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The Hungarian Investment and Trade Agency BIBCA Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "The Hungarian Investment and Trade Agency BIBCA Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Hungarian Investment and Trade Agency BIBCA Conference

2 Introduction of the Hungarian Investment and Trade Agency

3 o Governmental agency for investment promotion and trade development o Responsible for the implementation of foreign economic strategy o Main activities: consultancy, mediation, providing information, around 500 programs yearly (trade fairs, B2B meetings, conferences, roadshows, etc) o Headquarters in Budapest, 18 regional offices throughout Hungary, 61 offices around the world o 150 employees, mainly consultants o Supervising body: Ministry for National Economy Who we are

4 Overview of our Services Investment Promotion One-stop services for foreign investors Supplier Services Enhancing business between foreign OEMs and Hungarian suppliers Trade Promotion Export development programs for Hungarian SMEs o Project management through pre-decision, implementation and operation o Information packages o Assistance in location search o Assistance in applications for governmental incentives o Intermediary body between the government and investors o Exhibitions and trade shows o Conferences, B2B meetings o Individual consulting o “Tailor- made” partner search o Trade development tenders o Seminars, workshops, trainings, SME Academy o Trainings, conferences, development programs, exhibitions o Match-making events between suppliers and OEMs o Long listing, pre-filtering and contacting Hungarian companies in demand of OEMs

5 Pre-decision Implementation Operations Tailored information packages on the economy, industrial sectors, incentives, business environment, supplier network Assistance in location search and evaluation Organisation of site visits and partner meetings Supplier search Providing information on permitting procedures Assistance in identifying incentives Intermediate Body for VIP cash incentive (preliminary information, application) Expansion assistance After care services Intermediary body between the government and the companies Supplier search Our project management services


7 Supplier Department Economic policy of the Government pays special attention to o develop the Supplying Sector (Hungarian SME’s) o support the realization of subcontracting networks o increase the number of suppliers in the manufacturing sector o help the international companies to find Hungarian subcontractors o help the potential investorsin the pre-decision phase to find Hungarian suppliers in their field of activity Instrument to reach the goal is o applying the Suppliers Development Programm o enhancing suppliers network meeting the demand of the big investors locating in Hungary

8 8 Supplier pyramid OEM Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4-5 Tier 2

9 Hungary’s major OEMs Szentgotthárd Győr Esztergom Kecskemét Tatabánya BUDAPEST Miskolc Székesfehérvár Pécs Szeged Szolnok Debrecen Nyíregyháza Hatvan Szombathely Investments [EUR m] Foundation: 1993 Products: TT Coupé/Roadster, A3 Cabriolet/Sedan Car prod. cap.: 125,000 Engine prod. cap.: 1,900,000 Employees (planned): 6,150 (8,350) Győr Foundation: 1990 Products: engines, cylinder heads, gearboxes Engine prod. cap.: 5 00,000 Employees (planned): 600 (1,000) Szentgotthárd Foundation: 2008 Products: A Class, B Class Car prod. cap.: 100,000 Employees: 3,000 Operation started in March 2012 Kecskemét Foundation: 1991 Products: Swift, Splash, SX4 Car prod. cap.: 300,000 Employees: 3,400 Esztergom

10 TIER 1 suppliers present in Hungary Szentgotthárd Győr Esztergom Kecskemét Tatabánya BUDAPEST Miskolc Székesfehérvár Pécs Szeged Szolnok Debrecen Nyíregyháza Hatvan Szombathely Central Transdanubia Central Hungary Southern Transdanubia Northern Great Plain Southern Great Plain Western Transdanubia Northern HungaryTata Vác Békéscsaba Orosháza Veszprém Eger Balassagyarmat Rácalmás

11 AFLKarsai Plast Ajkai ElektronikaKirchhoff Albert WeberLé Belier AlcoaLear Asahi GlassMagyarmet BakonyMichels BentelerMusashi Borg WarnerPlasticor BournsPlastimat BridgestoneRába Continental TevesSCI Sanmina DensoSEWS Diamond ElectricSuoftec Euro ExcedyToyo Seat GediaU-Shin GestampValeo HammersteinVideoton HankookVisteon ITW SiewerWescast ArcelorGM Powertrain AutolivGyőri Plast B.O.S.Hirschler BPW RábaKravtex DanaMagna Steyr DekorsyNemak Delphi PackardRába EdagRekard Produkt EMTSchaeffler AG ErbslöhSemperform Euro ExedySyncreon Euro ElzettVeritas EyblSMR Automotive Federal MogulVogel und Noot Arvin MeritorFESTOSchwarzmüller AVLGE LightingSiemens VDO CascadeHokushinTauril ClarionIbidenThyssenKrupp Continental CatalystLearToyo Seat Continental TemicMGMVogel Sitze ContiTechMichelinWebasto DraexlmaierMono-IpolyfabricZollner EMTNABI Excel CsepelPEMÜ Central Transdanubia Western Transdanubia Ada-CastFirth Rixson Akzo-Nobel CoatingGanz Foundry ARRKGibbs BoschHi-Lex Delphi-CalsonicKnaus Tabbert Delta-TechKovács ExirLear Leoni Mitsuba Modine Prec-Cast Remy Saia-Burgess Salgglas Shinwa Stanley Electric Starter Battery Technoplast ZF BHG CabTec Ratipur Interplus Continental PhoenixGuardian Csaba MetálKaloplastic EckerleKnorr-Bremse EmikaKunplast HirschmannLinamar Kurz PlastThyssenKrupp Caroflex Carrier Transicold Eagle Ottawa Eismann EMCON Technologies/ Arvin Meritor Euroszol F.Segura Hajdu Autó Hübner Isringhausen Lé Belier Michelin Nief Phoenix Schaeffler AG Central Hungary Southern Transdanubia Southern Great Plain Northern Great Plain Northern Hungary More than 600 suppliers!

12 Strong presence of multinational companies Major firms of the electronics industry Budapest

13 HITA - Hungarian Investment and Trade Agency Network of the Supplier Programme Supplier Programme FinancingProjectsServices Suppliers Credit Support Programmes Suppliers Network Suppliers Club Qualyfied Supplier Database Suppliers Conferences Training and Coaching Suppliers Competence Centre Suppliers’ e-market Development Capital

14 Finance o assisting and supporting the Investor’s communication in order to achieve the in-house Individual Government Decision o assisting, intermediating between the Partner and governmental funding & controlling organs (National Development Agency, Hungarian Economic Development Centre, Hungarian Development Bank, Eximbank, etc.) o Supplier Development Subsidy in cooperation with the National Development Agency

15 Networking o organizing business seminars o organizing conferences o shows & exhibitions o match-making meetings

16 Services o Regular personal meetings with management for setting up and reviewing supply strategy and project plan o Longlisting business contacts about possible Hungarian suppliers o Parametering the possible Hungarian suppliers o Prefiltering business contacts for the OEMs o Shortlist business contacts to maximize the chance of the successful cooperation

17 Services II o Match-making between the OEM and the suppliers o Business seminar, Conference, Supplier Day, Shows & Exhibitions o On request establishing business relationship o On request consultancy with other governmental organs o Follow-up meetings o Building interactive supplier database and e-market service

18 BENEFITS o more comprehensive market knowledge in Hungary with better screening of Hungarian Supplier market o HITA helps in intermediating with the companies, which means easier communication, better links o parallel support for the purchaser and supplier which means greater competitive edge via lower cost of projects o lower logistic costs o governmental repute for the interest to use Hungarian suppliers o wide repute in the Hungarian business and private community

19 Beside the governmental help Supplier Programme can support the enhance of efficient processes and activities with the tool of intermediating in: o energy saving programmes (government) o common purchase activities o non-regular supply – supply in the construction phase of the investments o facility management


21 How to be successful in longher term o Keep providing high quality products o Take an active part in technical development o Competitive prices and price cuts on a continuous basis o High quality and low cost labour o Continuous infrastructure development o Development and application of top technologies

22 Thank you for your attention! For further information, please contact: Hungarian Investment and Trade Agency (HITA)

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