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COMMON CORE LEARNING STANDARDS PK-2 Core Knowledge Overview December 2012.

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1 COMMON CORE LEARNING STANDARDS PK-2 Core Knowledge Overview December 2012

2 Adopt, Adapt or Align Alternatively  Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water.  Ask questions:  How can we hang on to the structures that we use (that are helping students to progress) and still meet the CCLS criteria?  How can we adapt and use Core Knowledge’s approach in our own context?  What do we absolutely HAVE to put into practice to meet the expectations of the CCLS?

3 CCLS and Core Knowledge Goals  To provide a curricular option that is CCLS aligned and that minimizes the achievement gap  The achievement gap (kids on free and reduced lunch vs. those who are not) has existed for over 60 years and there is currently not a commercial program available that is fully common core aligned.  To get students to a place where they can “read to learn” by the beginning of 3 rd grade.  If our students leave 2 nd grade and are not reading proficiently, it becomes harder and harder for them to catch up. Research is showing (Hernandez, DJ. 2011) that there is a 90% correlation between FALL of 3 rd grade testing data and drop-out rates.

4 What does it take?  Decoding  Fluency  Syntax  Vocabulary  Background Knowledge  Engagement and Choice  We have to address all of these with equity if we are to erase the achievement gap. How do we do it all? How do we do it for ALL kids?

5 Components of a Comprehensive ELA Program- Core Knowledge’s Approach Foundational Skills  Decoding and Automaticity  Student readers leveled by spelling pattern (decodable texts) Listening and Learning  Read Aloud  Shared Interactive Reading  Covers content from science, social studies and the arts Guided Reading Accountable Independent Reading (GRAIR)

6 Engage NY Website Walk   Common Core link  Common Core Implementation Resources  NYS Curriculum Modules  Draft Curricular Maps  Click on your grade level  Downloadable Resources: Maps for both Skills and Listening & Learning strands

7 Reflections & Next Steps *What are your reflections and/or questions after learning a bit about Core Knowledge’s approach to the Common Core Learning Standards? *My reflections after attending the NYSED Common Core training. Next Up: Exploring Core Knowledge’s Listening and Learning Approach

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