data portal: Will be seeking community feedback via meetings and form at Preparing for development of external API Assess usability of data packages Assess options for structured metadata Report and track metrics 13 THANKS!

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