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LESSON 8 Spiritual Gifts. HELPS Antilepsis: relief, helpful deeds, assistance, an undertaking on behalf of another; to take, lay hold of, so as to support.

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Presentation on theme: "LESSON 8 Spiritual Gifts. HELPS Antilepsis: relief, helpful deeds, assistance, an undertaking on behalf of another; to take, lay hold of, so as to support."— Presentation transcript:

1 LESSON 8 Spiritual Gifts

2 HELPS Antilepsis: relief, helpful deeds, assistance, an undertaking on behalf of another; to take, lay hold of, so as to support. “Investing the talents they have in the life and ministry of other members of the body, thus enabling the person helped to increase the effectiveness of his or her spiritual gifts. Recipients are usually other Christians.”

3 HELPS Acts 20:35 Help the weak Luke 10:40 Help with serving Philippians 4:3 Help those who are struggling in the cause of the gospel Romans 8:26 The Spirit helps our weakness by interceding for us “One who can walk into a situation, see what needs to be done, practically, and help do it.”

4 HELPS Do you have it? Be careful to minister in God’s strength and not your own. Frustration comes when it is human strength and not God’s strength that is the force behind the helping.

5 SERVICE “diakonia” attendance (as a servant), aid, service “The special ability that God gives to certain members of the body of Christ to identify the unmet needs involved in a task related to God’s work and to make use of available resources to meet those needs and help accomplish the desired goals.” Jesus said, “Whoever wants to be great must be a servant.” Matthew 20 Angels are ministering spirits sent out to render service Heb. 1:14

6 SERVICE Hebrews 6:10 We are to minister to the saints In Context of Spiritual Gifts, People who had the gift of service: Phoebe Romans 16 John Mark Acts 13 Epaphroditus Phil. 2 Onesimus Philemon Onesiphorus 2 Timothy

7 SERVICE Service is a more specific gift, rendering service in a particular job that performs a support role. Helps is a general way of giving relief or help, whenever and wherever it’s needed. It could look like: one who comes alongside a specific person in order to render service to that believer to accomplish the task that God has given him or her to do.

8 MERCY “eleeo” – compassionate, to feel sympathy with the misery of another, and especially sympathy manifested in act. This gift is directed toward those in misery from their circumstances Heb. 2:17-18 Jesus our High Priest is our perfect example of mercy toward us in our sins Matt. 9:36 Jesus felt compassion for those in distress “splanchnizomai” – to be moved as to one’s inwards” “eleos” – pity, special and immediate regard to misery which is the consequence of sin, active pity

9 MERCY The person with the gift of mercy has the ability to feel sympathy with the misery of another person, but also the ability to assume the need of another person. “The Spirit-given ability to give practical compassion and cheerful love towards suffering members of the body of Christ. MORE than feeling: it’s action.” Examples: Feeding the hungry, caring for the sick or elderly, prison ministries, etc.

10 MERCY The responsibility of ALL believers: Luke 10 The Good Samaritan James 2:15-16 and I John 3:17 Supplying food and clothing for those who have need. Share what you have with your fellow believer Acts 2 and 4 Early church and how their needs were met by their fellow Christians Colossians 3:12-15 Forgiveness? Clothe, bear, put on… SERVE BY GOD’S STRENGTH

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