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Chapter 8 8 Leisure and Technology Paul A. Schlag C H A P T E R.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8 8 Leisure and Technology Paul A. Schlag C H A P T E R."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8 8 Leisure and Technology Paul A. Schlag C H A P T E R

2 Learning Outcomes Understand historical and contemporary perspectives of technology and leisure. Understand technology’s impact on leisure. Consider how technology affects your leisure. Learn how technology can add to or detract from wellness. Consider how you can improve your life through appropriate use of technology during leisure.

3 Definitions 1.Applying knowledge for some useful purpose 2.The tools developed to be used in a practical manner 3.Idea technology: the concept that makes product technologies useful (e.g., the idea of an assembly line) 4.Product technology: the actual tool that brings idea technologies to life (e.g., the conveyor belt on an assembly line)

4 Past Technologies Advances and tools to make life easier Initially, technological focus is on the lower portion of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Often lead to increase in discretionary time

5 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Name some technological advances that help meet Maslow’s physiological and safety needs. (continued)

6 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (continued)

7 Historical Areas of Advancement (continued)

8 Historical Areas of Advancement (continued)

9 Influences of Technological Advancements Advancements free up time separate from tasks of daily living. Advancements provide access to leisure opportunities. Technologies become part of leisure experience (e.g., phonographs, films).

10 Contemporary Technologies What is Moore’s law? The number of transistors that can be placed on an integrated circuit doubles every 2 years. Many interpret this to mean that computing capacity doubles every 2 years.

11 People of all ages enjoy connecting to a virtual world while the real world is all around them.

12 Contemporary Activities That Affect Your Life List some contemporary activities that affect your life.

13 Does technology enhance connectedness, or is it a distraction from deeper connections?

14 Contemporary Technologies How have the technologies you listed relate to your free time, where your leisure occurs, and your leisure experiences?

15 Computer and Internet Users

16 Student Computer and Internet Activities (continued)

17 Student Computer and Internet Activities (continued)

18 Technology’s Impact on Leisure and Wellness There are those who put up with technology. There are those who wholeheartedly embrace technology for its own sake. There are those who reject technology. Which are you?

19 Leisure, Technology, and Wellness Technology affects our lives socially, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and intellectually.

20 Technology and Wellness How have these technologies affected you and society socially? Social networking sites Computers Video games Television, DVD players, surround sound Transportation

21 Physical Impacts of Technology Technology has decreased our bodily movement. –Work used to be physical. –Domestic tasks used to be more physically demanding. –Leisure was sometimes more physically demanding. (continued)

22 Physical Impacts of Technology (continued) How can technology help you feel good or bad? How have contemporary technologies affected us physically? How can technology be used to help us stay physically fit?

23 Spiritual Impacts When was the last time you considered these aspects? Where you came from Why you are here on earth What you want to accomplish Your relationship to your fellow human beings

24 Spiritual Benefits of Technology How can technology be used to help us spiritually?

25 When was the last time you pondered life’s universal questions?

26 Intellectual Development Overwhelming amount of information Determining reliability and validity of information Tapping into resources to learn (iTunes, virtual worlds, online learning resources) How can you use technology to develop intellectually?

27 Deviant Uses of Technology Technology may hinder social, emotional, physical, spiritual, and intellectual development List some technologies that could be detrimental in each of these areas. Examples: –Television –Online gambling –Pornography When does technology use become detrimental to development?

28 Technology and Leisure Plan Develop a plan to use technology during leisure for positive development in your life.

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